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i Told in Kill Dusty Fog!
ii Told in The Colt and the Sabre and The Rebel Spy.
iii More of Belle Boyd’s story is told in The Bloody Border, Back to the Bloody Border, The Hooded Riders and The Bad Bunch.
iv These demands are explained in The Fast Gun.
v Texans do not use the word ‘cinch’.
vi The Californian or Mexican usually holds his reins beneath his little finger and up to hang forward over the top of his hand.
vii Peckerwood: derogatory name for a white Southerner.
viii Luff: uncomplimentary term for a 1st lieutenant.
ix The standard, Army barrel was eight inches in length.
x Told in Quiet Town, The Trouble Busters, The Making of a Lawman, The Small Texan and The Town Tamers.
xi He later served, in his peacetime rank of Major, with General George Armstrong Custer’s 7th Cavalry at the ill-fated Battle of the Little Bighorn.
xii One example of this is given in Goodnight’s Dream
xiii Told in the ‘The Futility of War’ episode of The Fastest Gun in Texas.
xiv How Cogshill repaid Dusty is told in Cuchilo.
xv Told in Kill Dusty Fog!
xvi Mark Counter’s history is told in the author’s floating outfit stories.
xvii How and why this came about is told in The Ysabel Kid.
xviii Soda and hock: the first and last cards in a deck used for playing faro.
xix Turkey buzzard: Cathartes Aura, the American Turkey Vulture.
xx Material: in Artillery terms, the battery’s guns, vehicles and equipment as opposed to its personnel and horses.
xxi The use of a rope-corral is described in Trail Boss.
xxii Brio escondido: hidden vigor, stamina of a high order.
xxiii More of General Smethurst’s story can be read in Back to the Bloody Border and in The Hooded Riders.
xxiv Hard wintering: gossiping or storytelling, from the old men’s habit of discussing the severity of the winters in their younger days.
xxv The standard-size Army Colt had an eight-inch barrel.
xxvi How is told in The Bad Bunch.
xxvii Rosaderos: wide, vertical shields stitched to the back of the stirrup leathers.