Her time in Paris had made Martha realize that she wanted to make an effort to move past all the anger and pain of the last year before she brought her new daughter home. She had thought that she could simply move past the friendship, move on with her new life. But in her quiet moments she felt a loss and a sadness she couldn’t shake off. This was not something she wanted to live with, to leave behind. She decided it was time to face her old friends and try to reconcile with them.
Martha thought her best move was to host a girls’ night in her new home on Cumberland. Definitely no husbands or kids. Things were tricky enough as it was.
Martha debated how to reach out to them for several days. Carmen she could just call, but Sara and Elizabeth, that would be trickier. E-mailing or texting them was out. Even calling them felt wrong. She needed to set a more serious tone without going totally over the top.
Martha settled on sending a very fancy invitation to them for a decidedly unfancy event—a housewarming slumber party. Really, how could they resist? she thought, even as she had some apprehension about whether she was doing this right at all.
She imagined them finding the creamy invitation in their mailboxes and smiling when they realized it was from their old friend. Or would they smile? In truth, she wasn’t sure of how they would react at all. So much time had gone by. She and Robert had changed a lot in that time. Her friends had probably changed too. And it wasn’t like they could just pick up where they left off. Things had been left very badly.
Martha knew she couldn’t fix any of that, so she put her energy into making the evening a success.
Martha and Robert hadn’t moved in to the Cumberland house yet, and there was ongoing construction, but Martha decided that might make it interesting. A fresh space for a new start. She set up the library with candles and giant floor pillows. And booze. If this was going to work, there would have to be a lot of booze.
As the appointed time drew near, Martha felt a growing knot of apprehension in the pit of her stomach. She poured herself a glass of wine and considered that maybe this was all too little, too late.
Carmen was the first to arrive, and she gave Martha a big hug and said, “It’s going to be great tonight. You’ll see.”
“I don’t know, Carmen. I feel like I ruined everything.”
But then she saw Sara turn up the walk. And as she opened the door to greet Sara, Elizabeth pulled up in her BMW.
As Elizabeth exited the car, Martha noticed a very discernable bump and gasped. Sara smiled as she watched Martha discover that Elizabeth was pregnant.
“Elizabeth! I’m so happy for you!” Martha exclaimed.
“Martha, we are going to catch you up!” responded Elizabeth with a smile.
“You look like you are pretty far along. It’s so wonderful!”
“It’s twins!” trilled Elizabeth. “And there’s a back story you are going to love,” she added with a laugh as the four women walked into the house.
As the girls gathered for dinner, Elizabeth told Martha all about her pregnancy, and Martha told the girls all about Hope. As the dinner wore on, the conversation was polite and safe. No mention of Heather. No mention of Lucy. And no mention of the fight last September. But unless they planned to be familiar strangers, they had to discuss those things. Martha kept pouring more and more wine in the hopes that the small talk would turn back to real talk.
As they pushed aside their food and stretched out on the floor pillows, Carmen tried to help her friend by breaking the ice.
“Martha, this house is perfect for you,” she said. “I would modernize it personally, but it fits with your whole New England, stick-up-the-ass vibe.”
“Don’t be such a bitch,” Martha replied with some relief. “I’m all Wisconsin now, baby. And I’ve become much less intense over the years. All of us have, I think.”
At this, all four women fell into an awkward silence.
Martha dove in.
“I’m sorry. I probably overreacted that day at the bar. I love you guys. Heather was the one at fault. Us being apart doesn’t help the pain she caused. It just makes it worse.”
“Martha, you know I’m sorry about what I said about my job,” started Elizabeth. “That job might be history for me anyway. Carmen and I may be breaking off on our own now.”
“Wow,” said Martha. “I’ll need an update on that.”
Sara added, “I’m sorry too. Sometimes I can’t see past my own nose.”
Carmen finished, “Martha, you know I’m on your side one hundred percent no matter what. And I’m so happy for you and the new baby.”
Martha felt the knot at the pit of her stomach start to loosen.
“Do you think we’ll ever hear from Heather again?” asked Martha. “I do feel bad about her husband.”
“I have to confess, I sent her a huge bouquet of flowers,” said Sara.
“Me, too, believe it or not,” said Martha with a sad smile. “I am still my mother’s daughter in some ways. Even at my most bitter.”
“Well, you are both better people than I am. I just think all the years of her crap finally got to me. Anyway, it’s over. The days of free Heather swag and girls’ weekends are gone now,” Carmen declared. “But the four of us should start new traditions. Put the past behind us.”
“And the best are yet to come,” finished Elizabeth, rubbing her tummy.
Elizabeth was sipping a La Croix and enjoying watching her friends get drunk. Finally, she had the very best reason not to drink. She remarked, “You know, in a few months, we will have three new children and maybe a new business. It’s kind of crazy. Everything is happening all at once.”
“I wish Heather could have been part of this night,” said Sara sadly. “She’s not a bad person, you know. She just lost her way.”
“I told her all she has to do is apologize,” Elizabeth responded sharply. “She never will. She truly believes her book is a great act of generosity.”
“What a load of horseshit,” said Carmen with a laugh. “If our mistakes are what brought us to this moment, then I would make every one of them all over again.”
“Me too,” said Martha. “I’ll never regret staying home with my boys.”
“Me three,” chimed in Sara. “My life is a mess sometimes, but it’s mine and I love it.”
“Me four,” agreed Elizabeth. “I’m right where I always wanted to be. Well, I’m on my way. What did you say yesterday, Carmen? Oh yeah, we made all the right mistakes.”
“To all the right mistakes!” cheered Carmen as she raised her glass.
“To friendship!” replied Elizabeth as she raised her La Croix.
“Okay, enough screwing around,” said Sara, “it’s time for the movie. And we are not watching Heathers again, Martha and Carmen.”
“What’s your damage, Heather?” they yelled back at her.
It wasn’t the same, Martha thought, but it was getting a little better. Sara was right, though. It would always be a little sad that they had lost Heather. Or, rather, that she had lost them.