Bari, Italy

THE FOLLOWING MORNING had come and gone.

And yet there wasn’t any sign of Stasia.

Roberto was certain she was upset with him for skipping out on the outing yesterday with his family. He didn’t blame her. And if he hadn’t been so conflicted about the chemistry coursing between them, he would have gone with them.

He didn’t know why spending time with Stasia was getting to him. He was thinking about things that he had no business considering where she was concerned—like pulling her into his arms and kissing her until she couldn’t think of anyone but him. And no matter how many times he reminded himself of all the reasons that getting involved with her wasn’t a good idea, when he closed his eyes at the end of the day, it was her face that he saw. And when sleep finally claimed him, she was in his dreams warming his bed.

For days, they’d been inseparable, and now she was nowhere to be seen. And it was because of him. She was avoiding him. He’d overstepped with one too many kisses.

He should have respected her space, but he’d thought she’d wanted him too. And when their lips had met, he was certain she’d wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

He wanted to call her, but his phone was dead. He’d checked the ship’s courtesy shop, but they didn’t have a replacement battery. He’d have to wait until they got back to Athens to have access to his phone.

Having grown tired of pacing in his cabin, he’d moved to the sunny deck. Maybe a bit of fresh air would help him relax. As he took a seat at a vacant table, he heard a familiar voice.

“Good morning.” His grandmother placed a hand on his shoulder before passing by him and taking a seat across from him.

“Good morning, Yaya.” He slipped his dead phone back in his pocket. “I thought you’d be off on another tour.”

His grandmother sighed. “I’d love to, but my body, it’s not as young as it used to be. It needs a day of rest.”

Roberto nodded in understanding.

“I thought you’d be with Stasia.”

“I, uh, haven’t seen her since you went off exploring yesterday.”

A concerned look came over his grandmother’s face. “How strange.”

“Wait. Why do you look so worried?”

“Because she left the tour early yesterday. She said she had a headache, but I suspected she missed you.” His grandmother’s gaze searched his. “So she didn’t come back here to see you?”

He shook his head.

“That’s very odd.”

Concern coursed through him. If she hadn’t come back here to see him then perhaps she truly did have a headache. And then guilt assailed him. All this time he’d been sitting around worrying about himself and how the engagement had changed things between them. What if something was wrong and she’d tried to call him? With his phone dead, her call would have gone straight to voice mail.

He got to his feet. “Excuse me.”

“Go. Go.” His grandmother waved him off. “I hope everything is all right.”

He was already in motion before his grandmother finished speaking. He couldn’t imagine Stasia needing him and not being able to reach him. As he strode down the passageway, he realized there was a cabin phone. She could have used it to get ahold of him. Unless she was too sick.

Not having the patience to wait for the elevator, he opted to take the steps. He moved swiftly, dodging around the slow-moving vacationers. He had to get to Stasia. He had to be certain she was all right.

When he finally stopped in front of her door, he knocked rapidly. “Stasia? Stasia?” When the door didn’t open right away, he knocked again. “Stasia, open up.”

The door flung open and there stood Stasia. Her face was devoid of makeup and her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. She was still wearing what he assumed were her pajamas—a black cami that hinted at her cleavage and matching satin shorts that showed off her long legs. She looked so good, so very good.

“Roberto, what’s wrong? Why did you almost pound the door off its hinges?”

With great effort, he lifted his gaze to her face. On second glance, he realized she was a bit pale and her eyes were dulled. Something was definitely amiss.

“Yaya said you weren’t feeling well. I wanted to check on you.”

Her gaze narrowed and she didn’t open the door enough to let him in. “Would you have noticed if your grandmother hadn’t said something?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means this arrangement is over. Let that woman you were enjoying a leisurely lunch with yesterday, after you blew me off, be your fake girlfriend. I quit.” She attempted to close the door.

He stuck his foot in the way, stopping the door. “Stasia, what are you talking about?”

She let go of the door and walked farther into the room. He followed her.

“Stasia, I don’t understand.”

She turned to him, anger flashing in her eyes. “Don’t try to deny it. I left the tour early because I felt bad that you were back here on the ship working hard while I was out having a good time. And imagine my surprise when I find my fake fiancé having a romantic lunch with some beautiful woman.”

“You saw that?”

She nodded. “Did you think you were being so sneaky?”

He’d had absolutely no idea that she’d been there. “If you had walked over to the table, I would have introduced you.”

Stasia shook her head. “I don’t need to be introduced to your lovers.”

That was what she thought? That he was involved with Petra? He studied Stasia’s beautiful face and the way her big brown eyes reflected her anger and pain. Was it possible their kiss at the wedding had meant something to her? Was she jealous?

“Her name is Petra. And she’s not my lover.”

Stasia’s mouth opened but nothing came out. She pressed her lips together into a firm line as though she was making sense of what he was saying. Emotions flickered through her eyes as reality started to take hold.

Stasia pressed her hands to her hips and lifted her chin until they were eye to eye. “Are you saying you aren’t interested in her?”

Roberto couldn’t help but laugh. “I think of Petra like a little sister.”


He nodded in affirmation. “She grew up on the estate next to my grandparents’. When we were kids, she played with me and my friends.”

“ were childhood friends?”

He smiled and nodded.

“You aren’t romantically involved?”

He shook his head. “The idea never even crossed my mind. I don’t think of Petra that way and she doesn’t see me that way. My grandmother invited her on the cruise, thinking there was a chance for something more. She was wrong.”

“So if Petra isn’t interested in you, why did she agree to come on the cruise?”

“She was in need of a vacation and she is good friends with Gaia. So, basically, she was here for the wedding.”

Stasia’s eyes widened with hope. “Not you?”

“Not me.” He stepped closer to her and caressed her cheek. “The only woman I have eyes for on this cruise is you.”


“Really.” And he didn’t stop to think of the right or the wrong of it; he just acted.

He reached out to her, placing his hands on her slender waist and drawing her to him. And she willingly moved closer to him. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.

For so long, he’d been fighting his feelings for her. But after seeing that she cared enough about him to get so worked up—so jealous—he’d been moved. He’d never had another woman in his life stir him the way Stasia did.

His mouth moved over hers. With the heated emotions, it didn’t leave room for a soft and gentle kiss. Instead their lips moved hungrily over each other. Her hands moved to his shoulders before moving to the back of his neck. He’d never get enough of her touch.

Roberto reached behind him and pushed the door shut. He was going to show Stasia that there was no other woman in his life. All he could think about—dream about—was her.

As the kiss deepened, he scooped Stasia up in his arms. He carried her to the bed and laid her down. He leaned down, continuing to kiss her.

But before this went any further, he had to be entirely sure it was what she wanted too. It took every bit of willpower he could muster to pull away from her sweet, sweet kisses.

Stasia’s eyes fluttered open. Confusion reflected in her eyes. “What’s the matter?”

“Stasia, are you sure this is what you want?”

Her gaze met his. In its depths desire flickered. “I want you. All of you.”

And then she drew him to her, smothering his words with a kiss. A kiss that was sweeter than anything he’d ever imagined. How did he get so lucky to have Stasia in his life?