Missouri caves have been at the core of my life for nearly sixty years, and many of those years have been spent exploring and doing cave research of one kind or another. None of the stories and books that I have written about Missouri caves sprang fully formed from my imagination. Behind each were individuals and institutions that provided valuable information and support. This book is no exception.

First and foremost I need to thank the countless numbers of cavers, landowners, scientists, state employees, and others whose contributions to the files of the Missouri Speleological Survey over the past fifty years have created an irreplaceable reservoir of information. I am indebted to Scott House for his assistance as well as to that of Matt Forir.

In the effort to produce this book, I wish to thank Laura Jolley of the Missouri State Archives; the Missouri State Library; the State Historical Society of Missouri; William “Bill” Elliott of the Missouri Department of Conservation; Jody Eberly of the U.S. Forest Service; James Vandike of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Land Survey; Gordon Smith of the National Cave Museum; Estle Funkhouser and Lloyd and Edith Richardson of Crystal Cave; and all the members of the Missouri Caves Association, who have always been generous in providing assistance.

I also want to thank the individuals who reviewed the manuscript. Their eye to detail and accuracy kept me from making many blunders. There is no substitute for Becky Schroeder. Her knowledge and long years of dedication to the Missouri Heritage Readers series makes working with her both a pleasure and an unforgettable experience. She’s the kind of editor every writer needs to have.

There is one more individual that I must acknowledge—my wife, Rosie. As Becky Schroeder said after reading the first draft of this manuscript, “Your love for caves certainly shows in your writing.” I may love caves, but Rosie has endured my obsession with caves for nearly fifty years. That is the hallmark of an even greater love.