
“How’s the high road treating you?” Carmen asked as she answered her cell.

“Shit, actually,” replied Elizabeth, before proceeding to tell Carmen what had happened at work.

“So you’ll be on my side tonight then,” said Carmen. “Good. That should make it unanimous.”

A beat of silence passed between the two women. Finally, Carmen continued, “Elizabeth, I have something I want to propose to you. It’s weird and awkward, but I need to do it. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and wanted to talk to you, but there hasn’t really been a good time because of all this Heather crap.”

“Okay, I’m kind of scared,” Elizabeth responded with a laugh.

“Don’t be. Reading Heather’s book reminded me how badly you want a sibling for George. You and I have been talking a lot about women helping each other and being kind, and that doesn’t just mean in the workplace. So you know how I froze those eggs of mine a while back? Well, I’m done with them. I don’t want another child. I want to go get my MBA and maybe really go allin on the career thing. I might be forty, but I look ten years younger than the rest of you, and I deserve a chance to be miserable in the work world too.”

“Wow, that’s a lot to process,” said Elizabeth quietly. “I appreciate how generous your offer is, but doesn’t it sound a little crazy?”

“Does it? It doesn’t to me. We’re forty. Let’s throw away the rule book and just go for what we want. What do you have to lose? You want to be a parent again. So let’s give you one more shot. Who gives a shit what people think? And, for the record, no one has to know it’s my egg. C’mon, live on the wild side. You know you will have a much better shot with a younger egg than your own.”

“Well, that’s true. Our doctor thinks that I’m showing signs of premature ovarian failure, which explains why I’ve had so much trouble the last few years. The best shot for me is probably IVF with a donor egg.”

“Alrighty then. That seals it. Let’s do this.”

“Fine, I’ll think about it and see if I can get William on board,” Elizabeth said, unable to stop her voice from breaking a little. Trying to pull herself together, she added, “I’m sorry. This is a happy moment, believe me. I just can’t believe you want to do this for me. For us. Thank you, Carmen. I have to be honest, I wasn’t excited about using a donor egg. I mean, it is like half your baby is a total stranger. This certainly fixes that problem.”

A few moments of silence passed between them.

“So, I could use a little help with something myself,” said Elizabeth.

“What’s that?” asked Carmen.

“Since you are going to be getting your MBA, I’d like to pick your brain about a few business ideas I’ve been bouncing around. You know I’m frustrated with parts of how my firm runs things. And maybe I can change that.”

“Deal,” said Carmen. And as she hung up the phone, she mentally closed the book on the life of the old Carmen and opened the cover of a new, fresh volume. Nothing in recent memory had ever felt better.