We are extremely grateful to all the women, healthcare practitioners and researchers who took the time to share their experiences and views with us. We are particularly indebted to the women – not only those that we interviewed but also those whose stories we know so well and who motivated us to write this book. Without their help, it would not have been possible.
We are heavily indebted to the expertise and dedication of Emma Cox, the Chief Executive of Endometriosis UK. Her hard work and commitment to women with endometriosis means that thousands of women across the UK receive much better information and support than they would do otherwise.
Special thanks to Ronnie Grant for his help with the illustrations, as well as everyone who peer reviewed the book prior to publication: Helen McLaughlin, Wendy-Rae Mitchell, Mr Fevzi Shakir, Louise Stanley, Sonya Timms, Emma Tegala, Dr Paul Vinson and Jackie Young.
We must also thank Andrew’s partner, our families and friends for supporting our efforts to produce this book. Lastly, thank you to our editor, Emma Owen, Justine Taylor, and everyone from Penguin Random House for their insight, enthusiasm and assistance in producing this book.