
It’s weird to see Find Me with only my name on it, because, God knows, I didn’t get here on my own. I have no idea where to begin, so I’ll just dive in.

As always, I would be nowhere without my incredible parents, who didn’t even flinch when I told them I wanted to be a writer . . . and wasn’t going to law school . . . and “Oh, by the way, it’s one of those creepy books so you probably shouldn’t tell your friends.”

Except they totally did tell their friends . . . and pretty much anyone else who couldn’t outrun them. I am beyond lucky to have such support.

In the same way I’m beyond lucky to have Wonder Agent Sarah Davies on my side. Words are supposed to be my thing, but I’m always flat speechless when describing Sarah. She has been my agent, editor, and fairy godmother all rolled into one. Needless to say, I wouldn’t be here without her. Every author should be so lucky as to have someone like her in his or her life.

Beyond grateful to my editor, Phoebe Yeh, for taking a chance on me and for not being completely weirded out when I trotted forward all the reasons I wanted HarperCollins to be my publisher. I promise, I’m not a stalker. I just did a lot of research . . . which, come to think about it, is probably exactly what a stalker would say.

A big thank-you to my little sis, Merrill, and her husband, Ricky, for the repeated read-throughs and feedback. Another big thank-you to Alana Whitman, Olivia deLeon, and Jessica MacLeish, who make me look so much cooler and more pulled together than I actually am.

I also want to thank Tanya Michaels, Jana Oliver, Valerie Bowman, and Debby Giusti, who believed in me way before I believed in myself. You ladies rock. I must have been a much nicer person in a former life to have earned such support.

Special thanks to the following teachers and professors I had the pleasure of working with over the years: Priscilla Overstreet, Christopher Craig, Margie Lawson, Dianna Love, Mary Buckham, Dr. Mary Alice Money, Dr. Stephen Dobranski, Dr. Michael Galchinsky, and Dr. Malinda Snow. I so, so, so hope you enjoy Find Me as much as I enjoyed your classes. I’m writing today because of you.

And thank you doesn’t even begin to cover what I owe my awesome critique partners, Jennifer McQuiston and Sally Kilpatrick. I am amazed that these ladies take my phone calls, let alone read my dreadful first drafts. I am so lucky to have them.

A big shout-out to all my friends at Georgia Romance Writers and, of course, my beloved DoomsDaisies, who will probably end up ruling the world, so everyone better stay on their good side.

Another thank-you to my awesome buddies downtown: Drew Nabbefeldt, who told everyone I was his favorite author before I even had a book out; Abra Schwartz, who encourages my bad behavior; Joann Steele, Kristin Smith, Larry Rodrigues, and Steve Herbein, who always cheer me on; and Alexis Kole and Nichole Pitts, who are pretty much made of awesome.

Particular thanks to Cecily White and Meg Kassel for those lightning reads, as well as to Dr. Patricia Recklet, who not only takes care of Tempi the Wonder Pony but also read Find Me and, to my utter delight, asked for more.

And, of course, thank you to my husband, Tony Bernard, who was with me the whole way and who believed in me even when I didn’t. Most girls dream about marrying a superhero. I actually did. I love you, sweetheart.