The 20 Pilates Exercises
Here’s 20 big time, total body Pilates exercises to get you started. Practice each one until you have control, precision, flow and very smooth movements. What you do on the mat will mirror what you do as an athlete. Modify as needed and always use control.
Don’t worry about which exercise will directly help you improve your performance in your given sport or activity - every single one of these exercises (and watch for some CRAZY ones in the next chapter) works your body from the core outward, bringing you flexibility, strength, mobility, improved body awareness and incredible control over your movements. Your mind sees it and your body does it. All of this adds to improved performance in EVERY sport and activity. I know I already said that but it must always be stated. Ok, enough from me. Let’s dive into these life changing exercises.
1. Scissors 100
Targets: core, shoulders, arms, hips, hamstrings and calves
Extend the right leg up and the left leg forward while reaching your arms to the side (palms up) and peeling the head and shoulders off the mat. Imagine holding an orange between the chin and chest. Breathe in for 5 counts while pumping the arms about 6 inches and scissoring the legs so they switch positions.
Continue to pump the arms and keep your lower back imprinted into the mat and stabilize your core against the movement. Do a total of 100 reps while switching the legs on every 5 breaths.
Modify by keeping your legs in tabletop position which is your legs at a right angle and the knees and feet together. Work on varying the speeds of the arm pumps to elevate your heart rate. To really stretch your legs flex your feet (draw your toes towards you) while doing the scissors and press through the heels. Be greedy. Get as much as you can out of every second!
FYI - these photos were taken at Nick’s Pro Fitness in Evergreen, Colorado where I teach, do my personal workouts and provide personal training. Come to my Yoga/Pilates class every Tuesday and Thursday at 8-9 am. Visit for more info.
2. Roll Up Saw
Targets: core (obliques), shoulders, hamstrings, calves, inner thighs and spine
Begin on your back, heels on the outside edges of the mat and your arms extended to the ceiling. Exhale, engage your core and peel the upper body off the mat one vertebrae at a time with your arms overhead.
Continue exhaling as you come to a tall seated position. Arms next to the ears and the shoulders down away from the ears. Unless noted the shoulders and ears need to stay away from each other.
Prep with an inhale while twisting to the right, exhale twice as you extend and pulse your left hand above and to the outside of your right foot. Look to the back arm. Inhale to the center and repeat on the other side. Inhale prep and exhale as you slowly roll down into the original position. Do 4-8 reps.
3. Roll Up Mudra
Targets: core, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, arms, spine and forearms
Begin on your back with the arms reaching to the ceiling. The legs are together and the toes drawn towards you. Press through the heels. Inhale to prep then exhale and peal the head, neck and spine off the mat with marvelous control. If you get stuck use an elbow for assistance.
Inhale as you raise the arms overhead and keep the chin slightly tucked to stretch the back of your neck. Squeeze the legs together and press the backs of the knees down. Shoulders relaxed.
Onward to the beautiful mudra position. Exhale and circle your arms around behind you and lace the fingers together into mudra (a movement of pose in yoga). Inhale while lifting and extending the arms behind you and lengthening forward through the top of the head. Continue ‘smooshing’ the backs of the knees down.
Let’s keep moving through this total body exercise. Exhale and lift the arms up and forward into Spine Stretch. Continue lengthening through the top of the head and keep the chin tucked. Inhale and sit up straight while lifting the arms overhead.
Round the upper back (c-curve in the spine) and exhale as you slowly roll down to the starting position. Keep the abs engaged on the exhales and squeeze the legs together. Engage EVERY muscle. Do 4-8 reps.
4. Wide Legged Roll Over
Targets: core, spine, hamstrings and calves.
I need a hair cut.
Begin on your back with your legs open a little wider than hip width and the arms to your sides. Inhale to prep, exhale and activate your core as you lift the legs up and over.
Point your feet. Avoid trying to heave your body over. Use control always.
Inhale, flex your feet and hang out there for an extra breath…then exhale and slowly roll back down one vertebrae at a time to the starting position.
Do 4-8 reps.
For a more challenging experience do the entire movement with your arms overhead. That really makes your core work all the harder and also builds balance and coordination. Give it a go when you feel strong enough. Also, you may close the legs on the roll over and roll down with them still together. Crazy, huh?
5. Scissors Criss Cross
Targets: core (obliques), hamstrings and calves
Extend the right leg to the sky and reach the left leg forward while placing your fingers on the back of the head and lifting the chest (engage the abs) towards your right knee while exhaling. Inhale and scissors the legs so they switch position.
Exhale and lift your chest towards the left knee while keeping your elbows outward. *DON’T bring your elbow to the opposite knee.
That will only torque your neck. Keep it clean and in the abdominals.
For a wonderful calf stretch flex your feet on the exhales. You can also hold the cross for an extra breath while lifting higher on the exhale. Modify by bending your knees for the classic criss cross exercise.
Learn the classic version in my bestselling book Pilates for Men (great for women too) available at
6. Tree Crunch
Targets: core, hamstrings, calves, spine, shoulders and arms (slightly)
For more of a challenge bend the left leg and place the left foot on the ground. Extend the right leg up and place the left on the floor. Exhale, engage your core and explode (with control) up the right leg keeping your fingers lightly on the leg.
Grab your foot or ankle and keep your elbows to the outside. Continue exhaling as you extend the leg and bring your nose towards the knee in a mighty stretch for the ages. Inhale prep, exhale, engage the core and slowly lower down to the starting position. Do 5-10 reps on each side. Just lift the chest to the knee if it’s too much.
7. Tree Crunch w/ Open Hips
Targets: core, hips, hamstrings, spine, shoulders and arms (slightly)
Add this massive hip stretch for extra core blasting!
Begin with the right leg to the side. Grab either the foot or ankle. Bend your knee to modify. Take a deep inhale.
Exhale as you bring the leg upward and continue powering up the leg while really engaging your core. Work on peeling the spine off the mat.
Grab your foot or ankle and stretch upwards like before, keeping the elbows pointed outward. Inhale prep, exhale and then grab the foot or ankle with the right hand and slowly roll down to the original position. Quite a wild ride, isn’t it? I LOVE this exercise. Do 5-10 reps on each side.
8. Single Straight Leg Stretch
Targets: core, hamstrings, calves, arms and shoulders
There’s always time for ‘SSLS’. Extend your right leg up and grab it (gently) with your hands. Lengthen the leg while engaging the core and drawing your nose towards the knee. Pulse twice with two exhales.
Inhale and scissors the legs so you grab the left leg. Do two pulses while lengthening the leg and inhale and switch again. Do 10-20 reps. Always extend that opposite leg away from you for maximum stretch potential. Flex your feet to activate the calves directly and stabilize the core.
9. Tornado Single Straight Leg Stretch
Targets: core, hamstrings, calves, hips and arms
It’s a twister! Exhale and draw the right leg towards you (flex the feet) and inhale as you release and circle the legs around. Keep your lower back imprinted on the mat and stabilize your core against the movement.
Continue circling while inhaling and placing the fingers gently on the back of your head for support. Point the feet and keep the chin tucked.
It’s a huge circle you’re going after so take your time and imagine you’re moving underwater for more resistance. Keep your eyes on the incoming leg because…
…you’re going to grab it high, exhale and draw it close while flexing the feet. Inhale and circle in the other direction. Work on stabilizing your core against the movement of the legs. This is core strength and flexibility training at it’s finest! Do 10-20 total reps. For an added IT stretch draw the leg slightly across your body towards the opposite shoulders. My clients love this variation.
10. V-Ups
Targets: core
Begin in half boat, shoulders down and chin slightly tucked.
Inhale and slowly lower down so your low back is on the mat and the legs extend about 45 degrees. Pause for a moment. Exhale as you engage the abs and lift back to half boat. Contract the abdominal muscles. Ugh! You may also extend the legs in half boat to make it, well, full boat. Do 4-10 reps.
11. V-Up Roll Up
Targets: core, hamstrings, calves and spine.
If someone ever says Pilates is too easy show them this move. Begin on your back with the legs at 45 degrees and the arms lifted and parallel with the legs. Inhale prep.
Exhale, engage the core and lift up to half boat pose. Keep the shoulders down and back of the ears. Fingers and toes are loose and chin tucked.
Inhale to spine stretch prep with the legs together and forward and the arms extended overhead.
Exhale into spine stretch. Lift the hands up and over the feet and point the top of the head forward. Inhale to spine stretch prep, exhale and slowly roll back down to the original position. Do 5-10 reps.
12. Extended Boat
Targets: core, hamstrings, arms, shoulders and calves
Here’s a fantastic exercise to stretch your hamstrings, low back and calves while building your core, balance, stability and endurance. Grab either your feet or ankles (or as high as you’re able) and extend the legs with each exhale. Inhale and lift the chest towards the feet. Also, relax your shoulders as you exhale. I call this the seated version of downward facing dog. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths. You’ll also feel a nice contraction in the arms and shoulders. Turn the page and see this move added to the roll up…
13. Extended Boat Roll Up
Targets: core, hamstrings, arms, shoulders, spine and calves
While on your back inhale and lift the arms to the ceiling.
Exhale, engage your core and lift up into half boat pose. My face looks peculiar here. Forgive me. It must be the determination.
Inhale prep and then exhale into extended boat, grabbing either the feet or ankles.
Inhale and extend the legs forward and the arms overhead to prep for spine stretch.
Exhale and extend up and over the toes to spine stretch. Inhale, lift the arms overhead and slowly roll back down to the original position. Do 5-10 reps. Take out momentum and jerky-ness wherever you can.
14. Mudra Pulse
Targets: core, chest, shoulders, arms, quads, knees and low back.
Athlete’s shoulders and chests get very tight and may roll forward which cuts off and crushes the flow of breath while destroying your posture. This exercise will give you a total body stretch while engaging the core. Sit either on your heels or bring the feet to the outside while lengthening the arms in mudra. Bring the palms together if possible. Squeeze!
Exhale and dive forward so your forehead gently touches the mat. Lift the arms up and back with the breath. Inhale and return to the original position. Do 10 reps and feel those shoulders and chest open.
15. Heel Beats
Targets: core, arms, shoulders, inner thighs and gluteus
This move slams my abdominals wonderfully. Extend your arms to the sides and lengthen the legs into Pilates stance - heels together and toes pointed away from each other to engage the legs. Gently beat the heels together (2-3 inches of movement) while inhaling for 5 and exhaling for 5…just like the Pilates 100. For more extend your arms overhead. Ouch! Do 50-100 beats. Work on your dexterity and control by pumping the arms in the style of the Pilates 100 while doing heel beats. Whoa.
See my face in the photo? That’s the look of determination (with a touch of Pilates insanity). I like to give EVERYTHING to each Pilates breath, exercise, add on etc. Keep engaging as much of your body in each movement as possible. The benefits will be rolling in within a few days. Your coach and teammates will want to know your secret so make sure you let them know and get them on this program! Pilates is for everyone.
16. Straddle Crunch
Targets: core, inner and outer thighs, calves and hamstrings
Inhale, reach the arms overhead and extend the legs to the ceiling. Point your feet and squeeze the legs together.
Exhale, open the legs and engage your abdominals to reach the arms forward through the splits. Inhale and flex your feet while returning to the original position. Do 10-20 reps. Keep your lower back imprinted always.
17. Boat Criss Cross
Targets: core (especially obliques) and hip flexors
I find this move takes a lot of balance…which is a good thing. From half boat draw the right knee in and extend the left. Place your fingers gently on the back of the head, exhale and twist the upper body towards the right knee.
Inhale as you switch the legs and exhale while lifting your chest towards the left knee. Keep the elbows to the outside and the shoulders down. Do 10-20 reps. Take it slow and work that balance.
18. Forearm Plank
Targets: core, shoulders, arms, hamstrings and calves
In any serious fitness book or program there must be planks…a plethora of planks. The secret to a challenging plank is composed of a few specific cues. Place the elbows under the shoulders and draw the shoulders towards the feet with each exhale. Keep your chin slightly tucked as if you’re holding an orange between the chin and the chest and lengthen the top (crown) of your head forward. Press the heels back so you engage and stretch the backs of the legs. Lastly, with each exhale give the abs a good FLEX to keep the focus on your strong core (powerhouse). I think of these cues as “taking out the slack” and maximizing every breath. In fishing my dad would always tell me to take out the slack in the line. Modify by bringing the knees to the floor, slightly behind the hips. Hold for 30-60 seconds…or longer. It’s YOUR plank, my friend. Plank away.
19. Classic Plank
Targets: core, shoulders, arms, wrists, hamstrings and calves
Follow the same cues from the forearm plank and you’ll be feeling the burn and extra tone mixed with power in no time at all. Always…ALWAYS flex those abs on the exhale and you’ll find yourself doing it in public. Nothing wrong with that at all. Your core will stay engaged throughout every move of your day, not just the “workouts”. Fitness is 24/7. Hold for 30-60 seconds.
Love doing planks? Get yourself a copy of my eBook 30 Days of Planks and do a different (and unique) plank each day for an entire month.
Order your copy and all my other bestselling books at
20. Pull the Straps 90 Degrees
Targets: core, shoulders, back, arms, gluteus and inner thighs
Pull your arms to the sides at a 90 degree angle and your legs squeezed together. Tuck the chin slightly so the top of your head is pointed forward.
Inhale, extend the arms forward and open the legs wide. Keep the palms facing inwards. Exhale and pull back to the original position. Give yourself any extra squeeze when the arms hit 90 degrees each time. Do 6-12 reps.