“In 10 sessions, you will feel the difference.
In 20 sessions you will see the difference.
In 30 sessions you’ll be on your way to having a whole new body.”
You have the power with these workouts so give them a watch first and see how I explain and do the exercises before diving in. You can always pause the workouts and work extra on a certain exercise, sequence or transition. Pilates teaches us precision, control and fluid movements. With every breath comes new ways to study your personal fitness journey and marvel at how your body responds. Do the workouts in the order listed or break them up at your convenience. Remember: this is YOUR fitness program. Be smart. Study. Have fun!
Get your abs ready for a severe Pilates style beatdown! It moves quickly and targets every molecule of your abs/core and all other areas. These are actual screenshots from the workouts.
Click each screenshot to do the workout!
(The blog password is: addiebeast)
Contrology (Pilates) is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit. Through Contrology you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body and then through proper repetition of its exercises you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities.
Once the precise, smooth and controlled movements of Pilates permeate all aspects of your life (not just athletics) you’ll feel stronger, leaner and inspire all those around you who wish to know your secret. Tell them! Just don’t tell your sports rivals.
Pilates workouts fly by very quickly because you have no option to think of anything else but the movement you are doing at the moment. It’s an all encompassing experience. All distractions fade into the background as you breathe, flow and enjoy every second of your Pilates workouts.
The gift of flexibility is one that your body will always love (and serve) you for. Flexibility = Youth. Flexibility will also help decrease the chance of injury.
Click the screenshot to do the workout!
True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed.
It is true: flexibility is a result of all your muscles working together in rhythm towards specific movement. Every Pilates exercise has two opposing forces working in opposition to continually lengthen and stretch your body with each breath. In the screenshot above I’m doing extended boat and it’s packed full of opposing forces keeping me pliable…and occupied. My heels are pressing away as my shoulders sink down. My core is constantly firing to keep my body stabilized in the pose and as my legs extend it challenges my lower back to remain lengthened. So much greatness happening with each breath.
This workout builds a strong, flexible and lean back from top to bottom while blasting the rest of your body. You’ll also find your shoulders and chest loosening to open up your breath.
Click the screenshot to do the workout!
To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limits of our ability.
Let’s face it - without a strong, healthy body everything else will suffer. Your energy levels drop, we’re distracted easily, fatigue sets in, our minds start attacking and convincing us we are not capable of much…the list goes on and on.
I’ve begun taking more naps in the afternoon. Nothing too big, just 20-30 minutes but it makes a HUGE difference in my mental and physical health. When my body is dragging I cannot perform my classes, filming, writing etc at an acceptable level. It all suffers. I will not let myself operate at 50% and neither should you. Move every day. Eat your greens. Get enough sleep. Drink lots of water. Listen to opera instead of the news. Practice your Pilates. Work to the limits of your ability.
Looks like our furry friend crashed this workout for a few seconds. I jammed this workout full of classic Pilates exercises created by Mr. Pilates while he ran his New York studio in the 1920’s.
Click the screenshot to do the workout!
We retire too early and we die too young, our prime of life should be in the 70’s and old age should not come until we are almost 100.
I LOVE this quote and think about it every time I take a walk, drink water, eat healthy foods, do my Pilates and, well, basically doing any action that will help me live longer with a high quality of life. There’s no shortage of obesity in my country (USA) and I see people burning out at such young ages and saying it’s too late to make positive changes. It’s too late to become healthier - this is just the way it’s supposed to be. I grew up with a lot of people who think, speak and live this way and for the life of me I can’t understand it…never understood it. I won’t accept it and fortunately I’m in a position to help. I take my job and my life as a fitness instructor very seriously and am always working on new ways to reach more people. Not just reach them but help, inspire, excite and invigorate. We all have bad days but I want to make sure it only lasts a day or two. Let’s keep moving and exploring, my friends. Appreciate and savor your health every day.
What happens when it’s all put together with some surprises? This! Focus on the transitions and keep every move smooth and precise. What you do on the mat you’ll do in your chosen sport.
Click the screenshot to do the workout!
If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. IF it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.
It really is true. To be truly healthy your spine must be healthy. Many of my clients sit for many hours a day for their jobs and it causes their spines to compress. Other factors such as poor posture, injuries. a weak core and muscle imbalances lead to spinal problems and low back pain. Pilates is a gift to your spine as it builds a strong, flexible core, corrects poor posture and muscular imbalances and creates length and strength in your overall muscles. There are many reasons doctors, sports teams, physical therapists and personal trainers prescribe Pilates exercises to their patients, clients and players - it is a comprehensive training program that meets you where you most need it. It won’t force you into unnatural movements you’re not ready for but addresses your most urgent physical, mental and spiritual needs. I’m honored to be your trainer and share it with you.