Carolyn & Tyra:
Devin Banks
Genius son and boisterous bro,
Lived these crazy stories up close, fo’ sho’.
Don Banks
I’ll always be your crazy baby girl
And you’re the best daddy in the whole crazy world.
Benjamin McAdoo III
For the persistent pep talks, patience, and pet care
And the real, raw honesty—yeah, you really went there!
Donna Givens
Through thick and thin booties, and lotsa hard times,
Your solid support scrubbed away my life’s grime.
Kenya Barris
My buddy since six, and you now got six babies!
I forgive you for stealing my dictionary (maybes).
Nancy Josephson
Major supporter with runway-ready style
Your love and support are felt here, and for miles.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Mel Berger
Bold book agent full of backing and belief
This book’s fearless leader and commander in chief.
Roy Campbell
Our fashion friend family never doubted our glory,
His dedicated work built the foundation of this story.
Ricky Hutchinson
The anything and everything go-to guy
Who tracked down all photos and never questioned why.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Kate Williams
The world’s best wordsmith playmate
Straight-up kept our voices straight.
Aya & Fredo
For the missed doggie walks while Mama pounded computer keys
I’ll make it up with some bacon doggie treats.
Sara Carder and everyone at TarcherPerigee
For believing in us and our crazy story
And helping us escape that hurry-up-we-need-to-make-this-release purgatory.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Jackie Prescod—no rhyming here . . .
My BFF who never left my side. Until she did . . . way too soon. My eyes to the sky, Jackie . . . I miss you.
I miss you, too, Aunt Jackie. I can still hear your laugh. And I still wear your mint green earrings.