The companies listed below sell many of the items recommended throughout this book. They offer money-back guarantees and absolute confidentiality. They package all purchases discreetly and never rent their customer lists.
Good Vibrations
(800) BUY-VIBE (289-8423)
My Pleasure
(866) 697-5327
The Xandria Collection
(800) 242-2823
Academy for Guided Imagery
P.O. Box 2070
Mill Valley, CA 94942
(800) 726-2070
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
P.O. Box 5488
Richmond, VA 23220
American Massage Therapy Association
820 Davis Street, Suite 100
Evanston, IL 60201-4444
(847) 864-0123
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMT)
1271 Sugarbush Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439-9766
(800) 458-2267
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB)
10200 West 44th Avenue, Suite 304
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-2840
(303) 422-8436
Betty Dodson Online
Viva La Vulva video
Bisexual Internet Resources
P.O. Box 77212
Washington, DC 20013-7212
(773) 604-1654
Coalition for Positive Sexuality
P.O. Box 77212
Washington, DC 20013-7212
(773) 604-1654
70 Otis Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
(800) 252-3774
Femme Productions
Woman-friendly explicit videos
(800) 456-LOVE; in Canada (800) 955-0888
Great Sex Web site
Incest Survivors Resource Network
P.O. Box 7375
Las Cruces, NM 88006-7375
(505) 521-4260
International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists
P.O. Box 1365
Sugar Land, TX 77487
(800) 927-4227
International Pelvic Pain Society
2006 Brookwood Medical Center Drive, Suite 402
Birmingham, AL 35209
(205) 877-2950 or (800) 624-9676
Relearning Touch: Healing Techniques for Couples video by Wendy Martz, M.S.W.
261 East 12th Avenue
Suite 100
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 343-7993
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
8201 Greensboro Drive #300
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 610-9015
National Institute of Relationship Enhancement
4400 East-West Highway, Suite 28
Bethesda, MD 20814-4501
(301) 986-1479 or (800) 4-FAMILIES
National Vulvodynia Association
P.O. Box 4491
Silver Spring, MD 20914-4491
(301) 299-0775
Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS) Foundation, Ltd.
1056 Creekford Drive
Weston, FL 33326
(888) PAIRS-4U or (888) 724-7748
Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP)
P.O. Box 102530
Denver, CO 80250
(303) 759-9931 or (800) 366-0166
QualiLife Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
61 West Medical Center
1483 Tobias Gadson Boulevard, Suite 105
Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 402-0901 or (877) 4-ZESTRA
P.O. Box 881254
San Francisco, CA 94188-1254
(415) 989-7374 or (877) 472-SFSI (7374)
Sinclair Intimacy Institute
Becoming Orgasmic video and other products
P.O. Box 8865
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
(800) 955-0888
Survivors of Incest Anonymous
P.O. Box 190
Benson, MD 21018-9998
(410) 893-3322
Time for Two
An Enchanting Evening and SEXsational games, The Book of Love, Laughter, and Romance, as well as other romance-enhancement products
No. 471, 7349 Via Paseo Del Sur
Suite 515
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(800) 776-7662, ext. 105
UroMetrics, Inc.
Eros Clitoral Therapy Device
2022 Ferry Street, Suite 3125
Anoka, MN 55303
(763) 323-1968
University of Michigan Center for Vulvar Disease
University of Michigan Health System
1500 East Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 936-4000
P.O. Drawer 177
Graham, NC 27253
(336) 226-0704
Advisory Board member Louanne Weston, Ph.D., answers sex questions at
Space does not permit listing the 51 books and 374 medical journal articles used as sources for this book. If you’d like to review them, visit