
People in Poland often make their own vodkas using rectified spirit for medicinal purposes. My grandma Ziuta always had Orzechówka (a bitter-tasting nut vodka) on hand, which she used to treat stomach complaints with. You can easily infuse ordinary vodka with spices and I’ve found that this cardamom infusion is particularly lovely. Add some cardamom pods to a bottle of vodka, seal it and leave it at room temperature (turning the bottle once a day). Within four or five days the cardamom flavour will have developed, but I like to leave it even longer – a week or two – before using it in this cocktail. {Serves 1}

50 g (1¾ oz) good-quality dark chocolate

50 ml (2 fl oz/scant ¼ cup) single (light) cream

large pinch of ground cinnamon, plus extra to serve

100 ml (3½ fl oz/scant ½ cup) cardamom-infused vodka (see method above)

Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set over a pan of gently simmering water, making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water. As soon as it has melted remove from the heat and whisk in the cream and cinnamon.

Allow to cool completely before shaking it in a cocktail shaker with the vodka over ice, then pour it into a martini glass. Alternatively, shake in a jam jar and strain into a glass.

Sprinkle over a little more ground cinnamon before serving.