
Afghani (Afghaanee) – the Afghan unit of currency.

Allahu Akbar (Alaahu Akbar) – an exclamation that means

“Allah is the Greatest” or “Allah is Great!” Known as the takbir in Arabic, the phrase is used in both the call to prayer and the five daily ritual prayers.

arusi (aroosee) – the second stage of an Afghan wedding, a combination of further ceremony and wedding reception, filled with food, dancing, music, and gifts

baba (baabaa) – father

bacha (baachaa) – boy

baksheesh (bakhshish) – a gift

bale (baalay) – an expression meaning “okay, good, yes”

chador (chaadar) – a semicircular shawl, often worn as a head covering and held closed in front

chadri (chaadaree) – a garment that some Muslim women wear in public. A long veil that rests on top of the head and extends below the knees, with a small mesh screen over the face for sight and breathing. Known in Arabic as a burqa.

dastarkhan (dastarkhaan) – a large tablecloth spread out on the floor, where food is set out and meals are served

dewana (daywaana) – crazy or foolish

Eid (Eed) – an Arabic term meaning “festival”; in Islam, commonly used to refer to the holiday of Eid ul-Fitr, which celebrates the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting

hajji (haajee) – a title of honor for a man who has made the Islamic pilgrimage (the hajj) to Mecca

inshallah (Inshaalah) – “God willing”

-jan (jaan) – suffix meaning “dear,” appended to a name as a sign of affection

khuda hafiz (khudaa haafiz) – good-bye

madar (maadar) – mother

muezzin (moazin) – in Islam, one who calls the faithful to perform the five daily ritual prayers. The call itself is named the adhan.

muallem (malim) – teacher

mullah (mulaa) – a Muslim trained in religious law, usually holding an offical position

naan (naan) – an oven-baked flatbread, made with yeast

nikah (nikaah) – literally, the wedding contract between a Muslim bride and groom; also used to refer to the ceremony in which this contract is formalized and the bride-price is paid

perahan-tunban (payraan wa tunbaan) – the Dari name for a set of clothing consisting of a long tunic over a pair of loose trousers; known in Urdu as a shalwar kameez

rafiq (rafeeq) – in Arabic, “friend”

rubab (rubaab) – a lute-like musical instrument played by plucking; one of the national instruments of Afghanistan

sahib (saahib) – a term of respect

salaam (salaam) – a common greeting; in Arabic, “peace”

salaam alaikum (salaam alaikum) – a common Islamic greeting meaning “peace be upon you”

shahba-henna (shabi hinaa) – a party held the night before a wedding, at which the bride’s feet and hands are painted with henna

shirnee-khoree (shirnee khoree) – an engagement party; literally, “the sweet eating”

tabla (tabla) – a drum played with the hands

tandoor (tandor) – a clay oven used to bake naan as well as other foods

tashakor (tashakur) – thank you

toshak (toshak) – a narrow mattress that could be used as either or both a bed and a sofa

wah wah (waah waah) – an expression meaning “hooray, congratulations, good for you”

walaikum salaam (walaikum salaam) – the standard response to “salaam alaikum,” meaning “And upon you be peace”

wudu’ (wu zoo) – in Islam, the act of cleansing the body before the ritual prayers