Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Adam Adamant Lives! 65
Akenfield 99
Altman, Robert 94
An American Werewolf in London 95
And Soon the Darkness 94
Antichrist 181
Apaches 7, 159–60
Arthur Of the Britons 68
The Ash Tree 46, 70, 76
The Avengers 65
Barker, Clive 95
Bava, Mario 114, 133, 162
Beasts 151–2
Bergman, Ingmar 103–7, 158, 179
Black Sunday 133
The Blair Witch Project 117–18
Blythe, Ronald 76
The Blood on Satan’s Claw 14, 16, 19–24, 29–31, 34, 82–3, 87, 94, 96, 123, 140, 152, 168, 170, 175, 178, 183, 185
Boorman, John 116
The Borderlands 173
Bowen, John 48, 61, 63–5, 140
The Box of Delights 74, 76
Brownlow, Kevin 96–7, 102
Burnham, Jeremy 68–9
By Our Selves 99
A Canterbury Tale 99
Carter, Angela 119
Casting the Runes 41, 48
Cat People 48
The Children of Green Knowe 74, 76
Children of the Stones 10, 68–70, 140, 170, 175
Christensen, Benjamin 102
Clarke, Alan 72, 77–8, 160, 179
Clark, Lawrence Gordon 33, 43–8, 52, 64, 76, 147, 159, 170
Collinson, Peter 155
The Company of Wolves 95
Corman, Roger 85, 112, 128, 133
Craven, Wes 105, 116
Cromwell 96
Cry of the Banshee 134–6, 166
Cul-De-Sac 78, 85–7, 109
The Damned 89, 118
Dead of Night 64, 147
Death Line 34, 154–5, 173, 180
Deliverance 116, 181
The Devil 106
The Devil Rides Out 130–2, 134, 141
The Devils 137
Dickens, Charles 46–7, 170
Doctor Who 2, 10, 34, 65–7, 73–4, 76
Dog Soldiers 88, 180
Dromgoole, Patrick 68
Eden Lake 181–3, 185
Edwards, Dorothy 74
Eggers, Robert 166–7, 185
Eggleston, Colin 109
Elidor 54, 60, 77
Eye of The Devil 134
Fuest, Robert 94, 116, 140
A Field in England 10, 34, 53, 174, 178–9
This Filthy Earth 97
The Finishing Line 160–1
Fisher, Terence 85, 89, 130–1
For Those in Peril 181
Frazer, James 4, 22, 25, 29, 62
Fright 155
Frightmare 155
Garner, Alan 5, 34, 54–61, 70–1, 127–8, 185
Gatiss, Mark 7, 31, 40, 172–3
Gilling, John 84–5, 90, 96, 155
Gladwell, David 10, 80–4, 89, 91, 93, 97–9, 116, 185
The Golem 101–2
Graves, Robert 92
Guest, Val 89
Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages 134
Haggard, Piers 7–8, 10, 30–1, 137, 163, 179
Hall, Peter 99
Hardy, Robin 2–5, 7, 10, 22–3, 27, 29, 63, 89, 105, 168, 173–4
Hessler, Gordon 134, 137, 154
Hill, Susan 34, 75, 173
Holmes, Robert 73, 164
Hooper, Tobe 115, 118, 154
The Hound of the Baskervilles 85
‘I Know Where I’m Going!’ 98
Images 94–5
Island Of Terror 89
James, M.R. 4–5, 12, 19, 31, 34, 36–46, 48–52, 54, 61–2, 64, 70, 72, 74, 76, 93, 104, 109, 112, 118, 144, 146–8, 151–2, 159, 162, 172
Jarman, Derek 99, 102, 153
Jennings, Humphrey 97–101, 118
A Journey to Avebury 47, 69–70, 99
Jump, Amy 175–6, 178–80
K-9 & Company: A Girl’s Best Friend 170
Keiller, Patrick 99, 129–30
Kneale, Nigel 5, 12, 19, 42, 53–4, 66, 75–6, 88, 104, 120, 125, 143–53, 161, 168, 170, 185
Kill List 176–8, 183
King of the Castle 68, 157
Kobayashi, Masaki 112
Kötting, Andrew 97, 99–100, 119
Krish, John 160–1
Kwaidan 112
The Lair of the White Worm 95
Landis, John 95
The Last House on the Left 105, 116
A Leap in The Dark 60, 73
Leigh, Malcolm 139, 174
Leigh, Mike 119, 178
Legend of the Witches 139, 141, 174
Long Weekend 109
Lonely Water 5, 158–9, 169, 183
Losey, Joseph 89, 99
Lost Hearts 41, 46
Lovecraft, H.P. 117, 137
Mackenzie, John 58–9, 77, 159–60
Mark of the Devil 136
Marketa Lazarová 106
Moondial 74
Murnau, F.W. 102–3
Murrain 150–2, 167
Mystery and Imagination 41, 61
Neither the Sea Nor the Sand 88
Night Creatures (Captain Clegg) 85
Night of the Demon 34, 48, 120, 128
Night of the Eagle 128–30
The Night of the Hunter 114–115
The Nightmare Man 73–4, 180
Nosferatu 102
Nuts in May 119, 178
The Omega Factor 150
The Omen 141
Onibaba 112–13
Out of the Unknown 147, 160, 180,
The Owl Service 54–7, 59–61, 68, 140, 170, 175
Peckinpah, Sam 31, 33–4, 90–1, 116, 155
Penda’s Fen 70–2, 78, 179
Picnic at Hanging Rock 110–11
The Plague of the Zombies 84, 155
Play for Today 61, 65, 70, 119, 127, 178
Poe, Edgar Allen 85
Polanksi, Roman 78, 85–7, 141
Powell, Michael 99–100
Power of the Witch: Real or Imaginary 139, 168
Pressburger, Emeric 99
Puffball 173
Psychomania 93
Quatermass (aka The Quatermass Conclusion) 53, 76, 152, 164
Quatermass II 88–9, 144, 150–1
Quatermass and the Pit 10, 24, 30–1, 34, 53–4, 144–7, 151–3, 170
Race with the Devil 116, 163
Raven 74
Rawhead Rex 95
Ray, Trevor 68
Red Shift 53, 57–60, 68, 71–3, 119, 159
Reeves, Michael 7, 10, 20–1, 23, 26, 30–4, 87, 90–1, 121–2, 176
The Reptile 84, 90
Requiem for a Village 10, 80–4, 89
Rivers, Ben 99–100, 120
Robin Redbreast 10, 61–3, 132, 134, 140, 162
Robson, Mark 128
Roeg, Nicolas 2, 168–9, 111, 173
Romero, George A 127
Rosemary’s Baby 131, 141, 162
Rudkin, David 46, 70–3, 75, 173
Russell, Ken 34, 76, 95, 137
Sapphire & Steel 76, 150, 157, 168, 173
Sasdy, Peter 88
The Satanic Rites of Dracula 93, 132, 141
The Seventh Seal 104
The Seventh Victim 128
Shakespeare, William 10
Sharp, Don 93
The She Beast 133
Sherman, Gary 34, 154–5
Shindô, Kaneto 112–13
The Shout 92–4
Sightseers 178
The Signalman 46, 170
Skolimowski, Jerzy 91, 93, 118
Sky 67–8, 76, 116
The Sorcerers 87, 133
The Stalls of Barchester 42–3, 76
Straw Dogs 33–4, 90–1, 96, 105, 113, 116
Stigma 47–8
Stoker, Bram 95
The Stone Tape 4, 53, 76, 104, 120, 147–52, 163, 167–8
Tales of Mystery 41
Tarkovsky, Andrei 105–6
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 115, 154–5, 182
Thompson, J. Lee 134
To The Devil a Daughter 132
The Tomb of Ligeia 85
Tourneur, Jacques 34, 48–9, 100, 120, 128
The Tractate Middoth 51–2, 41, 172
The Treasure of Abbott Thomas 46
True Detective 173
Two Years at Sea 99–100
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders 106–8, 111, 120
A View from a Hill 49–50
The Virgin Spring 104, 113
Viy 106
von Trier, Lars 181
Wake in Fright 108–9
Walkabout 108–9
Walker, Pete 155
A Warning to the Curious 33, 44, 64, 76, 147
Watkins, James 181, 186
Weir, Peter 110, 173
Wheatley, Ben 10, 34, 53, 175–80
Wheatley, Dennis 103, 130–2, 141, 163
Whistle and I’ll Come To You 10, 40–2, 45, 51, 53, 103, 172
The White Reindeer 106
The Wicker Man 2–4, 13–14, 16–19, 21–4, 26–30, 63–4, 70, 82, 90, 108, 123–4, 132, 134, 153, 163, 167, 173, 183, 185
The Wicker Man (2006) 173
The Wicker Tree 173
Winstanley 10, 96–7, 166, 178
The Witch 165–8
The Witches 131–2, 156
The Witches and the Grinnygogg 74
Witchfinder General 7, 10, 15–16, 19–24, 26, 30–4, 43, 87, 90, 95–6, 113, 115, 119, 122–3, 125, 166, 178, 183, 186
Withnail & I 95–6, 163
The Woman in Black (2012) 75, 173
Wright, Paul 181
Zulawski, Andrzej 106