
WRITING IS INDEED a lonely affair, but this book could not have been published without the help of the following: Gayle Richardson and Kenny Cameron of Fife Constabulary for police procedure. Forensic pathologist Doctor Marjorie Black for keeping me straight on the gruesome stuff. Everyone at Strathkelvin Writers’ Group for continued support, despite my lengthy absence (I promise to return). Juliet Grames for terrific editorial input, and for taking a chance on publishing me. Bronwen Hruska, Rudy Martinez, Janine Agro, and Meredith Barnes of Soho Press for behind-the-scenes assistance. My literary agent, Al Zuckerman, for his sage advice and professional persistence. Other readers and friends, too many to mention, whose words of encouragement and support inspired me to continue. Many thanks to each and every one of you, especially Anne.

And finally, this book is fiction. Those readers familiar with St. Andrews and the East Neuk may notice that I have taken creative license with respect to local geography.

Any and all mistakes are mine.