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‘Emergency, which service?’

‘We need an ambulance! Please, quickly!’

‘I am transferring you now …’

‘Hello, you are through to the ambulance service; how can I help you?’

‘We need an ambulance, like, now! My friend has fallen and she’s not moving and I think she might … look, we just need an ambulance, OK?’

‘Where are you? Can you give me the address?’

‘No! Oh, please, don’t tell her, Yaz! I’m going to be in so much trouble!’

‘We’re all going to be in so much trouble. That doesn’t matter right now; I have to tell her, Savvy – how else is the ambulance going to get here?’

‘The address?’

‘Hello? Sorry. We need an ambulance at 118 Laburnum Drive, Ardenley. You have to hurry! She’s fallen and she’s not moving …’

‘She’s not moving at all? Where did she fall from?’

‘She fell down the stairs. It was an accident!’

‘Have you moved her?’

‘No, we’re scared to – she’s lying all funny. She’s not moving at all. And there’s all this broken glass and blood …’

‘An ambulance is on its way to you now.’

‘How long will it take? I’m so scared …’

‘I need you to stay on the line. We’ll be with you as soon as we possibly can.’

‘It was an accident!’

‘What is your friend’s name?’

‘Alice. Alice Beech …’