
ABC; see American Broadcasting Corporation

actor(s); Allen, Woody; Bergman, Ingrid; Bernhardt, Sarah; Bogart, Humphrey; Burr, Raymond; Connery, Sean; Cooper, Gary; Curtis, Tony; Davis, Betty; Deneuve, Catherine, Depp, Johnny; Douglas, Michael; Eastwood, Clint; film star; Garbo, Greta; Garland, Judy; Gere, Richard; Gibson, Mel; Grace, Princess; Grant, Cary; Hepburn, Katharine; Irons, Jeremy; Jolie, Angelina; Lane, Nathan; Magnani, Anna; Mansfield, Jayne; Mirren, Helen; Moore, Demi; Nicholson, Jack; Pickford, Mary; Pitt, Brad; Robeson, Paul; Ryder, Winona; Sinatra, Frank; Stewart, Jimmy; Streep, Meryl; Temple, Shirley; Wayne, John; Welles, Orson; see also Kelly, Grace; Monroe, Marilyn

The Adams Family,

Adorno, Theodor




aesthetic system

Allen, Woody

America (United States)


American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

American film studios

American Idol

Antoinette, Marie

Arafat, Yasir

Arbuckle, Fatty

art: advertising and; aesthetics of; aura in; celebrity/ logo and; contemporary; David (Michaelangelo); Paik, Nam Jun; painting; photography; Picasso, Pablo; religion and; Schnabel, Julian; The Success and Failure of Picasso (Berger); The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproducibility (Benjamin); see also Warhol, Andy


aura; in art; Benjamin on; brand/logo and; as cage; characters and; definition of; dependency and; of Europe; in film; museum and; of Princess Diana; of product; reproducibility reducing; The Sopranos lack of; star icon and; theater and; TV and

Band of Outsiders (Godard)

Barnes, Julian

Barrie, Philip

Barthes, Roland

Bashir, Martin

BBC; see British Broadcasting Company


Bedford, duke

Benjamin, Walter; on aura; Ferris on; on religious cult practice


Berger, John

Bergman, Ingrid

Bernhardt, Sarah

The Beverly Hillbillies

The Birdcage (Nichols)

The Birds (Hitchcock)

Blair, Tony


Bogart, Humphrey


Boorstein, Daniel

Bottomley, Virginia


Branson, Richard

Braudy, Leo

British Broadcasting Company (BBC)

British Film Institute

Brown, Tina

Buckingham Palace

Burr, Raymond

Bush, George W.

Callas, Maria

Cambridge University


Carlisle, Kitty

Cassini, Oleg


Catholic Church

Cavell, Stanley; automatisms of life of; on The Philadelphia Story; on photography

Cavett, Dick

celebrity; art/logo and; Boorstein on; as expanding market; fame; film star and; genius and; Gritten on; logo and; Marshall on; media and; of Picasso; as product; stalking of, through TV; star image and

Celebrity (Allen)

Celebrity Rehab,


Charles (Prince)

Charles, Earl of Spencer

Chase, David

Churchill, Winston

cinema; see film


Connery, Sean

Connor, Macaulay

consumer capitalism

consumer society

Cooper, Gary

counterfactual dependence

Cronkite, Walter

Cukor, George

cult: of aesthete; of media star; of Princess Diana; of royalty; star icon and; TV and; voyeurism and formation of

Curtis, Tony

Daily Mail

Das, Baba Ram

David (Michaelangelo)

Davis, Betty

Dayan, Daniel

Deneuve, Catherine

Depp, Johnny


Diana (Princess); as actor; aura of; Charles, Earl of Spencer on; cult of; eating disorders of; Fleming on; as Garbo in Grand Hotel; historical pedigree of; HIV/AIDS victims and; as icon figure; Irons and; Johnson on; Mandela on; media event of wedding of; Mother Teresa and; paparazzi and; physical communication of; Princess Grace and; as product; in Queen; Queen Elizabeth and; as star icon; in star system; talk show appearance of

Diana: The Portrait (Princess of Wales Foundation)

Dimbleby, Jonathan

disinformation campaign

Doane, Mary Anne

Don Giovanni (Mozart)

Douglas, Michael


Durban, South Africa

Dyer, Richard

Eastwood, Clint

Edward VII

Eisenstein, Sergei

Elizabeth II (Queen)

England, England (Barnes)








Farouk, king

Fayed, Dodi

Ferris, David

film: aura in; Band of Outsiders (Godard); The Birds (Hitchcock); British Film Institute; Cukor, George; Frenzy (Hitchcock); Goodbye Columbus (Roth); Grand Hotel (Goulding); His Girl Friday (Hawks); Hitchcock as philosopher of; Marx Brothers; Panofsky on; The Philadelphia Story (Cukor); physiognomy in; Queen (Frears); Rear Window (Hitchcock); star image and; A Star Is Born (Cukor); The Triumph of the Will; The Truman Show (Weir); TV and; Vertigo (Hitchcock); voyeurism and; Walton on; Weir, Peter; Wilder, Billy; Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (Tashlin); see also art

film star

Fisher, Philip

Fleming, Tom

Fox News

Fox TV

Frears, Stephen

Freemont, Lisa

Frenzy (Hitchcock)

The führer

Gamson, Joshua

Garbo, Greta

Garfield, John

Garland, Judy


Gere, Richard


Gibson, Mel

Gilligan’s Island,


Godard, Jean-Luc

Goldstein, Lawrence

Goodbye Columbus (Roth)

Grace, Princess, see also Kelly, Grace

Grand Hotel (Goulding)

Grant, Cary

Gritten, David

Harmsworth, Alfred Charles

Haven, C. K. Dexter

Hayes, John Michael

Hearst, William Randolph

Henreid, Paul

Henry VIII, king

Hepburn, Katharine


Hewitt, James

His Girl Friday (Hawks)

Hitchcock, Alfred

HIV/AIDS victims


Hubbell telescope

Hughes, Robert

human symbols





Inside TV

Irons, Jeremy

It Had to be Murder (Woolrich)

Jackie Frieze (Warhol)

JFK; see Kennedy, John F.

John, Elton

Johnson, Richard

Jolie, Angelina


Kafka (Soderbergh)

Katz, Elihu

Keeley, Senator

Kelly, Grace

Kennedy, John F. (JFK)

Kensington Palace

Lacan, Jacques

Laemmle, Carl

Lama, Dalai

Lane, Nathan

Lauren, Ralph

Leach, Archibald

Liszt, Franz

“live” news


Lubin, David

Mack, Ted

Magnani, Anna

Mandela, Nelson

Mansfield, Jayne

The Man Without Qualities (Musil)

Margaret, Princess

market quality

market value

Marlborough, duke

Marshall, P. David

Marx Brothers

Mata Hari

media; celebrity/star icon and; consumer society and; repetition and; state of; see also American Broadcasting Corporation; British Broadcasting Company; Fox News; Fox TV

media event(s): Dayan and Katz on; Princess Diana’s wedding as; TV taking advantage of

media figure

media presence

Mellencamp, Patricia


Mercedes Benz

MGM musical


Mirren, Helen


Modleski, Tania


Monroe, Marilyn; Braudy on; TV and; Wilder and

Moore, Demi

Moore, Michael

moral authority

Morton, Andrew

The Morton Downey Show

Moss, Kate

movies; see film

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mr. Ed,

multiply mirroring device


Musil, Robert


New York Times Travel Section

Nicholson, Jack

A Night at the Opera (Marx Brothers)

Onassis, Jackie

ontology of liveness

opera: Callas, Maria; Don Giovanni (Mozart); Parsifal (Wagner); Pavarotti, Luciano; Wagner, Richard


Original Amateur Hour (Mack)

Paik, Nam Jun


Panofsky, Erwin

Panorama (current affairs program)



Paris, France

Parker-Bowles, Camilla

Parsifal (Wagner)

Pasteur, Louis

Pavarotti, Luciano

People magazine

People’s Princess


Petticoat Junction

pharmaceutical companies

The Philadelphia Story (Cukor)

Philip (Duke)


Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein)




Piaf, Edith

Picasso, Pablo

Pickford, Mary

Pitt, Brad

pop culture

presidential debates

Presley, Elvis

Princess of Wales; see also Diana, Princess



public appetite

public spectacle

Pulitzer, Joseph


Queen (Frears)

Rainier, prince

rat pack

reality TV

Rear Window (Hitchcock)


religious cult practice

repetition: audience compulsion with; fame and; media and; star image and; in TV; Warhol recognizing


Roach, Jay

Robeson, Paul


Ross, Andrew

Roth, Philip

Royal Family; see also Charles (Prince); Charles, Earl of Spencer; Diana (Princess); Edward VII; Elizabeth II (Queen); Philip (Duke)

Russell, Rosalind

Ryder, Winona


St. James Park

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Sawyer, Diane


Schnabel, Julian

Second World War

Shakespeare, William

Sinatra, Frank

Sinatra, Nancy

Soderbergh, Stephen

Sontag, Susan

The Sopranos,

Soprano, Tony

South Africa

Spigel, Lynn

Springer, Jerry

Spy Magazine

The Spy Who Shagged Me (Roach)


star icon; aesthetic system of; aura and; Bernhardt as; catastrophe and; cult and; media and; melodrama and; Presley as; Robeson as; transcendental aspect of; Wayne as; women as; see also Antoinette, Marie; aura; celebrity; cult; Diana, Princess; film star; Grace, Princess; Kelly, Grace; Monroe, Marilyn; Onassis, Jackie

star image; celebrity and; film/marketing and; Marshall on; repetition and; Stolley on; unapproachability of; see also aura

A Star Is Born (Cukor)

star quality

star system; Americana rooted in; Gamson on; Marshall on; origins of; The Philadelphia Story and; Princess Diana in; TV and; see also consumer capitalism; market quality; product; repetition; reproducibility

star worship

Stein, Gertrude

Stewart, Donald Ogden

Stewart, Jimmy

Stolley, Richard


Streep, Meryl

The Success and Failure of Picasso (Berger)


Susskind, David

talk radio

talk show hosts; Cavett, Dick; The Morton Downey Show; Springer, Jerry; Susskind, David; Winfrey, Oprah

Tashlin, Frank


television (TV); American Broadcasting Corporation; American Idol; aura and; Bonanza; Carlisle, Kitty; catastrophe; celebrities stalked by; Cronkite, Walter; cult and; fantasy and; film and; Gilligan’s Island; Goldstein on; improvisation in; Inside TV; Kelly and; lack of purposiveness in; Marshall on; media events taken advantage of by; Monroe and; The Morton Downey Show; Mr. Ed; Onassis and; ontology of liveness in; Original Amateur Hour (Mack); Panorama (current affairs program); parallelism of; pharmaceutical companies sponsoring; reality TV; repetition in, Sawyer, Diane; star system and; Survivor; talk show hosts; The Three Stooges; TV continuity; The Twilight Zone; Walters, Barbara; the Western; women and; see also The Adams Family; The Beverly Hillbillies; The Birdcage (Nichols); media; media event(s); Petticoat Junction; The Sopranos; The Truman Show (Weir)

Temple, Shirley

Teresa, Mother

Thatcher, Margaret

Thatcher, Mark


Thoreau, Henry David

The Three Stooges


“Transparent Pictures” (Walton)

The Triumph of the Will

The Truman Show (Weir)

Trump, Donald

TV; see television

TV continuity

Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)

The Twilight Zone


Van Gogh, Vincent

Vanity Fair,

Versace, Donatella

Vertigo (Hitchcock)

von Stroheim, Eric

voyeurism; cult formation and; film and; star aura as


Wagner, Richard

Walters, Barbara

Walton, Kendall

Warhol, Andy; early work of; Fisher on; Jackie Frieze; pop culture and; repetition recognized by

Wayne, John

Weber, Max

Weir, Peter

Welles, Orson

the Western

Westminster Abbey

Wharton, Edith

White Album (Beatles)

Wilder, Billy

Williams, Raymond

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (Tashlin)

Winfrey, Oprah

Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann

women; manipulation of; Oprah and; role of; TV and

Woolrich, Cornell

The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproducibility (Benjamin)

The World Viewed (Cavell)