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MELIS WOKE TO TALKING and whispering around him.
“Fuck that. I don’t buy it. I think he came here with the intent to kill Melis,” Payton said.
“I saw it with my own eyes and I’m still having a hard time processing it.” Themba sounded tired. Melis made a mental note to remind him to get enough sleep. “One Kgosi killing another is unheard of.”
“Until now,” Chikondi pointed out.
“It was in self-defense. I’m in agreement with Payton,” Mxolisi said. “Imir had a knife on him. He knew he would be scanned for weapons so he used a bone blade—the same as the waitress—which is undetectable on scanners. He came prepared.”
“The threats Yolto made were on par with Imir’s actions. They were working together to kill me and Melis at the same time,” Themba said.
“That’s probably why they wanted to meet here and why they hadn’t intended to hear Melis out,” Mxolisi said.
“Do you think Ammeal was in on this too?” Chikondi asked.
“No,” Themba said. “When Melis and Yolto began fighting, he moved clear. And when Imir attacked, Ammeal was as shocked as I was.”
“What of Rantu?” Mxolisi asked. “Do you think he knew of their plans and stayed behind?”
“No, I think they honestly didn’t find him important enough to include in the meeting, or their plans.
“Do you understand the claim we’re making?” Mxolisi asked. “There will be two kingdoms in an uproar and possibly wanting to go to war with us.”
Melis understood Mxolisi’s disbelief. There was comradery amongst the Kgosi—a brotherhood. None of the Kgosi’s had their personal guards in the meeting room because amongst each other they were supposed to be safe. Something Imir and Yolto had known and taken advantage of.
“It doesn’t matter if they’d planned the attack or not,” Melis snapped, irritated, tired of hearing them talk around him. “Ammeal and Rantu won’t listen to a word I say from this moment on. Imir wanted to silence me and he did, even in death. All my plans for uniting the kingdoms under a common goal were snuffed by one cowardly act.”
“Melis!” Melis didn’t know who’d called his name; possibly everyone. It was screamed collectively.
When Melis tried to sit up, Themba pressed a firm hand on his shoulder. “You were close to death. You had to stay in the healing tank for hours. Even though you’re fully recovered, the medic thinks it’s best for you to take it easy for the rest of the evening. He wants to keep you here for observation.”
Melis knocked Themba’s hand away and growled. “I can’t stay here. The fallout will be astronomical. I have to find a way to get ahead of this. Our allies will be uneasy. We may lose some, as all the major houses begin to pick sides.”
“This can wait,” Themba said. “I’m not going to let you risk your health and obsess about this tonight. Any problems we have unfortunately will be there in the morning. Sadly, our problems won’t disappear overnight.”
Melis swung his legs over the side of the bed. His bloody clothes had been removed and he now wore a non-descript medical robe provided by the medics. At least he wouldn’t scare anyone while walking through the halls. He could only imagine the spectacle as he’d been whisked, passed out and bloody, through the palace in full view of the staff and guests. Melis dropped his feet to the floor.
“I locked your office,” Mxolisi stated. “It was on the head medic’s order.”
“Open it,” Melis ground out. He looked around for his shoes, then, spotting them under the bed, retrieved them.
Mxolisi shook his head. “If your health is involved, the head medic’s orders take precedence over yours.”
“Only if the first heir agrees.” Melis thrust his feet in his shoes.
Themba crossed his arms and widened his stance. “I agreed.”
Melis growled. There was no use in arguing with either of them. He stomped toward the door.
“Maybe you should follow him to his wing. He might want to talk to someone once he calms down,” Mxolisi said to Themba.
“I don’t think he’ll be alone,” Payton said.
* * *
“NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING about his status.” Elkah released the communication button from the wall console and turned to face Lanta. Elkah was still angry, Lanta could definitely tell that. But although she was angry, Elkah was doing all she could to help calm Lanta down.
Lanta had been on Princess duty when Themba had rushed past her with all color drained from his face and an unconscious Melis flung over his shoulder, dripping blood over the pristine floor. They’d been on their way to the grand ballroom. An attendant was showing them the set-up and color scheme for tomorrow’s ball.
Shock had immobilized her. Her mind had refused to process what her eyes were seeing. Lanta wasn’t the only one who’d frozen. The attendant escorting the guests stopped in place and stared in muted shock as Melis was whisked past them.
Lanta snapped out of her stupor when a blood curdling scream ripped from Bienke and, “He’s been assassinated!” was yelled by one of the panicked onlookers.
A medical team came rushing to meet Themba and Melis’s guard. One pulled Melis from Themba’s shoulder while another pried Melis from the grip Themba wouldn’t relinquish. The attendant who’d been escorting them, clearly distraught, made everyone turn around and ushered them from the hallway to another wing of the palace.
While the guests chattered about Melis’s health and what could’ve happened, Lanta had pinched herself, hoping it had been a dream. Her brain was foggy and her vision blurred. It had taken all she had not to rush back to check on Melis.
When she’d first had the idea, she’d turned to find two palace guards following the group. Lanta didn’t know if they were following because they expected someone to run back or if they thought the threat was still present.
Lanta didn’t know what had happened to Melis, but she still had a job to do. Keep Una safe.
Lanta led Una away from the group. When she received resistance from the palace guard, she pressed and explained her position. A walkabout through the palace wasn’t in the best interest of her client. Once she was able to convince the guards to let her pass, she swiftly led Una back to the suite.
Elkah and Aiko met them on the way and surrounded Una, protecting her from unknown threats. Once inside the suite, Aiko escorted Una to her room while Elkah engaged the security locks, leaving Lanta to drop into the nearest seat and lose her composure.
The man she loved was either dead or dying. When she shut her eyes, she saw the bloodied bandage around Melis’s throat.
Did his medical ward have a healing tank? If she’d suffered that kind of injury on Luur, the outcome would’ve been grave. Melis’s kingdom was a rich one. She had to believe he could be saved. Now the only question was if he made it to the healing tank in time. No matter how technologically advanced his species was, no one had the ability to bring back the dead.
“Try to call our attendant again,” Lanta asked Elkah in a voice that wasn’t her own. She didn’t bother trying to wipe the tears flowing fast down her cheeks. There was no stopping them.
Elkah pushed off the wall and crossed the short distance to Lanta and crouched so they were on eye level. She held both of Lanta’s hands in hers. The last time Elkah had held her hands they’d both been much smaller and Lanta’s mom had just died. Lanta had welcomed the gesture then as she did now.
“I’m sure they’ll let us know something as soon as they can,” Elkah said.
“B-but what if they don’t?” Lanta asked between sobs. “What if instead they send us home without providing an update?”
“If they did, then we could only guess as to the outcome.”
Another cry burst from Lanta.
Elkah pulled her hands away and stood.
“I’m sorry, Elkah. I know this is hard for you. I just can’t...I can’t stop being afraid. Afraid that I’ll never see or talk to him again. I love him. I don’t want him to die.”
“Ancients. Love?” Elkah sputtered.
“What’s going on here?” Una asked as she breezed through the sitting room.
Elkah moved to block Una’s view of Lanta. Lanta wiped her eyes and face frantically.
“Nothing we want to concern you with, Princess,” Elkah stated.
“Really?” Una tried to peek around Elkah.
Lanta kept her head down and pulled up the palace schematics on her comlink. “We didn’t think you’d want to review some of the security concerns that have now surfaced, but if you do, we can decide—”
Una threw up her hands and yelled at the ceiling, “Ugh! Security, security, security! That’s why my mother hired you two, so that I wouldn’t have to be bothered with security concerns.”
“Something has happened to the Kgosi. It’s best we assess the dangers the palace now holds. We don’t know if it was an assassination attempt, as Lanta heard someone yell, or if his injuries were caused by an unfortunate accident.”
Una turned in a dismissive manner. “You two figure it out. I’m going to visit with Sira. I’m dying to see her ball gown. It won’t be as pretty as mine. But it’s still nice to see what the competition has.”
“But what if...” Elkah gave a quick glance in Lanta’s direction.
Lanta caught her breath.
“What if the Kgosi is dead?” Una lifted her shoulder. “Then I guess we go home. But I still want to see Sira’s dress.” She started for the door.
“Not without one of us you aren’t,” Elkah said as she stalked after the Una.
Una stopped and turned toward Elkah. “I want the human to come with me. She blends into the background more.” Una’s eyes roamed up and down Elkah’s body. Her nose scrunched and mouth turned into a frown. “You’re so...so...there.”
“I go or you stay here. Lanta has to work on determining any security issues.”
“Ugh! I don’t care. Follow me if you must.” Una was already out the door.
Elkah paused at the entranceway and glanced toward Lanta. “Are you going to be fine?”
Lanta nodded. “Thank you.” She didn’t know how she would be able to hide her tears if she’d been forced to babysit Una.
Elkah gave her a short nod and left. As soon as they left Lanta tried their attendant again. She didn’t answer. She tried again and again.
After a few hours a holo-call came through. “Come to my suite.” Melis didn’t sound like himself. His voice was deep, it was always deep, but there was something underlining in it that she couldn’t put her finger on.
He’s alive! “What happened? Are you alright?” she rushed out.
“Come to me. Now.”
Lanta didn’t question him further. She sent Elkah a note about where she was going then went to Melis. The guards waved her through as she passed into his private wing. When she reached his suite, a guard opened the door and she ran in, looking for Melis.
Who she saw waiting for her wasn’t the Melis she knew; this person was lethal. Dangerous. He exuded raw energy. She couldn’t have been more attracted to him than she was in that moment.
* * *
He was mad. At the other Kgosis for not giving him a chance. At his brothers for not letting him work to fix the mess he’d made. And at Lanta because she’d shown up at the worst possible time in his life.
If he’d met her a year from now the true lifemate bond between them wouldn’t have been all-encompassing. He would’ve felt it, but the bond between him and his new queen would’ve overridden it until finally it was snuffed out.
He was also mad because now he had to make a decision regarding who would be his queen. He should’ve done it before the other Kgosis had arrived, but he’d been putting it off, not wanting to tell Lanta bye. He couldn’t put it off any longer. There wasn’t time to waste. None of the other Kgosis would hear him out now.
The smart choice was Bienke. With her by his side her kingdom’s troops would protect his borders while he tried to broker a peace treaty and stop a civil war from erupting on his planet. There was so much to do and so many problems to fix. Because of his brothers, his most important issues had to wait until the morning.
But his problem with Lanta? That he could handle now. He planned to fuck her out of his system.
Lanta stripped. No questions asked, even though she looked as though she had a million on her tongue.
She was beautiful. Her breasts were round and full. Her nipples large and brown and stood erect. He would suck on them. Later. She heaved out her breaths, making her breasts rise and fall in exaggerated movements. Taunting. Teasing him.
Her body was perfect. He knew she didn’t believe it was. Every time she was naked in front of him, she tried to shield herself from his view. Someone had done this to her. Someone had led her to believe that she was less than perfection.
He wanted her. Only her.
And he was angry again. How could he be with another when he’d known paradise in Lanta? For the rest of his life he would forever know what the true lifemate bond had felt like. Its memory would be burned across his heart.
“Come here.” He hadn’t meant to sound as surly as he did.
She did that too.
“Take off my clothes.”
She started with his shirt. Then his pants. Her hands were sure but her movements were gentle, as if she didn’t want to hurt him.
A thought dawned on him. “Did you see me?”
She nodded. “I thought you were dead,” she said softly.
He noticed the redness in her eyes for the first time. “And you cried for me?”
She nodded again.
“Lanta. Do you love me?”
She lowered her head. “It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have these feelings for you. You’ll pick a mate soon. You should pick Bienke. She’s a royal and actually one of the good ones. Her kingdom could help provide yours with protection and she has alliances not because she’s feared, but because she’s fair and her family owns the pleasure—”
“I agree,” he ground out.
Her knees gave way and he moved to hold her up.
“This is something I have to do, Lanta. It’s not by choice.”
“It is by choice.” She lifted her chin to glare at him. “Do you love me?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation, because what he felt in his heart, in his veins, in his cells, in his core was true. “But duty has nothing to do with love.”
At his words she made a pained cry and crumpled.
Melis caught her, lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist. The heat of her was on his cocks. He should’ve taken her to his bed but he couldn’t wait that long. Instead he turned around and propped her back against the wall.
When he breached her with his large cock she screamed out his name. She was tight around him. The slickness dripping from her pussy lubricated and coated him, making it easier for him to thrust inside her.
Melis wrapped his arms around her waist and pinned her back against the wall. He wanted to move slow, take his time and savor the feel of her on him, but he couldn’t. Like the other times he was inside of her, he lost all control. His mind clouded and his judgement lapsed. He covered his lips over hers. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues danced and tasted each other.
Lanta raked her nails across his back and he let out a snarl. He wanted her to mark him, claim him as hers. If he couldn’t keep her forever, he wanted the scars she would no doubt leave across his skin to be everlasting. He wanted them to serve as a reminder to the love he had and the love he had to give up.
Tears streamed down her cheeks. Melis pulled from her mouth and kissed the tracks they made on her skin.
“I won’t miss you,” she whispered.
He moved to the other cheek and kissed. His thrusts became harder.
“It’ll be so easy to forget you,” she cried.
“Don’t ever forget about me,” he commanded.
She lifted, using his shoulders as a brace, then positioned his larger cock against her ass and the smaller one over her pussy. She eased down on him, a cry on her lips and head back. Melis stilled, not wanting to hurt her. She was too tight. His breath left him.
“Remember me always,” she strained as she spoke.
Melis let her take the lead, lifting and lowering on his cocks. He growled, trying his best to remain in control. When she raked her nails down his arms, leaving blood in her wake, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust upward. Hard.
Lanta screamed his name again. His release was pending, on the edge. Two more thrusts and his orgasm tore through him and he emptied inside her, giving her every drop of seed that he had.
Lanta wrapped her arms around his neck and clutched to him. Her body wracked with sobs. Melis held her close and buried his face in the side of her neck.
For the good of his world he had to give her up.
This ended tonight.
* * *
I WILL NOT CRY. I WILL not cry. I will not cry.
Lanta held in her tears as she walked through the quiet halls and back to their suite. She made sure to keep her head held high and steps sure, even though she wanted to fall into every corner and cry her heart out. They loved each other and he couldn’t, no, he wouldn’t act on it. His kingdom meant more to him than being with her. Sadly, she understood that reasoning.
Ipakethe had so much potential. Ipakethe and its people weren’t the same as Oncuns and Luur. The Oncuns didn’t want outsiders to infiltrate their government or their way of life. They wouldn’t be able to function. They would all shut down. But Ngonyamas? These people would thrive under opening their world.
Melis had made the right choice. She wouldn’t choose her either.
Lanta stood outside the suite door a few minutes longer. She wanted to make sure that no tears would form in her eyes, giving away how she felt. When she was sure her features were slack and devoid of emotion, she entered.
Una sat on one of the couches, one leg crossed over the other, arms over her chest and eyes narrowed. Elkah and Aiko stood flanking her sides. Una’s accusatory gaze pinned Lanta to the spot.
“Princess Lu told me she saw you entering the Kgosi’s private wing,” Una began.
Lanta flicked her gaze to Elkah. Elkah looked past Lanta without emotion. “I-I...”
“I didn’t believe her. Why would my guard be in the Kgosi’s personal wing? So, I tracked your whereabouts and, sure enough, that’s where you were.” Una tilted her head to the side. “Why? Tell me.”
It was a question Una clearly already knew the answer to.
Lanta wanted to lie. She wanted to deny it. There was her aunt’s business to worry about, not to mention her job. But she was tired. So very tired of sneaking around, hiding her whereabouts and feelings for a male she couldn’t have and who wouldn’t have her.
“I was with him.” That’s all she would say.
What was between her and Melis was confidential even though it was over. Una didn’t own her and didn’t have a right to know her feelings.
“I can’t get him alone but here you are in his personal wing? Something I’ve never seen!” Then she smirked, her face twisting ugly. Her skin turned purple. “Have you stopped to wonder why you were able to get him alone so readily?”
Lanta had the urge to tell Una the truth. She’d had Melis alone on many occasions, but she held her tongue.
“Because you’re like an exotic fruit. Something for him to sample. Something to play with while he picks a real mate.” Una glared at her. “You could never give him what he wants. You are a fool. Nothing but a human fool.”
Lanta glanced at Elkah, expecting her to finally speak up and defend her as she’d done a million times growing up. It was as though Elkah hadn’t heard what Una said, or no longer cared.
“Don’t look at her!” Una snapped her fingers. “I’m the boss here. I already contacted my mother and she contacted the head of the security company. You’re done.”
Lanta thought about all the groveling she would have to do with Aunt Varlah. She’d screwed up bad. Aunt Varlah would give her the most grueling jobs to make Lanta pay for ruining her reputation. Lanta would take those jobs and she would be happy for them. Just like she’d done when she’d first became a personal guard. And also, like then, she would work hard to regain her aunt’s trust and rise in the ranks.
“Oh, and in case you’re wondering,” Una said with a smile that really wasn’t a smile. “The owner already assured my mother that you no longer have a position in her company. You. Are. Fired.”
Lanta’s mouth dropped open. She looked from Una to Elkah. Surely Elkah would speak now. Lanta had known the consequences if she was caught, but she’d thought she would be able to talk her aunt out of it. There would be a meeting. It wouldn’t be so public. So humiliating.
“We wanted you replaced immediately. Because of the circumstances,” Aiko said. “But Varlah can’t send a replacement for a few more days. She expects you to stay on duty until the replacement arrives. Then she wants you on a transport back to Luur. We’ve agreed with her that you will be compensated up until the time you leave. But we are not paying any bonuses previously discussed with Varlah. That has been forfeited.”
Lanta’s knees weakened. The only thing that kept her standing straight was pride.
“We trust you’ll spend these last days as a personal guard behaving more professionally than you’ve spent the previous. Can you give us your word you will not engage in any untoward behavior with the Kgosi?” Aiko asked.
“Yes,” Lanta said in a voice that was stronger than how she felt.