Chapter Seventy-Eight

NO TIME TO THINK. JOHN had to reach Ava. Whilst Granddad was on the telephone and his mother with Little Adam, John pulled on his boots and was out of the house before anyone could stop him. He ran across St Chad’s park, through the Village, and paused for breath, sweating and panting, at the Flyover.

He was about to resume the pace when a car drew alongside him and a voice said: ‘Mate, d’you want a lift?’

John saw Paul Ballow in the driver’s seat. Ava knew Paul – he was a friend. He nodded and Paul opened the passenger door.

It was warm in the car. For a moment, John shivered and didn’t speak. When Paul asked where he was to drop him off, John said, ‘Ava’s.’ When Paul asked what he was doing out in such weather, John told him everything. He might as well – the whole world would know soon anyway.