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Acton, Harold
Nancy Mitford
The Soul’s Gymnasium
Alsop, Mary; her biography of Lady Sackville
Amiot, Alice
Angier, Carole
Archdale, Mary; marries Ralph Grimthorpe, 98; divorces him
Asquith, Cynthia; her description of Désiré Defauw
Balfour, Arthur
Beckett, Christopher (fourth Lord Grimthorpe)
Beckett, Edmund (first Lord Grimthorpe); dying without marmalade
Beckett, Ernest (second Lord Grimthorpe); description of Rodin; engagement to Eve; buys the Villa Cimbrone; born; at Eton and Cambridge; as ‘London’s greatest lover’; in Rome; meets Luie there; and marries her in London; with her in New York; elected MP for Whitby; his political speeches; meets José in Rome; their affaire; their son; meets Alice Keppel; their daughter Violet; travels round the world; re-enters politics, ; raised to the peerage; sells his houses and leaves Beckett’s Bank; photographed there; contribution to Eve’s Book; makes his Will; dies of tuberculosis; letters to The Times; letters to Winston Churchill; letters to Rodin; letters to his mother; letters to Eve
Beckett, Gervase (Ernest’s brother); takes Ernest’s place as MP for Whitby; his mistress and son
Beckett, Helen (Ernest’s mother) letters to Ernest
Beckett, Lucy (Ernest’s wife) see Lee
Beckett, Lucy Katherine (‘Lucille’, Ernest’s daughter); born; marries Count Otto Czernin; and La Rondinaia; letters to Ernest; letters to Eve,
Beckett, [Helen] Muriel (Ernest’s younger daughter); born; dies of tuberculosis
Beckett, Ralph (third Lord Grimthorpe); born
Beckett, Rupert (Ernest’s brother)
Beckett, Violet (Ernest’s sister); illness and death
Beckett, William (Ernest’s father, also known as Denison); changes his name; a mysterious journey; ‘cut to pieces’; funeral
Berenson, Bernard
Bernadocki [Bernadotti], Madame; her Pygmalion-like beauty
Berners, Gerald (fourteenth Baron Berners, previously Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson)
Betjeman, John
Beuret, Rose
Blanche, Jacques-Emile
Bohn, Margaret
Brett, Dorothy
Brewster, Achsah; description of the Villa Cimbrone; and of Florence Green
Brewster, Earl
Brink, José; acts in A Woman of No Importance; meets and marries Joseph Dale Lace; in love with Ernest; gives birth to a son; marries Joseph Dale again; meets Edward VII
Brink, Josephine Cornelia
Browning, Elizabeth, Barrett
Butler, Ruth; her biography of Rodin
Callil, Carmen
Cheruy, René
Churchill, Lord Randolph; forms the Fourth Party; resigns; his influence on Ernest; death
Churchill, Winston
Cimbrone, the Villa
Colette, Sidonie Gabrielle
Colston-Baynes, Doreen
Connolly, Cyril
The Rock Pool
The Unquiet Grave (Palinurus)
Coolidge, Susan; What Katy Did and
What Katy Did Next
Cooper, Lady Diana; gives Eve Her Book; gives Violet money and a party in Paris
Cooper, Duff (first Viscount Norwich); sees Violet naked
Crisp, Quentin; as Queen Elizabeth I
Crossart, Michael de
Dale Lace, José; see Brink, José
Dale Lace, Lancelot Ernest Cecil (Ernest Beckett’s son); born; M.C. R.I.P.
Dansey, Pat; described in Don’t Look Round; as Nancy in Tandem
Defauw, Désiré
Defauw, John
Defauw, John junior
Dodsworth, Charles
Drabble, Margaret, see Holroyd, Margaret
Duntreath Castle
Eden, Anthony
Eden, Beatrice
Eden, William; letters to Eve
Edward VII (Prince of Wales)
Enthoven, Gabriel
Fairfax, Bryan (Eve’s younger brother); his bequest to Eve; helps Eve to sell Rodin’s bust
Fairfax, Eve (Constance); childhood; her cricket; presented at court; Rodin’s bust of her; Her Book; her letters to Rodin; bankrupt; her engagement to Ernest; in Yorkshire Pageant Plays; as Francie in Violet Trefusis’s Pirates at Play; her son; her hundredth birthday; at the Retreat; death; The Times obituary; love letters from admirers
Fairfax, Evelyn Selina (née Milner, Eve’s mother), brilliant horsewoman; dislike of her daughter; in bed with a piece of string; death
Fairfax, Guy (Eve’s elder brother)
Fairfax, Thomas Ferdinand (Eve’s father); life and death
Forster, E. M.
‘The Story of a Panic’
Gladstone, William Ewart
Glendinning, Victoria
Green, Florence
Greene Graham; reviews Tandem
Grimthorpe, see Beckett
Grosvenor, Rosamund; as Fru Thyregod in Challenge
Grunfeld, Frederic V.; biography of Rodin
Hare, Marion J.
Harris, Frank; ‘pregnant’ at the Villa Cimbrone
Hart-Davis, Rupert
Hart-Davis, Sybil
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The Marble Fawn
Holroyd, Margaret
Holroyd, Michael; meets Catherine Till; finds Eve’s Book; a dream; travels to Italy; at the Villa Cimbrone; meets Gore Vidal; meets Joanna Mourdant Vickers ; research, health and safety ; with Tiziana Masucci; throws up his hands
Basil Street Blues
Lytton Strachey
Hughes, Edward; his portrait of Luie and her two daughters
Jacob, Max
James, Henry
James, Serena
Johannesburg Art Gallery,
Jong, Erica; at La Rondinaia
José, see Brink
Jullian, Philippe
Kahan, Sylvia
Keppel, Alice; her relationship with Ernest; gives birth to Violet; her affaire with the Prince of Wales; as Romola Cheyne in The Edwardians; her influence on Violet; leaves Britain for Italy; an ‘old sad Mor’; death in Florence; given a new life in Don’t Look Round
Keppel, George
Keppel, Sonia (later Mrs Roland Cubitt); as Marguerite in Tandem; separated from her husband
Keppel, Violet, see Trefusis, Violet
Keynes, Maynard John
Kirkstall Grange
Lace, Joseph John (aka Dale Lace); meets and marries José; with and without her; sues for divorce; marries her again
Lamont-Brown, Raymond
Landry, Judith
Lawrence, D. H.; at Cimbrone; letters to Koteliansky; letters to Richard Aldington
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lee, Lucy Tracy (‘Luie’, Ernest Beckett’s wife); her childhood and adolescence in the United States; appearance; travels to France and England; to Europe and North Africa; ‘La Belle Americaine’; meets Ernest in Rome; marries him in London; honeymoon on the Isle of Wight; has two daughters; miscarriage; pregnant; gives birth to a son and dies; letters to Ernest
Lees-Milne, Alvilde
Lees-Milne, James
Lehmann, Rosamond; Invitation to the Waltz
Lycett Green, Angela (née Courage, later Grimthorpe)
Lycett Green, David
Lycett Green, Rupert
Manners, Lady Diana, see Cooper
Marsh, Edward
Marvell, Andrew
Masucci, Tiziana; makes her appearance at Ravello; her exhibition at Cimbrone; in London at Charleston; her commitment to Violet; on Pirates at Play
Maugham, Somerset
McVicker, Henry
Mitford, Nancy
Love in a Cold Climate
Mitterrand, François
Molyneux, Edward
Montenaeken, Leon
Moore, George
Mordaunt and Milner families
Morgan, J.
Mortimer, Penelope
Mortimer, Raymond
Mourdant (Vickers), Joanna
Mourdant, John Francis
Nicolson, Adam
Sissinghurst: An Unfinished History
Nicolson, Harold; letters to Vita; death
Some People
Nicolson, Nigel
Portrait of a Marriage (with Vita Sackville-West)
Long Life
Nun Appleton
O’Farrell, Suzanne; her brilliance
Painter, George
Parnell, Charles, Stewart
Pétain, Philippe
Phillips, John
Phillips, Florence
Polignac, Winnaretta, Princesse de (née Singer); meets Violet; described in Don’t Look Round; relationship with Violet; letter to Violet
Potter, Sally
Prometheus Unbound (Shelley)
Proust, Marcel
Quennell, Peter
Customs and Characters
Rammarione, Gabriella
Reynaud, Paul
Robinson, Hercules
Robinson, Lady (Nea); her advice to José
Rodin, Auguste; busts of Eve Fairfax; and of Lady Sackville; Saint Jean-Baptiste prêchant; The Thinker; correspondence with Eve Fairfax
Rose, Norman
Rubinstein, Arthur
Ruiz, Valerio
Rushdie, Salman
Sackville, Victoria, Lady; the Rodin bust of her; on Challenge; in Don’t Look Round; as Lord Shorne’s mother in Broderie Anglaise; relationship with Vita
Sackville-West, Vita; in Don’t Look Round, relationship with her mother; with Rosamund Grosvenor, ; meets Violet; their love; as Lord Shorne in Broderie Anglaise; last meeting with Violet; death; letters to Virginia Woolf; letters to Harold Nicolson
The Edwardians
Sage, Lorna
Salisbury, Lord (Robert Cecil)
Saul, Daphne
Schouvaloff, Alexander; his legendary shoes and hair
Scott, Geoffrey
Senhouse, Roger
Shakespeare, Nicholas
Sharpe, Henrietta
Shaw, Bernard
Singh, Raja Ranbir
Sitwell, Edith
Sitwell, George
Sitwell, Osbert
Smith, Clara Nelson
Souhami, Diana
Mrs Keppel and her Daughter
Sparks, Alexander
Sparks, Serena
St Aubin de Teran, Lisa
Story, Waldo
Story, William Wetmore
Strachey, Lytton; in Italy; letters to Ottoline Morrell
Eminent Victorians
Elizabeth and Essex
Sullivan, Arthur
Swinburne, Algernon; his ‘Dolores’
Theroux, Paul; reviews Challenge
Tertis, Lionel
Till, Catherine; at Pond Farm; at the Villa Cimbrone; early years; driving in Italy; marriages; travels abroad and travails at home
Till, Patrick
Times Literary Supplement
Times, The
Tirpitz, Admiral Alfred von; all at sea
Tree, Herbert Beerbohm
Trefusis, Denys; engaged to Violet; marries her; their honeymoon; and their difficulties; introduces Violet to the Princess de Polignac; in Russia; death; in Don’t Look Round
Trefusis, Violet (née Keppel); born; admirers; as Sasha in Orlando; an ‘honoured witch’; meets Vita; their love; writes ‘Battledore and Shuttlecock’; and The Hook in the Heart; her love of Paris; with the Princess de Polignac; at Saint Loup; as Anne Lindell in Broderie Anglaise; in England during the war; writes ‘The Carillon’; and ‘Triptych’; reaction to her mother’s death; postscriptum years; as Geraldine in The Rock Pool; as Muriel in The Soul’s Gymnasium; in Harold Acton’s Nancy Mitford; as Lady Montdore in Love in a Cold Climate; death; letter to Cyril Connolly; letters to her mother; letters to Vita; letters to Pat Dansey
Sortie de Secours
Don’t Look Round
Broderie Anglaise
Hunt the Slipper
Les Causes Perdues
Prelude to Misadventure
Pirates at Play
Memoirs of an Armchair (with Philippe Jullian)
From Dusk to Dawn (with Frank Ashton-Gwatkin)
Vanderbilt, William Henry; ‘the richest man in the world’
Vickers, Hugo; visits Eve at the Retreat
Victoria and Albert Museum
Vidal, Gore
Von Tirpitz, see Tirpitz
Vuilleumier, Giorgio
Warhol, Andy
Wellesley, Dorothy; her ‘Zany’
Wellesley, Gerald (seventh Duke of Wellington)
Wertmüller, Lina
West, Rebecca
Whistler, James McNeill
The Baronet and the Butterfly
Whistler, Laurence
Williamson, Hedworth
Wolfe, Humbert
Woolf, Virginia; as Alexa Harrowby Quince in Broderie Anglaise; letters to Vita Orlando
Yorkshire Club
Yorkshire Gazette
Yorkshire Herald
Yorkshire Post
Zweig, Stefan: in Rodin’s studio