When Melanie walked into the large room, the men were doing the same things as before. The tattooed guy, Julian, was still doing push-ups.
“Hey, thanks for the reprieve!” said Carl, waving at her from the pool.
“Is this all you guys ever do?” Melanie asked.
Carl climbed out of the pool, tugged on the band of his swimming trunks to adjust himself, and walked over to her. “What else would we want to do?”
“I don’t know, but there’s got to be something.”
“Nah. Swimming, relaxing…that’s all I need out of life.”
A couple of the guys nearby were stifling laughter. “What’s so funny?” Melanie asked.
“Okay, okay, here’s the deal,” said Carl. He pointed to the ceiling. “See those red lights?”
Melanie glanced up at them. “Yeah.”
“Those lights flash and a buzzer goes off when you enter the hallway outside. It’s our alert signal to take our positions. So that when you come in, we’re not in our rooms napping or playing video games or whatever.”
Melanie smiled. “So he’s not always doing push-ups?”
“Nah. Julian can do more push-ups than anyone here, though. Your aunt judged a contest. Great prizes.”
“So what do you do all day?” Melanie asked.
Carl shrugged. “Watch TV, read, play around on the Internet. Stuff like that.”
“It doesn’t sound very fulfilling.”
“Well, I also…” He trailed off.
“Also what?”
“Nothing. I see that you brought a bathing suit.”
Melanie held up her one-piece, completely unrevealing blue suit. “Yeah.”
“You can change in the sauna if you want. I promise that nobody will look.”
Melanie realized that all of the men were watching her. “Yeah, right.”
“No, I promise.”
“It was probably a mistake coming back here. I don’t really like being the center of attention.”
“Oh, well, that’s okay, you don’t have to be. Hey, guys, go back to whatever you were doing,” he called out.
Julian stopped doing push-ups and stood up as a couple of the other men returned to their rooms.
“So, what, are you the leader?” asked Melanie.
Carl shook his head. “Nah, just the one with the biggest mouth,” he said with a grin. It was a cute grin, complete with the most adorable dimples Melanie had ever seen. If he weren’t some harem freak, it would probably be love at first sight.
“Here, we’ll have Leo mix you a drink,” said Carl, leading her over to the bar. “Something non-alcoholic, if you want.”
Leo got out of his hammock and joined them at the bar. “What can I getcha to drink?” he asked in his Boston accent.
“Margarita on the rocks,” Melanie said.
“Salt on the rim?”
“Yes, please.”
“You got it.”
“I’ll take a beer,” said Carl.
“You know where the fridge is.”
“See, I’m definitely not the leader,” Carl told Melanie, as he walked behind the bar. “But I’m a good tour guide.”
Leo finished mixing her drink and handed it to her with a wink. Carl opened his beer and took a swig as they walked toward the sauna.
“I just can’t believe you would do this,” said Melanie. “I mean, it’s nice here and all, but why would you do this?”
“A rich, extremely attractive woman was willing to pay me very well to live in this paradise and provide favors that I’d probably be happy to do for free. Not a tough career choice.”
“But isn’t it demeaning?”
“It’s fun, actually. Was fun,” he corrected. “We were all pretty devastated by what happened.”
“Why are you still here?”
“We obviously thought that our jobs were over,” said Carl, taking another drink, “but Penelope had always joked that she was going to give us to you as a Christmas gift when we couldn’t handle her anymore. Since our employment was covered by the trust fund she set up, and you inherited the house and everything in it, the butler suggested that we stick around to see if you wanted to continue with our services.”
“Did Mr. Campbell, her lawyer, know about this?” She couldn’t imagine that Richard wouldn’t have mentioned such a thing.
“Nah, not as far as I know. It’s sort of complicated how everything works, and it’s never been completely explained to me, but legally we’re not really living here, and we’re not really providing this service.”
“Gotcha. You’re not married, are you?”
“No. None of us are. No kids, either. That’s part of the job requirement.”
“And just what are the requirements of working in my aunt’s harem?”
Carl smiled self-consciously. “Well, obviously she likes dark-haired men twenty years her junior who are in good shape.”
Great shape, Melanie thought, though she didn’t say anything.
“No beards. Only neatly trimmed mustaches. And we had to pass an inspection of our equipment.”
“What kind of inspection?” asked Melanie, unable to stifle her curiosity.
“The first one was visual. You know, to make sure that we met certain standards.”
“You mean length?”
“Not just length, although the minimum there was seven inches…except for Nate. He bypassed that requirement by virtue of his diameter. It’s pretty damn impressive. But we also had to meet aesthetic guidelines, no funky curves or anything like that.”
“What was the second one?”
“I don’t even want to know how that was judged,” Melanie said, rolling her eyes.
“Then I won’t tell you.”
“Okay, I do want to know.”
“Actually, no, judging from your reaction before, I’m guessing that you really don’t want to know,” said Carl.
“Tell me.”
“Basically, we just demonstrated our skills.”
“You mean, basically, you had sex with my aunt.”
“Yeah. I was trying to be more discrete.”
“So she slept with everyone who…auditioned?”
“No, no, that was the last step. Only those of us who made it to the final stage got to do that. Before that there was the background check, psychological profile, confidentiality agreement, STD testing and interview after interview after interview.”
“Sounds rigorous.”
“Oh, and the dance auditions.”
“I see.”
“And the costume fittings for the various themes.”
“Renaissance, bondage-discipline, western, Viking…”
“No clowns?” Melanie asked.
“No. Clowns in bondage is pretty much a universal turnoff.”
“Okay, so, you pass the tests and you get hired. Then you just let yourselves get locked away in here?”
Carl grinned. “Not quite that extreme. It’s more like being on call. We all live here, but we didn’t have to stay in the house when Penelope wasn’t home. Although, to be completely honest, this place is so cool that most of the time we don’t see any reason to leave. Have you ever been on one of those relaxing vacations that you just hoped would never end? This is like that.”
“Vacations have to end sometime.”
Carl nodded. “Yeah, but I like to stretch them out as long as possible.”
“So what do you do for fun when you’re not doing harem things? Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Nah. We aren’t allowed to have any outside sex, period. We get tested every month, not that anybody would ever risk losing this job in that way, especially considering that your aunt more than fulfilled…” He trailed off, clearly realizing that this particular sentence should not be completed.
“Thank you for not completing that sentence,” said Melanie.
“You’re welcome. Anyway, you obviously didn’t come here to listen to me talk about work, work, work all night long. Go on and change into your bathing suit.”
Melanie nodded, then walked self-consciously toward the sauna. She marveled at how much effort it required to simply make her legs move properly when she knew that people were staring at her. Left foot first, right foot second, then back to the left foot, and proceed to the right foot…
She opened the door to the sauna, stepped inside, and let it swing closed behind her. It was hot inside, as was par for the sauna experience. She sat down on one of the wooden benches and removed her shoes.
There was definitely room enough for eight men in here, plus Aunt Penelope.
She pulled off her T-shirt and set it on the bench next to her, feeling a bit uncomfortable being just in her bra even though she was alone. They wouldn’t have a peephole, would they? No, of course not. No need for a peephole when they were getting more than they could handle.
Again, yuck.
But the “yuck” reaction was also kind of unfair. After all, Aunt Penelope was an attractive woman. You could get the sexiest Playboy model and the hottest Chippendale’s dancer together for a night of passion, and their nieces would probably think it was kind of gross.
Eight guys, though. That was out of hand.
Melanie stood up and slid her jeans down past her knees. She sat back on the bench and pulled them off entirely, folding them neatly and setting them next to her shirt.
It felt nice being in here, just in her bra and panties. She hadn’t been in a sauna in several years, not since she broke her New Year’s resolution to visit the gym at least once a week (immediately before the first visit).
She closed her eyes and leaned back. Maybe she’d just sit here and relax for a minute. Take a few moments to chill out, and then go out there and have some fun. Not sex fun, but regular fun. Water slide fun.
Damn, they were cute.
Maybe Julian and his tattoos were a bit scary, but aside from that…
No, she wasn’t going to start foaming at the mouth over some mindless slabs of meat. She needed a man she could respect. Somebody warm and intelligent. Somebody who didn’t work as a harem boy-toy.
Seven-inch minimum.
No matter. She wasn’t going to start foaming at the mouth over some mindless slabs of meat with big cocks, either.
She needed personality.
She needed integrity.
She needed to quit thinking about big cocks.
What she really needed was to put on her swimsuit and get the hell out of this sauna. They’d start wondering what was wrong with her.
She removed her bra and set it aside. The heat felt absolutely wonderful on her bare breasts, and her nipples perked up immediately. Melanie ran her fingers over them before she even realized what she was doing.
It was so pleasant in here. So relaxing.
She lifted her ass from the seat and wiggled out of her panties.
This felt even better.
Was there anything in life better than sitting naked in a sauna? Well, perhaps reclining in a sauna, but she couldn’t take the risk of one of the men walking in on her. Though she assumed that they’d knock first, it wasn’t safe to assume anything about harem stud muffins.
Harem stud muffins with big cocks.
Enough with the cocks.
She was working up a nice sweat sitting in here. Melanie slowly ran her index finger across her thin patch of red pubic hair. It was moist from perspiration. She felt a pleasant tingle, slightly lower, as she traced her finger toward…
She realized in a thunderbolt of hard-hitting self-awareness that she was on the verge of pleasuring herself in a most inappropriate masturbation location. Jesus, the eight guys were right outside. What was the matter with her?
The answer was obvious. She was horny. Eight muscular guys out there, disease-free, well hung, skilled at their art, ready and willing to do her bidding…of course she was horny! It was like spending twenty-three months desperately hoping for a taste of dry crackers and suddenly being presented with an eight-course gourmet meal.
Would a one-night stand with Carl really be so awful?
She really needed to stop being naked.
But it was damn exciting, knowing that one of them could walk in at any moment.
No, no, that was scary. She stood up and picked up her bathing suit.
She wanted to get laid, but not quite that badly. Guys like these didn’t fuck women like her unless they were getting paid for it.
Or did they? She could be sexy, couldn’t she? If she were to walk out there right now, completely naked, it would probably be a turn-on for them, wouldn’t it? She smiled to herself as she envisioned their reaction. The front of Carl’s swim trunks expanding as he gaped at her nude body.
“Dear God,” he might say, “you’re absolutely gorgeous.”
Or, even better, he might be too awe-struck to speak.
They’d have to make silent love on the sauna bench.
He’d kiss her deeply as he slowly thrust into her, Melanie’s legs wrapped tightly around him and her hands sliding over his back. He’d be a generous lover, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm as she silently cried out in ecstasy.
Melanie shook her head and sighed. The more realistic scenario would be that when she walked out of the sauna the guys would shout “Soooo-eeeee!!! Soooo-eeeee!!!” and fill the air with authentic pig snorting sounds.
It was a moot point anyway. They were getting paid for it.
Somebody knocked on the door and she jumped, badly startled.
“You doing all right in there?” asked Carl from outside.
“I’m fine. Don’t come in.” Melanie frantically began to get into her swimsuit.
“I won’t. Just making sure you’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” she assured him as she realized that she was putting the suit on backwards. “I was having some trouble with my shoes, but I’m fine.”
She quickly gave herself a mental kick in the ass. I was having some trouble with my shoes? What kind of stupid lie was that? He’d know that she’d almost masturbated for sure!
“Oh,” said Carl. “Well, let me know if you need anything.”
“I will.”
Trouble with her shoes. Jesus Christ.
She got into her bathing suit and exited the sauna.