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Arizona Daily Citizen/Arizona Weekly Citizen (Tucson)

Arizona Daily Star (Tucson)

Arizona Sentinel (Yuma)

Boston Herald Colorado Tribune (Denver)

Colorado Weekly Chieftain (Pueblo)

Commercial and Financial Chronicle

Congressional Globe

Daily Alta California (San Francisco)

Denver Republican

Denver Times

Emporia (Kansas) News

Engineering News

Georgetown (Colorado) Courier

Gunnison (Colorado) Review

Hutchinson (Kansas) News

Kansas Daily Commonwealth (Topeka)

Kansas State Record (Topeka)

Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Optic

Las Vegas (New Mexico) Gazette

Lone Star (El Paso, Texas)

Los Angeles Evening Express

Los Angeles Herald

Los Angeles Times

Mountain Mail (Salida, Colorado)

New York Herald

New York Times

New York Tribune

New York World

Osage (Kansas) Chronicle

Railroad Gazette

Railway Times

Rocky Mountain News

San Diego Union

San Francisco Bulletin

San Francisco Examiner

Thirty-four (Las Cruces, New Mexico)

Wall Street Journal

Weekly Arizona Miner (Prescott)