Better than he’d ever imagined.

Xander surprised himself with how much he enjoyed spending time with Lea. He looked forward to their conversations. He even took pleasure in the companionable silence.

And for the first time, he realized his interest in Lea went deeper than co-parenting. There was something special about this woman that attracted him. Dare he admit that he could envision sharing his life with her—with their child?

It wouldn’t be a marriage created out of greeting-card platitudes and Valentine’s Day chocolates. It would be better. It would be based on mutual respect, friendship and attraction.

She wasn’t as immune to him as she wanted both of them to believe. He noticed how she stared at him when she didn’t think he was paying attention. And he saw how she trembled with desire when he held her in his arms.

But it was more than the undeniable passion they shared. It was something much deeper. It was her compassion when he told her about his parents. She hadn’t looked at him with disbelief that after all this time he still cared about what his parents had thought of him. And she didn’t look at him with sympathy that made him want to turn away.

She’d looked at him with warmth and understanding. And her touch had given him the comfort and strength to put words to the feelings that he’d been stifling inside him all this time.

The following evening, once the dinner dishes had been cleared, Xander turned to Lea. “Do you have any plans for the evening?”

“Just some computer work and answering some emails. Why?”

He stepped up to her and held out his hand. “Come with me.”

She glanced at his outstretched hand and hesitated. Then her confused gaze rose to meet his gaze. “Where are we going?”

“I have a surprise planned.”

“A surprise?”

He nodded. It was then that she placed her hand in his and they headed for the door. During his stay on the island, he’d made many friends. And one of those friends just happened to run the marina and had offered to lend him a boat.

Xander led her to the pier.

“What are we doing here?” Lea sent him a puzzled look.

“You’ll see.”


“Trust me.”

He climbed aboard the speedboat and then turned to her and held out his hand. She smiled. “How did you manage this?”

“I have friends.”

“Friends, huh?” Without needing his assistance, she climbed aboard. “I think I’m going to have a staff meeting about not letting people sweet-talk them into doing things that are against the rules.”

“You wouldn’t get Caesar in trouble, would you? After all, he lent me the boat for the evening because he knew it was for you.”

Her eyes widened. “So what you’re saying is that you took advantage of our relationship to coerce my employee to break the rules and lend you this boat?”

Xander saw the twinkle of mischief in her eyes. She was having fun with this. And who was he to ruin her enjoyment? “That sounds about right.”

“Xander Marinakos, has anyone ever told you how bad you are?”

He grinned at her. “And you don’t even know the half of it. But I’d be willing to show you.”

Just then he took her in his arms. His intent was to kiss her until she couldn’t think straight—until the word “no” was the very last thing on her mind. But he also saw the surprise in her widened eyes as her hands landed on his chest. He realized he was overstepping their newfound friendship. And as much as he wanted to kiss her, he couldn’t risk losing the easiness that had grown between them.

With great reluctance, he released her. If they were to kiss again, she would have to make the first move. He just hoped she didn’t wait too long.

He turned his attention to the controls of the boat. “I thought we’d take an evening ride around the island.”

“It’s been a while since I was out on a boat. I’m afraid I’ve become a workaholic and spend most of my time in my office or else putting out fires around the island.”

“Sit down, then.” He gestured to the white seat next to his. “And we’ll have a relaxing evening ride. I’m really anxious to see all of the island.”

She sat down beside him. “Well, since you went to the trouble to get this boat, let’s make this happen.”

“Your wish is my command.”

As he maneuvered the boat out of the marina, he was surprised by how true those words were. He was anxious to make Lea happy. Because when she was happy, he found himself happy too. And that most definitely would be good for their baby.

The evening sun sank low in the sky, sending rays of sunshine dancing upon the gentle swells of water. And as beautiful as the setting was, Lea found the boat captain to be even more captivating. Xander looked at ease behind the controls of this expensive boat, normally reserved for the newlyweds. She was both surprised and impressed with the evening that Xander had planned. But a niggling thought kept intruding on her enjoyment—what was his end game?

“Something wrong?” Xander slowed the boat so they didn’t have to yell over the roar of the engine.

“Um, no.” She flashed him a bright smile as proof.

He gave her a hesitant look but then let the subject drop. “This island is amazing. It has so many different types of landscapes, from the smooth, white sandy beaches over by the marina to the high and jagged cliffs on this side of the island. This looks like a great area to hike.”

“You’re an outdoors man?” Somehow she didn’t imagine him as one.

“I was when I was younger, but as the years have gone by and my business has grown, I’ve had less time for recreation.”

“That’s too bad. You know what they say—all work and no play makes Xander a dull boy.”

He arched a brow as he glanced over at her. “So that’s what you think of me? You think I’m dull and boring?”

Oops! Heat rushed to her face. “That’s not what I meant. I... I just meant that you work too hard.”

“And I’m boring.”

“No, you’re not.” Her mind was racing to come up with something—anything—that would get her out of this awkward conversation. After this, she just might gag herself to keep from sticking her medium-sized flip-flop in her mouth. “Really. I mean it.”

He flashed her a smile. “Relax. I was just teasing you.”

She took her first easy breath. “That wasn’t funny.”

Xander stopped the boat. “Listen, I’m sorry. It’s just that everything between us is so complicated. And I wanted to lighten the mood. I’m sorry it didn’t come across that way.”

She shook her head. If he was going to be open and honest with her, she owed it to him to do the same thing. “It’s not you. I think I’m just a little touchy. I... I want...”

Xander moved closer to her. When he spoke, his voice came out deeper and softer than normal. “What do you want?”

She found herself staring deep into his eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest as the truth struggled to free itself. She wanted him. And that scared her more than when she’d left the only home she’d ever known to move halfway around the world to Greece. And it scared her more than the prospect of being a single parent.

“Lea?” His gaze searched hers.

Not trusting her voice or the words that might escape, she lifted up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. She hadn’t given it much thought. But he had asked what she wanted. And this was it...

Her lips moved over his. At first, he hesitated. It was as though he was surprised by her actions. This surely couldn’t be that much of a jump for him. After all, he’d almost kissed her back at the dock.

And then his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him. Her hands landed on his firm chest and then slid up over his broad shoulders. As he responded to her, a moan swelled in the back of her throat.

It didn’t get any better than this. The setting sun in the background, the lapping of the water on the side of the boat and no one else around. Suddenly the reasons she’d been holding herself back from him didn’t seem so important. Maybe she’d been trying too hard to keep him at arm’s length. Because being in his arms was so much better.

Sputter. Sputter.


Xander pulled back. “The engine died. I better check it.”

With great reluctance, Lea loosened her hold on him. “What do you think it is?”

“It probably just stalled.” He turned the key.

Sputter. Silence.

He tried again.


“What is it? What’s the matter?” Suddenly their perfect romantic spot seemed rather dark and desolate.

“Give me a second.” He removed his phone from his pocket and turned on the flashlight function. He moved it around the control panel. “I checked the fuel before we left. It says there’s still enough in there to get us back to the marina.”

“I’ll call for help.” Lea dialed the marina office, hoping someone was still there. But the phone didn’t ring. “There’s no signal out here.”

Xander glanced around. “It looks like I took too long circling the island. I don’t think there’s any civilization on this side.”

“There isn’t.” Even though it was a small island, there were still parts that weren’t developed. And this happened to be one of those areas.

“We aren’t that far from shore. How are your swimming skills?”

Her mouth opened but nothing came out. By now, the sun had sunk below the horizon, sending long shadows over the land. And she had a choice to make. Staying here with Xander for the evening with the moon and stars overhead. The idea so appealed to her.

Or she could fess up about the emergency radio.

“Lea, it’s okay if you can’t swim. We can make do here on the boat.”

“I... I can swim—”

In that moment, Xander yanked off his shirt, revealing his muscled chest. Any other words stuck in the back of her throat. My goodness, he was so sexy. Her mouth grew dry as she took in the spectacular view. She really was leaning toward forgetting about the emergency radio.

She kept staring at his defined chest and his sculpted abs. Her fingers tingled with the desire to reach out and trace the lines of his muscles. He was oh, so tempting.

“See something you like?” His teasing smile lit up his face.

Heat rushed up her neck and set her cheeks ablaze. The look in his eyes tempted her to start something—something that would most definitely spin out of control. But would she just get burned in the end?

The question had her hesitating. Why was she making such a big deal about this now? They’d already spent an amazing weekend together, wrapped in each other’s arms. How could another romantic evening make things worse?

But things had changed dramatically since that unforgettable weekend. With a baby on the way, they would be in each other’s lives forever and the thought of making that relationship even more complicated was the only thing holding Lea back from rushing into his arms.

“Or—” Xander’s voice drew her attention “—I can go alone. I’ll send help.”

Evening had settled over them. But it wasn’t that dark out, with the full moon reflecting off the water. She knew what she wanted, but did she have the courage to follow her heart?

As though Xander could sense her indecision, he stepped up to her. “Lea, it’s okay. I’m sorry this happened. I swear I didn’t plan it.”

“It’s not that.” Her insides shivered with nervous energy. For so long, she had been enforcing the rules, walking the straight line, and now she was considering living on the edge and following her desires. “Let’s go for it.”

The look of surprise lit up Xander’s eye. “Are you serious?”

She nodded. “I am.”

This time she was the one to pull off her shirt and toss it on the white leather seat next to Xander’s discarded shirt. When she glanced up, she caught him staring at her with his eyes rounded and his mouth gaping.

“What?” She refused to blush. They were both adults here. Consenting adults. “You surely didn’t think I was going to swim with all of my clothes on, did you?”

And besides, her bra covered more than her itty-bitty bikini. She didn’t tell him that. But she couldn’t resist glancing up at him as she shimmied out of her capris and stood there in her lacey boy-shorts undies. She heard a distinct hiss of breath from him. Playing the seductress was new for her and she was finding that she liked it.

“Last one to shore has to collect the firewood.” And with that she dove into the water. She didn’t look back as she planned to win this race.

The water, though warm as far as large bodies of water went, was still cold against her heated skin. She kept moving quickly through the water. The faster she moved, the warmer she got. And before she knew it, the water grew shallow and she stood up.

She glanced back to find Xander hot on her heels. She ran out of the water and didn’t stop until she was standing on dry sand.

She turned back to the water where Xander was getting to his feet. The moonlight caught upon a bag in Xander’s hand. What was that man up to now?

Guilt niggled at her conscience. She should have told him about the emergency radio. Just then a breeze whished past her body, leaving a trail of goose bumps over her skin. She shivered. She was beginning to think she was never going to get warm again.

Xander turned and retrieved the bag from the sand. “I don’t know if this is still dry.” He struggled with the knot in the bag. After a few seconds, he opened it.

He withdrew a large towel and draped it around her. “I thought you might want this.”

“Thank you. But what about you?”

“Don’t worry.” Xander wrapped his arms around her. “I know how to stay warm. I’ll just hold this very hot woman in my arms.”

“I don’t know about being hot. I feel more like a very cold fish.”

He tightened his hold on her, rubbing his hands over her back. “Definitely not fishy. I’m beginning to think you’re part mermaid.”

She lifted her chin so that their gazes met. “I take it you have a thing for mermaids.”

“I didn’t before, but with a little encouragement, I might change my mind.”

“Mm... And what sort of encouragement do you have in mind?” She snuggled closer to him, seeking the warmth of his body.

He lowered his head toward hers. “This kind.”

She tilted her chin upward. And then Xander pressed his mouth against hers. His lips were smooth and gentle. His touch sent an arrow of arousal through her core. Her insides immediately heated, warming her from the inside out.

And then all too soon, he pulled back. “I better get a fire started. It might be a little while until they get here.”

“Get here?”

“Yes, you surely didn’t think we were stranded out here, did you?”

“So you found the emergency radio?”

With the moonlight highlighting Xander’s handsome face, he arched a brow and smiled at her. “Were you holding out on me?”

“I, uh... Well, I uh...”

Xander laughed, a deep rich tone that wrapped around her and let her know everything was going to be all right.

He sobered up. “It’s all right. I wanted to spend more time with you, too. But I didn’t think you’d want to spend the whole night on the beach and so I used the radio to call the marina office. They’re sending out a couple of boats.”

“Well, aren’t you my hero?”

“I’m just trying to watch out for a gorgeous mermaid.”

A hint of a smile eased the lines on his face. In the dark, it was difficult to read the look in his eyes, but she’d guess that she’d stroked his ego enough to make him happy.

“Um, let’s get that fire started.”

“You might not find much to make a fire,” she said.

“You know where we are?”

She nodded. “This is called Deadman’s Bay.”

He glanced around. “It doesn’t look that bad.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “In the daylight, it’s actually quite lovely with white sand and the aqua blue water.”

“Then why such a dreadful name?”

“It’s said that in the old days pirates would trap merchant ships in the bay and there was no other way out than past the pirates.” She pointed in front of them. “The cliffs go straight up some three hundred meters or more. Climbing them without the proper equipment is a fool’s mission.”

“Well, then, before the pirates get us, I should search for some driftwood or anything that will burn.” He headed off.

In no time, he had started a fire with the aid of a lighter from the plastic sack. She wondered what else he had stashed in that bag. Some s’mores would be great about now. Her stomach rumbled its approval. She wondered if they made s’mores in Greece.

Xander dragged a large log over near the fire and they sat down. He wrapped a hand over her shoulders and pulled her close. “Are you warm enough?”

“I’m getting there.” Suddenly she felt foolish for stripping down and diving in the water. “What are people going to say when they find us sitting here in our underwear?”

“I’m thinking the guys are going to be very jealous of me being here alone with you.”

“But...but nothing happened.”

He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “Would you like something to happen?”

The word yes hovered on her lips, but she bit it back. Perhaps she’d been daring enough for one evening. “I think this is, um, good. You never know when they’re going to find us.”

“Really? Because I’d be willing to risk it, if you are.”

She turned to look at him and realized that was a mistake. He was so close that their lips were just an inch apart. Her heart tap-tapped in her chest. She tried to tell herself that it was just the coldness but the truth was between the fire, the oversized towel and being snuggled against Xander, she wasn’t cold any longer.

Her gaze lowered to his lips and then she quickly turned away before she gave in to her desires. She was marooned on this deserted beach with literally the man of her dreams, and she was holding back. Popi would tell her she was being silly. That she should go with the moment and enjoy it—enjoy him. But Lea had a baby to think about. She couldn’t let herself get caught up in something that wasn’t real.

“Lea, I want you to know that I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself this much. If I were to be stuck on a deserted island, I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to be with.”

Her heart definitely skipped a beat. “I feel the same way.” Their gazes caught and held. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that. Trying to lighten the mood, she glanced away. “After all, you know how to start a fire and—”

“Lea, will you marry me?”

“What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.

“You heard me, will you marry me?”

Her mouth gaped. Where in the world had that come from? And then she wondered if he felt the need to do the right thing because she was pregnant. That had to be it, because there was no other reason for them to marry. It wasn’t like they were in love or anything.

She appreciated how he’d phrased the offer as a question instead of making it a demand. Her parents never stopped to ask her opinion before dictating how things should be. They’d continued to treat her as a child until the day she packed up and caught a plane to Greece—her adventure to find out about the family she never knew existed.

And Charles, had he deemed her fit to be his wife, would have told her they were getting married instead of asking her. Thank goodness that never happened.

Lea shook her head. “It won’t work.”

“It can if we want it to.”

“I won’t marry someone I don’t love.”

The pain reflected in his eyes had her regretting her blunt answer. She just didn’t want him holding out for something that wasn’t going to happen.

Lea got up and moved to the water’s edge. She knew she’d hurt him and that hadn’t been her intention. But in the long run, this would be less painful for both of them.