Praise for
Walter R. Borneman’s
Iron Horses

Winner of the 2011 Colorado Book Award in Biography/History

“A riveting history of the frenetic race to construct a railroad across the great American Southwest following the Civil War. Borneman is masterful at writing seamless narrative. Every page sings with fine writing.”

—Douglas Brinkley, Professor of History at Rice University and author of The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America

“In this richly detailed and sprightly narrative, Walter Borneman paints a compelling portrait of one of the great chapters in American history. Readers puzzled by the pace of technological change in our own time will learn in these pages that there is nothing new under the sun.”

—Jon Meacham, author of Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

“Brisk, colorful, and exciting.… A worthy look at a less-publicized aspect of railroad construction.”

—Jay Freeman, Booklist

“Borneman’s telling of this story is admirable foremost because of its detail and historical accuracy; his extensive research is put to good use. But he also is a gifted storyteller, and he introduces his readers to an array of characters who are part of this transcontinental treasure hunt.… Borneman’s book is an enjoyable read for railroad buffs, Old West aficionados, serious-minded historians, and anyone who finds romance in the sound of a train whistle in the night.”
