XIX: Later



XIX: Later

NO trace of Blackie or his comrades could be found. The police asked many questions, and left. The circus roustabouts looked at each other sheepishly.

Silver Moon Dugan was taken to the hospital, his arm shot away.

Gorilla Haley’s skull was fractured. He became insane. He later became a member of the Chicago police.

Finnerty, beaten but not broken, took charge of everything. He stood at the end of Cameron’s wagon, which had been placed upright again. Cameron, his jaw bandaged, was in a half-sitting position as Finnerty addressed the men:

“We have shared danger together, gentlemen, and now we have endured robbery. It was our intention to pay you each and all, here this evening, but that, alas, cannot now be done.

“But we hold you no ill-will. Your mistake, if any, was of the head rather than of the heart.”

As Finnerty continued the men became more shamefaced and uneasy.

“I will wire our headquarters at Mr. Cameron’s suggestion tonight.” Cameron, feeling his bandaged jaw, nodded his approval.

“The money to pay each and every one of Cameron’s World’s Greatest Combined Shows will be here in the morning. I will meet you in front of the post office at eleven tomorrow and pay you. Those who would rather travel on to headquarters may do so.”

The circus was loaded with alacrity.

At ten o’clock next morning the men marched in a body toward the post office.

Finnerty left with them. At ten forty-five the circus train departed for winter headquarters.

Finnerty was aboard.