Fleming, Candace. Ben Franklin’s Almanac. New York: Atheneum, 2003.

Fleming, Thomas. Benjamin Franklin: Inventing America. New York: Sterling, 2007 reprint.

Fradin, Dennis Brindell. Who Was Benjamin Franklin? New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 2002.

Herbert, Janis. The American Revolution for Kids: A History with 21 Activities. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2002.

Hollihan, Kerrie L. Isaac Newton and Physics for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2009.

Miller, Brandon Marie. Declaring Independence: Life During the American Revolution, Minneapolis: Lerner Publishing, 2005.

Miller, Brandon Marie. George Washington for Kids: His Life and Times. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2007.

Roop, Peter, and Connie Roop. Benjamin Franklin. New York: Scholastic Reference, 2001.
