
It was finally Saturday night. Elizabeth had made it to the weekend in one piece, but barely.

Earlier in the day, after reading Heather’s latest pathetic attempt to reach out to them, she had turned to the merger documents one last time and fired them back to the other side in New York. She knew that they would be coming right back to her tomorrow morning, sitting in her e-mail bright and early. Those New York guys loved to work all night and then hit you first thing the next day, just because they could. That’s one way to bill three thousand hours a year, she mused to herself. And she knew their client was paying through the nose for it. Did they care? she wondered.

In any case, Saturday evening was going to belong to her. Her and William, that is. They had left George with William’s mom and dad and driven down to Carmen’s place for the evening. Carmen had invited Elizabeth, Martha, and Sara to have a little after-party and spend the night as well.

Martha had already begged off. She had apparently had her offer on the Cumberland house accepted and was in a frenzy of planning for renovations. Well, that was her excuse anyway. Elizabeth was pretty sure that she still just didn’t want to be around them after their fight in September. Or maybe she was still sad about Lucy. Elizabeth thought she’d come around, but if she wanted space, she would get it. So it was down to Carmen, Elizabeth, and Sara. William and Scott were taking one of the cars back together and leaving the other vehicle for the girls.

Elizabeth was looking forward to her chance to blow off a little steam.

As she and William pulled up to Carmen’s gorgeous lake house, Elizabeth was embarrassed to realize that this was her first time visiting. It was true that Carmen hadn’t been living there long, but Elizabeth should have gotten down there earlier. Her excuses were equally plentiful and pitiful. Just another casualty of law firm life, she thought.

Carmen had gone all out on the decorations. Elizabeth could see from outside the house that they had decorated at least three trees inside. And someone must have spent hours outside stringing lights. The party was already going strong. Laughter and music floated through the air as the lights and ornaments twinkled inside and out. Avery’s friends must have been in charge of the music because it sounded like a downtown Chicago club in there. She wondered if Carmen was going to get a call from her neighbors.

As they walked up the blue stone steps to the front door, Carmen came bursting out to give Elizabeth a hug. Elizabeth was struck by how beautiful Carmen looked. It wasn’t what she was wearing, although the tight red cocktail dress made her look closer to thirty than forty. Carmen had a new, relaxed glow that Elizabeth hadn’t seen since, well, college. Her friend was happy for the first time in a very long time, she realized. As Paul came out to join Carmen, she could guess why.

“Carmen, you must have paid a fortune to have this place decorated,” Elizabeth said as she hugged Carmen back.

“Actually, no, Avery and I did most of the interior, and Paul did the outside work.”

“Wow. I’m impressed. William’s a great holiday decorator, but I don’t think I could get him to put up this many lights.”

“It was my pleasure,” said Paul. “Hey, William, good to meet you, let’s get you a drink.”

As Paul led William away to the bar, Elizabeth took in Paul’s vanishing figure and whispered to Carmen, “Holy cow, girl. He’s a serious hottie.”

“I know.” Carmen giggled like a twenty-year-old. “But Elizabeth, that’s not even close to the best part. He wants to spend time with me. Like a lot of time. He spent two days straight stringing lights. You know how much time Mark put into this house? None. Zero. I finally found a man who wants to make my home nicer. My home. I keep squeezing myself to make sure it’s all real.”

“And how is he in bed?”

“Even better than he is at stringing lights,” replied Carmen with a knowing smile.

“Honey, no one deserves it more than you. Now let’s go get a drink. After the week I’ve had, I’m in desperate need of a strong one.”

“What are you drinking? Do you want a cocktail, or do you prefer champagne or wine?”

“Yes,” replied Elizabeth, and they both smiled. “This might be my last chance to get really hammered.”

“It will happen for you this time. I know it will work,” whispered Carmen as she squeezed Elizabeth’s hand as they headed toward the bar. “This is going to be our year.”

“I hope so. But let’s not jinx it. Is Sara here yet?”

“Yes, Sara and Scott got here about ten minutes ago. Sara kind of looks like shit, but I think we are going to have to lie to her about that. I think that trip to India was really hard on her, and she might be a donkey on the edge.”

“Did you hear about the arm?” asked Elizabeth.

“Yes, when she arrived, she told me a little bit about what happened. That must have been awful for her. I can’t imagine not being there for something like that. I mean, that’s why women need to be home or at least close to home. No offense.”

“Hey, none taken. But William might be offended, you know,” she teased.

“I have been so jealous of her four kids for so many years. It’s funny, now that I’m doing my own thing, I’m not anymore. I still say she should have stopped at three. But that is not coming from a place of spite, it’s coming from a place of common sense. Maybe Scott will get a new job soon so Sara can figure something else out. It can’t possibly work for her to be running off to India every few months.”

“Probably not,” Elizabeth agreed. “You know, some days I might as well be in India for all the time I’m spending at the office. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally good with William being the at-home person. But George doesn’t even call for me at night, did you know that? He calls for William. Sometimes I want to be the one he wants, Carmen.”

“Don’t be silly. You will be. When he grows up, you will be able to relate to him in a totally different way. He’ll want to ask for your advice about work and jobs and the world. Just give it time.”

“Thanks for saying that. But I’m not sure I buy it. That’s what I’m afraid of. Time. Time going by. There has to be more for me.”

As Elizabeth started to feel really sorry for herself yet again, Sara came up beside them. “Hey, ladies! I’m exhausted, but I’m here! I really shouldn’t be spending the night since I’ve already been gone so long from the kids, but how many opportunities do we get to do this? Besides, I owe you guys an apology. I’m sorry that I wasn’t more sympathetic about the Heather business. She was really awful to you guys. And she did abandon Martha at the worst possible time. I get it, I really do.”

Elizabeth replied with a smile, “It’s in the past. Let’s please move on. I hope Martha will want to move on too. How was India by the way? Tell us everything.”

As Sara began to recount her travel experience, Elizabeth’s mind turned to Heather’s book. She still couldn’t shake the feeling that Heather was at least partially right about “E’s” choices. Elizabeth was always letting time run away from her. She might never have that second baby. And she could live with that, whatever happened with the IVF. But she couldn’t live with missing most of George’s childhood. She needed to take control and start living the life she wanted—today.