Magickal Reboot

Charlynn Walls

You may remember your first steps down your spiritual path. There was probably a sense of awe and wonder that made your spirit soar, and you may have begun studies that sent your thought processes into overdrive. Initiatory experiences quite probably left you feeling more connected than ever to the divine. You may have even gone so far as to have been dedicated to your path or initiated into a group to cement your commitment.

However, there are times when we become disillusioned with the community, the divine, or even our own self-concept. It might have to do with the death of a family member, a disconnect within the spiritual community, or a personal trial that has left us devastated and questioning our spirituality. What do we do when we reach that crossroads where we face the choice of attempting to reconnect to the magick or just walking a different path?

There are many ways that we can realign our spirit and perform a magickal reboot. Each individual will find a way that resonates with them at the time. We may need to dig in and become more active in the practice of our craft. In order to do so, we may choose to create ritual items for our personal use, start performing daily devotionals to reconnect to the divine, or rededicate ourselves to our path.

Creation of Ritual Items

Taking the time to carefully evaluate which ritual items you would like to add to your own personal supply of tools and which ones you could create yourself enables you to take stock of the aspects of ritual or spell work that appeal to you. It also allows you to decide which aspects you would like to implement on a consistent basis in your practice.

Creating your own ritual items imbues them with your own personal power and establishes an energetic connection between the tools you utilize and your higher self. Throughout the creation process you are actively working on your spirituality in order to generate a physical manifestation of your ideal tool, be it a wand, an altar tile, a staff, an athame, or another item.


You choose the materials, the design, and the method of creation. Once the item is created to your specifications, you can then cleanse and consecrate it for ritual use. I personally have found great fulfillment in working with different materials to create wands and altar tiles. The process in and of itself is cathartic. I choose the materials, such as wood and gemstones, and combine them in various combinations. There have been times when I simply could not get a stone to work in a design the way I originally intended and was forced to alter the concept. Often it ended up turning out better than how I initially conceptualized it. This is an excellent reminder that despite what I may think needs to be done, there are times when my best ideas do not turn out as planned, but if I trust in deity, things often have a way of working out.

Daily Devotionals

Creating a daily routine of active magickal practice can provide a weary heart with a way to reconnect to the divine. This process allows you to make your spirituality a priority. It also requires you to take an active part in it. By becoming more mindful of the approach we take in our daily lives, we can connect to the magickal energies that surround us.


I am a very active individual and have a difficult time stopping to relax. When I do force myself to slow down and become mindful of my spiritual practice, I find myself more fulfilled and more at ease.

I write my own guided meditations to help me focus on a specific issue or time of year. A guided meditation allows me to focus on my own voice or a rhythmic beat that shifts my consciousness into a trancelike state. By doing so, I honor what is in my head and heart and let myself connect to those energies.

I often take just five minutes a day to quiet my mind and refocus myself. The meditative process can take place at any time of day and can fit into any busy schedule.

Greet the Day

In addition to simply trying to find a moment for quiet contemplation, there are times when I need to include movement because my grief or anxiety will not allow me to sit still for any length of time or to shut off my brain. A perfect example is when my grandmother passed away. I could not sleep and had difficulty eating, and my mind raced in circles. I was still pretty new to my path and found myself struggling with the concept of death.

I found that by greeting the day each morning, I was able to reconnect to the natural world. This new spiritual practice gave me a way to focus and get on with the business of living. Each morning I was up a bit before sunrise in order to get ready. As the sun rose, it would enter my room and I would stand in the God pose as the sun’s rays washed over me.

Standing there with my palms facing upward and my feet firmly planted shoulder width apart, I was able to drink in the sun and recharge my otherwise depleted reservoir of energy. As I stood there taking in deep breaths, I would say the following chant to myself: Energy of the sun from where I begin, regain and restore balance from within. I would repeat the chant until I felt sufficiently energetic and connected to the day’s energies.

Invocation to Deity

As human beings, we can become disillusioned with our connection to the divine. We want to be heard and recognized. One way we can do that is to ask for guidance from deity. It could be a general affirmation to the God or the Goddess or a specific intention.

In today’s modern society, there seems to be a need for instant gratification. Even though we may not be able to receive an immediate answer, just the act of working directly with deity is rewarding. It allows for our own personal expression of emotion.

One way that I like to send out my requests is to write them down. This gives weight to my words and lets them set firmly in my mind. Once I have my request or affirmation composed, I take the paper and place it in a cauldron or other fireproof vessel, then set it on fire. I can see my request being carried up to deity on plumes of smoke. This is a simple yet effective way to remain connected and engaged in the spiritual process.


We are often faced with difficult choices along our path. Do we take the most direct route, or do we take the one that may be more rewarding because it provides a challenge that will allow us to grow? When we face such a trial, a rededication to our path can provide us with a new sense of purpose and direction.

I hit a particularly rough patch where I contemplated walking a different path because I had moved away from all of my brothers and sisters in the Craft. I had not been to ritual with them in several months and was feeling particularly disconnected from community and from my own spirituality. It was and still is difficult to put into words how disheartening the situation was.

Although it would have been difficult to make it to all of the gatherings being held over a hundred miles from my home, I rededicated myself to my coven and my path. I decided to renew my vows of commitment to the old gods and to my craft, which I consecrated through a rededication rite. I promised myself I would make the time to travel to our regularly scheduled meetings, I would take time to go to community events that I felt would help bolster my spirituality, and I would make time to reconnect with my spiritual guides and personal deities. Though no one else was there to witness my rededication, it was more to renew my own sense of spirit and connection.

Creating Your Own Rededication Ritual

For your own personal rededication ritual, you will want to include items that you have created yourself, that you have gathered, or that have great personal meaning to you. For my own rededication, I included a wand and an altar tile I had crafted, along with full moon water I gathered. I also included my coven necklace, a black and a white candle, an offering bowl, and a Goddess statue that I had acquired at my first Pagan event.

Arrange the altar in a way that takes into account the cardinal directions and that will allow for your own comfort, as you will want to be able to spend the time needed within the circle. Cast the circle and call the quarters in a way that is in alignment with your path.

When you are ready, you can invite deity into your circle. I chose to invite my patron goddess into my circle. You can do the same, or you can keep it simple and simply refer to the God and Goddess. It would be appropriate to light your candles and incense at this time. I also placed my coven necklace in my offering bowl and anointed it with a few drops of the full moon water.


When you are ready, you can say your affirmation of rededication to deity. It may reflect the dedication or initiation you have already completed, or it may be a variation on the five-fold kiss, where you acknowledge specific attributes that will enhance your ability to walk your path. My own affirmation included aspects of my training where I recited the Charge of the Goddess and restated my oaths to honor the old gods and the ways of the Craft, which included To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Be Silent. As I made each oath, I anointed my forehead, heart, hands, and mouth with the full moon water. No matter what you include in your affirmation, make sure that what you acknowledge and take as an oath resonates deeply within you and that you will be able to live up to what you are pledging. The gods will take you at your word and will hold you to it.

After saying my affirmation, I sat in quiet contemplation for a while in order to absorb the weight of my vows and to meditate on them. This may be a time when you receive personal messages that will help you along your path. Take note of anything that happens during this rite so you can contemplate what the implications may be later on. When you are ready, thank deity for witnessing your rite and acknowledging your recommitment to your path. You can then release the quarters and close the circle. I chose to leave my altar up for one full cycle of the moon so I would have a visual reminder of promises made.

Anyone can have a crisis of faith that shakes them and makes them reconsider their personal beliefs and needs. How we respond to the crisis will affect how our magickal/spiritual life will be impacted. We can allow ourselves to be victims of circumstance, or we can get back to some very basic concepts and reconnect with our spiritual self, with our communities, and with deity.

By taking the time to create magickal items, perform daily devotionals, and rededicate ourselves, we take an active role in our spiritual lives. By taking responsibility for our actions, we are able to reboot our systems and reaffirm our spirituality in a mindful practice that will sustain us throughout the years to come.

Charlynn Walls resides with her family in central Missouri. She holds a BA in anthropology, with an emphasis in archaeology. She is acting CEO of Correllian Education Ministries, which oversees Witch School. She is an active member of the St. Louis Pagan community and is part of a local area coven. Charlynn teaches by presenting at various local festivals on a variety of topics. She continues to pursue her writing through articles for Witches & Pagans magazine, several Llewellyn annuals, and her blog, Sage Offerings, at

Illustrator: Bri Hermanson
