image Turn out the lights.

As soon as you hear or see the carolers coming down the street, douse the lights. A dark house may deter them from stopping, since they will think no one is home. Turning out the lights belatedly—after they have arrived at your door—will send a strong message, but carolers are frequently very determined.

image Turn up your music.

Without opening your door, play CDs at high volume. Speed metal and 1970s rock are likely to be in a different key than the carolers, who will be unable to stay in tune, become discouraged, and depart. If you are listening to Christmas music, shut it off immediately, or they may be encouraged to sing along.

image Answer the door in a robe or towel.

Embarrassed, the carolers may simply leave. Nudity (even partial) may offend them and make them unable to sing. Call to another person inside the house (real or imaginary), “I’ll be right back.”

image Answer the door holding a telephone.

Shout, “I can’t hear you! There are carolers singing!” into the mouthpiece until the carolers move on.


image Bribe them.

Tell them you would like to make a small donation, and that you enjoy their singing—from a distance.

image Request songs they will not know.

The song repertoire of the caroler is generally quite shallow. Good choices to stump the carolers include “Adam Lay Ybounden,” “Riu, Chiu,” and “The Zither Carol.”

image Send them to someone else.

Smile and point to the house of a stranger or a neighbor you dislike, and say, “My friend over there really loves carols!” A house that is lavishly decorated for the season will prove irresistible to them.