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Le Grand, 48

Grilled Breast of Chicken with Provençal Vegetables and, 29–30

Anchovy(ies), 4–10

Hollandaise, Spinach Mousse with, 196

Jeremiah Tower’s Montpellier Butter, 6

Old-Fashioned Egg Sauce, 6–7

and Onion Tarts, 8–10

Roast Leg of Lamb with Garlic, Rosemary and, 115

and Rosemary Butter, Grilled Veal Kidneys with, 109–10

Rouille, 175

Rowley’s Vinaigrette of Red Peppers and, 151

Salade Niçoise, 7–8


Salade Niçoise, 7–8

and Scallop Soup, 188–89

Asparagus, 11–15

Délices d’Argenteuil, 13–14

Grilled, with Parmesan, 14–15

Soup, 13

Bacon, 154–55

Oeufs en Meurette, 82–83

Piperade, 82

Roasted Leg of Rabbit with a Mustard Sauce and, 171–72

Roast Squab with Braised Lettuce, Peas and, 199

Salade Frisée aux Lardons, 83–84

Bareham, Lindsey, 146, 161, 214


Chilled Pimiento Soup with, 153

Cream Sauce, Roast Best End of Lamb with Eggplant and, 117–18

Grilled Eggplant with a Dressing of Olive Oil, Garlic and, 75

Grilled Eggplant with Pesto, 78

Potato, and Tomato Soup, 165–66

Tomato and Pesto Tarts, 213–14

Bertolli, Paul, 156

Bilson, Gay, 69, 91, 150, 167

Parsley Salad, 145–46

Blanc, Georges, 30, 127

Brains, Calves’, 16–21

Cervelles au Beurre Noir, 18–19

Deep-Fried, with Sauce Gribiche, 20–21

Gratin of, with Sorrel, 18

Salad of, with Sauce Ravigote, 19–20

Sauté of, with Cilantro, Chillies, Ginger, and Garlic, 21

Bread and Butter Pudding, 68–69


Jeremiah Tower’s Montpellier, 6

Rosemary and Anchovy, Grilled Veal Kidneys with, 109–10

Snail, 96

Cabbage, Roasted Lambs’ Kidneys with Mustard Dressing and, 109

Capers, Warm Hake with Thinned Mayonnaise and, 104


Crème Brûlée, 62–63

Crème Renversée à l’Orange, 69–70

Ice Cream, 64–65

Carey, Charles, 75

Casas, Penelope, 217

Cèpe(s), 22–25

and Potato Broth, 25

Tarts, 24

Champeau, Yves, 87, 88, 92, 203


Creamed Goat’s, Baked New Garlic with, 94

Endives au Gratin, 89–90

See also Parmesan

Chicken, 26–33

Grilled Breast of, with Provençal Vegetables and Aïoli, 29–30

Poulet Poché à la Crème with Crêpes Parmentier, 30–32

Poulet Sauté au Vinaigre, 32–33

Roast, 28


Green Paste, 43

Grilled Red Onion Relish, 135–36

Salsa, 43–44

Sauté of Calves’ Brains with Cilantro, Ginger, Garlic and, 21

Vinegared Eggplant with Spring Onion and, 79

Chocolate, 34–40

Bavarois, 39

Milk, Malt Ice Cream, 37

Petit Pot au Chocolat, 39–40

Pithiviers, 38–39

Saint-Émilion au Chocolat, 36–37

Tart, 36

Cilantro, 41–46

and Coconut Soup, 45–46

Dipping Sauce, 45

Green Paste, 43

Marinated and Grilled Lamb Cutlets with Hummus, Olive Oil and, 115–17

Oriental Salad, 44–45

Pimiento Salsa, 149–50

Salsa, 43–44

Sauté of Calves’ Brains with Chillies, Ginger, Garlic and, 21

Coconut and Cilantro Soup, 45–46

Cod, 47–53

Brandade de Morue, 52–53

Deep-Fried, 50–51

Le Grand Aïoli, 48

Poached, with Lentils and Salsa Verde, 49–50

Poached, with Pickled Vegetable Relish, 51–52

Conran, Terence, 167

Cost, Bruce, 79

Costa, Margaret, 66–67, 188

Coulson, Francis, 62

Strawberry Pots de Crème, 61

Crab, 54–57

Tart, 57

Vinaigrette with Herbs, 56

Crackers, Crisp Parmesan, 142

Cream, 58–65

Braised Rabbit with White Wine, Shallots, Rosemary and, 169

Caramel Ice Cream, 64–65

Crema Catalana, 71

Crème Brûlée, 62–63

Crème Chantilly, 60

Eggplant Baked with Herbs and, 77–78

Francis Coulson’s Strawberry Pots de Crème, 61

Fruit Fool, 60–61

Leeks with Mint and, 122

Milk Chocolate Malt Ice Cream, 37

Rice Pudding, 63–64

Saffron Dressing, 176

Sauce, Basil, Roast Best End of Lamb with Eggplant and, 117–18

Smoked Haddock Baked with Potatoes and, 191

Vanilla Ice Cream, 65

Crêpes Parmentier:

Duck Livers, and Onion Marmalade, 127–28

Poulet Poché à la Crème with, 30–32

Croûtons, Parmesan, Garlic and Sorrel Soup with, 96–97

Cucumber, Pickled, Poached Salmon with Hollandaise Sauce and, 183–84

Currants, Salmon in Pastry with Ginger and, 180

Curried Smoked Haddock Soup, 192–93

Custard, 66–72

Bread and Butter Pudding, 68–69

Crema Catalana, 71

Crème Brûlée, 62–63

Crème Renversée à l’Orange, 69–70

Francis Coulson’s Strawberry Pots de Crème, 61

Lemon Surprise Pudding, 68

Orange Mousse, 72

Passion Fruit Bavarois, 71–72

Sauce, 70

David, Elizabeth, 5, 36, 60, 76, 113, 129, 130, 148, 156, 179

Dipping Sauce, 45

Rouille, 175

Dumplings, Spinach, 196–97

Egg(s), 81–86

Délices d’Argenteuil, 13–14

Florentine, 84–85

Lacy’s Oeufs en Cocotte, 85–86

Oeufs en Meurette, 82–83

Omelette Arnold Bennett, 191–92

Piperade, 82

Salade Frisée aux Lardons, 83–84

Salade Niçoise, 7–8

Sauce, Old-Fashioned, 6–7

Eggplant, 73–80

Baked with Herbs and Cream, 77–78

Creamed, 77

Grilled, with a Dressing of Olive Oil, Garlic, and Basil, 75

Grilled, with Pesto, 78

Grilled, with Sesame, 79–80

Grilled Breast of Chicken with Provençal Vegetables and Aïoli, 29–30

Roast Best End of Lamb with Basil Cream Sauce and, 117–18

Roulade of Peppers and, 150

Salad, Spiced, 76–77

Vinegared, with Chilli and Spring Onion, 79

Endive(s), 87–91

Braised, 89

Creamed, 90

au Gratin, 89–90

Pickled, 91

Fennel, Grilled Salmon, and Sauce Verte Salad, 182–83

Fool, Fruit, 60–61

Frisée, Salade aux Lardons, 83–84

Fritters, Parmesan, 141–42

Fruit Fool, 60–61

Garlic, 92–97

Baked New, with Creamed Goat’s Cheese, 94

Cold Spinach with Crème Fraîche, Black Pepper and, 197

Deep-Fried, 94–95

Grilled Eggplant with a Dressing of Olive Oil, Basil and, 75

Purée and Sauce, 95–96

Roast Leg of Lamb with Anchovy, Rosemary and, 115

Roast Potatoes with Olive Oil, Rosemary and, 163

Sauté of Calves’ Brains with Cilantro, Chillies, Ginger and, 21

Slow-Braised Belly Pork with Soy, Ginger and, 158–59

Snail Butter, 96

and Sorrel Soup with Parmesan Croûtons, 96–97


Salmon in Pastry with Currants and, 180

Sauté of Calves’ Brains with Cilantro, Chillies, Garlic and, 21

Slow-Braised Belly Pork with Soy, Garlic and, 158–59

Girardet, Frédy, 131

Glaze, Meat, 204–5


of Brains with Sorrel, 18

Endive au, 89–90

Green Paste, 43

Deep-Fried Tripe with, 218–19

Greens, Warm Wilted, Prosciutto with, 156–57

Grigson, Jane, 223

Grouse, 98–101

Roast, with Bread Sauce and Game Crumbs, 99–100

Soup, 101

Guérard, Michel, 32, 127

Haddock. See Smoked Haddock

Hake, 102–6

Basque Chiorro, 105–6

Fillet of, with Herb Crust, 105

Warm, with Thinned Mayonnaise and Capers, 104


Boiled, a Sauce to Serve with, 156

Endives au Gratin, 89–90

See also Prosciutto

Hummus, Marinated and Grilled Lamb Cutlets with Olive Oil, Cilantro and, 115–17

Ice Cream:

Caramel, 64–65

Milk Chocolate Malt, 37

Vanilla, 65

Kidneys, 107–11

Grilled Veal, with Rosemary and Anchovy Butter, 109–10

Roasted Lambs’, with Cabbage and Mustard Dressing, 109

Sauté of Veal, with Shallots, Sage, and Beurre Noisette, 110–11

Koffman, Pierre, 199

Lacy’s, 66–67

Oeufs en Cocotte, 85–86

Lamb, 112–18

Breast of, Ste-Ménéhould, 114

Marinated and Grilled Cutlets with Hummus, Olive Oil, and Cilantro, 115–17

Roast Best End of, with Eggplant and Basil Cream Sauce, 117–18

Roast Leg of, with Anchovy, Garlic, and Rosemary, 115

Sweetbreads, Blanquette of, 210–11

Leek(s), 119–23

with Cream and Mint, 122

Parsley Soup, 146–47

Tart, 121–22

Vichyssoise, 122–23

Vinaigrette, 121

Leigh, Rowley, 151

Vinaigrette of Red Peppers and Anchovy, 151

Lemon Surprise Pudding, 68


Petit Salé aux Lentilles, 159–60

Poached Cod with Salsa Verde and, 49–50

Lettuce, Braised, Roast Squab with Peas, Bacon and, 199

Liver(s), 124–28

Calves’, Venetian Style, 125

Duck, Crêpes Parmentier, and Onion Marmalade, 127–28

Poultry, Richard Olney’s Terrine of, 125–27

Madison, Deborah, 165

Marfell, John, 119

Meat Glaze, 204–5


Leeks with Cream and, 122

Pimiento Salsa, 149–50

Molyneux, Joyce, 16–17


Orange, 72

Spinach, with Anchovy Hollandaise, 196


Blanquette of Lamb’s Sweetbreads, 210–11

Oeufs en Meurette, 82–83

Ris de Veau aux Morilles, 208–9

See also Cèpe

Mussels, Saffron Soup with, 176–77


Dressing, Roasted Lambs’ Kidneys with Cabbage and, 109

Sauce, Roasted Leg of Rabbit with Bacon and, 171–72

Olive Oil, 129–32

Grilled Eggplant with a Dressing of Garlic, Basil and, 75

Marinated and Grilled Lamb Cutlets with Hummus, Cilantro and, 115–17

Mashed Potatoes, 131

Roast Potatoes with Rosemary, Garlic and, 163

Sauce Vièrge, 131–32

Vinaigrette, 132

Olney, Richard, 125–26

Terrine of Poultry Livers, 125–27

Onion(s), 133–38

and Anchovy Tarts, 8–10

Blanquette of Lamb’s Sweetbreads, 210–11

Creamed, with Rosemary, 137

Grilled Red, Relish, 135–36

Marmalade, Duck Livers and Crêpes Parmentier with, 127–28

Piperade, 82

Roast, 135

Soup, 137–38

Spring, Vinegared Eggplant with Chilli and, 79

Tart, 136–37


Crème Renversée à l’Orange, 69–70

Mousse, 72

Parmesan, 139–42

Crackers, Crisp, 142

Croûtons, Garlic and Sorrel Soup with, 96–97

Fritters, 141–42

Grilled Asparagus with, 14–15

Parsley, 143–47

Potato Purée with, 145

Salad, Gay Bilson’s, 145–46

Soup, 146–47

Parsnip Purée, Stewed Rabbit with Balsamic Vinegar and, 170

Passion Fruit Bavarois, 71–72


Salmon in, with Currants and Ginger, 180

See also Tarts

Peas, Roast Squab with Braised Lettuce, Bacon and, 199

Pepper(s), 148–53

Chilled Pimiento Soup with Basil, 153

Gazpacho, 152–53

Grilled Breast of Chicken with Provençal Vegetables and Aïoli, 29–30

Piedmontese, 149

Pimiento Salsa, 149–50

Piperade, 82

Red, Rowley’s Vinaigrette of Anchovy and, 151

Red, Tart, 151–52

Roulade of Eggplant and, 150

Perry-Smith, George, 36, 119, 179


Grilled Eggplant with, 78

and Tomato Tarts, 213–14

Pomiane, Edouard de, 213

Pork, 154–55

Petit Salé aux Lentilles, 159–60

Slow-Braised Belly, with Soy, Ginger, and Garlic, 158–59

Terrine, Old-Fashioned, 157–58

See also Bacon; Ham

Potato(es), 161–66

Blanquette of Lamb’s Sweetbreads, 210–11

Cakes, 163–64

and Cèpe Broth, 25

French Fries, 164

Olive Oil Mashed, 131

Purée with Parsley, 145

Roast, with Olive Oil, Rosemary, and Garlic, 163

Saffron Mashed, 175

Salad, 165

Salade Niçoise, 7–8

Smoked Haddock Baked with Cream and, 191

Tomato, and Basil Soup, 165–66

Vichyssoise, 122–23


Délices d’Argenteuil, 13–14

Saltimbocca alla Romana, 222–23

with Warm Wilted Greens, 156–57

Puck, Wolfgang, 37


Bread and Butter, 68–69

Lemon Surprise, 68

Rice, 63–64

See also Custard

Rabbit, 167–72

Braised, with White Wine, Shallots, Rosemary, and Cream, 169

Roasted Leg of, with Bacon and a Mustard Sauce, 171–72

Stewed, with Balsamic Vinegar and Parsnip Purée, 170

Terrine, 170–71

Rice Pudding, 63–64


and Anchovy Butter, Grilled Veal Kidneys with, 109–10

Braised Rabbit with White Wine, Shallots, Cream and, 169

Creamed Onions with, 137

Roast Leg of Lamb with Anchovy, Garlic and, 115

Roast Potatoes with Olive Oil, Garlic and, 163

Saffron, 173–77

Cream Dressing, 176

Mashed Potatoes, 175

Rouille, 175

Soup with Mussels, 176–77

Sage, Sauté of Veal Kidneys with Shallots, Beurre Noisette and, 110–11


Calves’ Brains with Sauce Ravigote, 19–20

Frisée aux Lardons, 83–84

Gay Bilson’s Parsley, 145–46

Grilled Salmon, Sauce Verte, and Fennel, 182–83

Niçoise, 7–8

Oriental, 44–45

Potato, 165

Spiced Eggplant, 76–77

Salmon, 178–84

Ceviche of, 184

Grilled, Sauce Verte, and Fennel Salad, 182–83

in Pastry with Currants and Ginger, 180

Poached, Hollandaise Sauce, and Pickled Cucumber, 183–84

Poached, with Beurre Blanc, 180–82

Salsa, 43–44

Ceviche of Salmon, 184

Pimiento, 149–50

Verde, Poached Cod with Lentils and, 49–50


Aïoli, 29–30

Basil Cream, 117–18

Béarnaise, 85–86

Béchamel, 89–90

Bread, 99–100

Custard, 70

Dipping, 45

Garlic, 95–96

Gribiche, 20–21

Hollandaise, 183–84, 196

Madeira, 223–25

Mustard, 171–72

Old-Fashioned Egg, 6–7

Ravigote, 19–20

Rouille, 175

Saffron Cream Dressing, 176

to Serve with Boiled Ham, 156

Tartar, 209–10

Verte, 182–83

Vièrge, 131–32

Scallop(s), 185–89

and Artichoke Soup, 188–89

Bercy, 187–88

Sauté Provençal, 187

Sesame, Grilled Eggplant with, 79–80


Braised Rabbit with White Wine, Rosemary, Cream and, 169

Grilled Squab with Sherry Vinegar, Walnut Oil and, 199–200

Sauté of Veal Kidneys with Sage, Beurre Noisette and, 110–11

Shepherd, Richard, 194

Silverton, Nancy, 37

Smoked Haddock, 190–93

Baked with Potatoes and Cream, 191

Omelette Arnold Bennett, 191–92

Soup, Curried, 192–93

Snail Butter, 96


and Garlic Soup with Parmesan Croûtons, 96–97

Gratin of Brains with, 18


Asparagus, 13

Cèpe and Potato Broth, 25

Chilled Pimiento, with Basil, 153

Cilantro and Coconut, 45–46

Curried Smoked Haddock, 192–93

Garlic and Sorrel, with Parmesan Croûtons, 96–97

Gazpacho, 152–53

Grouse, 101

Onion, 137–38

Pappa al Pomodoro, 214

Parsley, 146–47

Potato, Tomato, and Basil, 165–66

Saffron, with Mussels, 176–77

Scallop and Artichoke, 188–89

Spinach, 194–97

Cold, with Crème Fraîche, Garlic, and Black Pepper, 197

Dumplings, 196–97

Eggs Florentine, 84–85

Mousse with Anchovy Hollandaise, 196

Spry, Constance, 105

Squab, 198–200

Grilled, with Shallots, Sherry Vinegar, and Walnut Oil, 199–200

Roast, with Braised Lettuce, Peas, and Bacon, 199

Steak, 201–5

Meat Glaze, 204–5

au Poivre, 203

Stein, Ricky, 54

Strawberry Pots de Crème, Francis Coulson’s, 61

Sweetbreads, 206–11

Blanquette of Lamb’s, 210–11

Breadcrumbed Veal, with Tartar Sauce, 209–10

Ris de Veau aux Morilles, 208–9


Anchovy and Onion, 8–10

Cèpe, 24

Chocolate, 36

Crab, 57

Leek, 121–22

Onion, 136–37

Red Pepper, 151–52

Tomato and Pesto, 213–14

Taruschio, Franco, 23, 148

Tomato(es), 212–14

Ceviche of Salmon, 184

Crab Tart, 57

Creamed, on Toast, 213

Eggplant Baked with Herbs and Cream, 77–78

Gazpacho, 152–53

Pappa al Pomodoro, 214

and Pesto Tarts, 213–14

Pimiento Salsa, 149–50

Piperade, 82

Potato, and Basil Soup, 165–66

Salade Niçoise, 7–8

Salsa, 43–44

Sauce Vièrge, 131–32

Scallops Sauté Provençal, 187

Spiced Eggplant Salad, 76–77

Tower, Jeremiah, 5

Montpellier Butter, 6

Tripe(s), 215–19

Deep-Fried, with Green Paste, 218–19

à la Lyonnaise, 217

Madrid-Style (Callos a la Madrilena), 217–18

Vanilla Ice Cream, 65

Veal, 220–25

Roast Shin of, 222

Salted Calves’ Tongue with Madeira Sauce, 223–25

Saltimbocca alla Romana, 222–23

Veal Sweetbreads:

Breadcrumbed, with Tartar Sauce, 209–10

Ris de Veau aux Morilles, 208–9

Vinaigrette, 132

Crab, with Herbs, 56

Leeks, 121

Rowley’s, of Red Peppers and Anchovy, 151

Waters, Alice, 93, 156