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When I look back at it all, I remember everything in slow motion.

I fell head over heels, tumbling, my body tucked into a ball, my knees and elbows and curving back, scraping and thumping against each step. It was dark, and that feeling of falling was more terrifying than anything I’d ever known in my life, so when the scream filled my ears I thought it must be me.

It wasn’t, though; I think it was probably Savvy.

I bumped and crashed my way to the bottom of the stairs, and at the bottom I fell against the hall table and brought the antique mirror crashing down on me. Everything fell, everything smashed – even the glass vase of red and white roses that was on the hall table. Water and roses and broken glass and shards of mirror were scattered everywhere.

My head hit the tiled floor and everything vanished – including me.