Heeled-high and taffetaed she stood adrift looking out over a dim, distant world of demi-court and dusty pomp. A world of silent bugle, abandoned spear and waiting steed. A lost laughter and unstepped quadrille. A place of civility and form. Of familiarity. Privilege. Youth. Her chin jutted high, for she was Patricia Trask Sproul Ardmore Amory, sired by the merchant barons of Baltimore, twice wed into the British peerage, twice a countess but never a duchess. Her eyes were clear, her vision partial to a memory of parasols and esplanade. Nothing much had happened. Time was simply passing.

“Mister Yates, how nice of you to drop in without calling.” She motioned away the butler who had admitted him to the somber Virginia mansion built by her great-great-grandfather. “Are you planning to stay for dinner?”

“Only to talk to your husband and leave,” Yates assured her. “I’m sorry I didn’t call in advance.”

“Barrett is napping. Do amuse yourself until he comes down.” She withdrew, saying, “I’ll set another place for dinner.”

Billy Yates rather liked Lady Pat, as his classmates at the FBI’s training academy used to call her. He knew the feelings were not mutual, which was all right with him. After all, how chummy does a future agent want to be with J. Edgar Hoover’s alleged paramour?

If the most fanciful of rumors were to be believed, Pat was the fabled Carmella Hebbelman, who long ago during Prohibition danced and drank the night away with Edgar in Zion, Illinois.

When saner heads and logic prevailed, a confirmable story told how Lady Pat and Hoover were first introduced in 1942. World War II was in full rage, and Patricia had returned to America with her second titled British husband, the Earl of Ardmore. Ardmore, who was in England’s secret service, had come to this country to confer with OSS chief William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan on the formation of Anglo-U.S. training programs for espionage operatives. Ardmore had created several such curriculums for Britain. Among the aides accompanying him and his wife was Patricia’s cousin Orin G. Trask. Trask, a thirty-year-old scholar with a penchant for criminology, was in London researching a book on Scotland Yard when war with Germany broke out. He stayed on and joined his cousin-in-law’s unit. Development of training programs for espionage whetted Trask’s appetite for similar programs in crime fighting. Trask, as early as 1941, envisioned the FBI transcending Scotland Yard as the dominant post-war law-enforcement entity … saw a great university of criminology being established by the Bureau, a university of his design.

When the Earl of Ardmore and Pat were asked to a small dinner party that J. Edgar Hoover was to attend, Trask wangled an invitation and cornered Hoover. The FBI Director was intrigued by what the young American had to say. He was more taken by Trask’s stately cousin Patricia. Patricia had been bred to believe in men. She avidly believed in cousin Orin and his work. She believed in Ardmore and his work. The same was immediately true for J. Edgar Hoover. That was the beginning.

How often and how surreptitiously Lady Pat and Edgar met during the war is problematic. It couldn’t have been often. She was back in England for the duration, made only two quick junkets to America, both with her husband. J. Edgar Hoover was not known to have gone to England. But he did write, ostensibly to Orin Trask. Trask’s letters back to Hoover contained sealed messages from Pat.

A year and five months after peace was declared, the earl died. Patricia, Countess of Ardmore, was devastated. Notions she had not loved Ardmore were discredited. Suspicion grew as to how much control her cousin Orin Trask wielded over her.

Since earliest childhood, independent, iron-minded Pat had always succumbed to Orin’s will. Though he was a year her junior, he had always acted as his cousin’s protector. She, on many occasions, acted as his. Rarely had Pat and Orin exchanged confidences. They were from private, nonconfiding stock. The idea that there had been any carnal relationship between them was farfetched. They were not a passionate or incestuous lot, the Trasks. Trask women, even before the great fortune had been amassed, married for convenience. Remained married and loyal and caring. Ruthless in defense of their own. Indefatigable in maintaining decorum. Which was why many friends doubted her relationship with Edgar ever ended in bed. A few insisted it had … that there was no way it could be avoided, since Orin wanted it that way.

It had fallen to Orin to shake Pat free of her protracted grief and mourning. He had convinced her to abandon England and return to the family home in Virginia. To get out and be with people again. To reestablish her friendship with J. Edgar Hoover. Critics saw the steering of Pat back toward Edgar as Trask’s most self-serving manipulation of his titled cousin.

J. Edgar, from their first meeting in 1942, had been ambivalent toward Orin Trask. He, assessed the young Virginia plutocrat as being at once brilliant, erratic, ambitious and merciless. Opportunistically, for Edgar, there was much to be gained by an alliance with Orin. The Trask family in and of itself was respected and wealthy and politically potent on Capitol Hill and throughout the southeastern seaboard. Orin’s avowed dedication to creating for the FBI a university-level training academy bearing Hoover’s name was appealing. Also to be considered was Orin’s cousin Pat, the Countess of Ardmore.

In the wake of Hitler’s surrender, Edgar Hoover became increasingly disaffected with Orin, who was in Germany studying the structure and substance of Nazi police organizations. Trask was forever making public statements on his plans for the FBI Academy as well as shooting off unsolicited reports to Hoover. Twice he woke the Director with transatlantic phone calls, chitchat calls having no relevance. By late 1947 reports had filtered back to Hoover that Orin was not only consorting with known Nazis under the guise of research but was protecting several notorious Gestapo men, as well as an SD Ausland aide to Walter Schellenberg … that he might even be planning to smuggle one of them into the U.S. Edgar Hoover determined to sever his relationship with Trask. Patricia returned in time to dissuade him.

Patricia came home to America and the Trask family estate, Three Oaks, in early 1948. It was there at Three Oaks where Edgar went to lunch with her. She related, as best she could, the tragic loss of her husband. But enough of me. What of you, Edgar? How goes it?

And he told her, that afternoon and most every Thursday afternoon for years to come, for Thursday was “their” day, with Associate FBI Director Clyde Tolson outside in the car parked along the great circular gravel driveway even though he could have waited inside. Edgar complained, in lugubrious detail, of each of his own troubles … and always ended up with detestation and fears regarding Harry Truman and an emerging intelligence organization called CIA. Unlike the military’s dominant Counterintelligence Corps, the successor to OSS, which answered to the general of the Army group to which it was attached, CIA was to be a nonmilitary, unaffiliated organization answering directly to the President of the United States. Edgar had luxuriated in the fact that he alone, of all law-enforcement and intelligence-gathering heads, spoke directly to the President. But Harry Truman those days was speaking more and more to CIA boss Allen Dulles.

Future peril to the side, Harry Truman had already inflicted a blow to FBI power and prestige by stripping the Bureau of its jurisdiction to operate in Europe as well as drastically limiting its activities in Central and South America. Except for Mexico, the FBI had been reduced to a domestic service, not the international organization Edgar had come to envision. Worse yet, Allen Dulles’s CIA was the new glamour service. Young men who might have applied to become FBI agents were now, in epidemic numbers, flocking to CIA.

Spying, Edgar warned Patricia, was murky business and un-American. Foreign business better done by Brits and Russkies and Swedes. America was a no-nonsense nation of right and wrong, good and bad, black and white and nothing in between. No gray areas, no shading. Every American boy and his brother was either moral or immoral. Not amoral like the French. Espionage by definition was gray and amoral.

“With all this verbal diarrhea about cold wars and spies,” he told her, “I have a mind to give that sotted billygoat what he wants and let hell thunder.”

The billygoat was a junior senator from the state of Wisconsin by the name of McCarthy, who in an informal poll of Washington correspondents had been voted the worst senator in the entire Senate, which was why he was desperately rummaging for a reelection campaign issue such as communists in government, Edgar explained to Patricia. Patricia thought it might be propitious if Edgar tossed McCarthy a random communist or so to see what effect it would have on Harry Truman.

The matter of J. Edgar’s faltering prestige troubled Patricia mightily. After profound consideration she came truly to believe salvation lay with cousin Orin Trask and his plans for the great training center … an FBI university developing unique and exciting curriculums for crime detection and prevention, nurturing generations of elite super-operatives. Edgar, however, wanted nothing as grand as a university and was wary of Trask’s ideas on elitism.

“The average FBI agent today is better than his counterpart at any time in history, and this is good enough for me,” Patricia’s journal would record Edgar having told her.

When Orin G. Trask returned to the United States to teach at Johns Hopkins University, Edgar, at Patricia’s urging, suggested he develop plans for a modest new training facility, perhaps at the very same U.S. Marine Corps base at nearby Quantico, Virginia, where the current FBI Academy stood. Edgar proposed paying a small sum from his own pocket for this service. Trask gladly accepted the assignment but insisted on personally financing whatever was required at this juncture. Edgar acceded to the funding arrangement.

Neither Edgar nor even Patricia foresaw the thoroughness, or the length of time, Trask would expend on the project. The first phase in itself, an analysis of every FBI procedure and investigation to that date, required five years of research by a hand-picked staff of think-tank experts Trask had assembled. With this knowledge in hand, a team of educators was brought in to evolve the actual curriculum for the future. Among the scholastics was the prestigious historian Barrett Amory.

Trask and Amory had both served with espionage organizations during World War II, England’s SIS and America’s OSS respectively. Whereas Trask had been interested in criminology and law enforcement prior to working in the secret service and returned to it after, Amory had been interested in espionage prior to, during and immediately after his stint with OSS. Amory was older than Trask, and his first love was history; his second, psychology. Trask, on recruiting Amory, suggested Amory do an extensive history of the FBI for him. Amory obliged. Several years later he expanded the history to cover crime in America.

In 1954 Barrett Amory joined the four-man steering committee entrusted with devising a curriculum for the new academy. By 1955 Amory and Trask were fast friends. During 1956 Amory moved into the great mansion, then shared by Trask and Patricia. On New Year’s Eve, 1957, he married Patricia. Nothing was known of their courtship or how Edgar took the news. All that could outwardly be noticed was that Patricia’s time was now divided among three men instead of two—Edgar, Trask and Barrett Amory.

Orin Trask’s master plan for a new FBI training center and a curriculum was completed in 1959, ten years after work on it had begun. The achievement was remarkable, all fourteen volumes of it. What was presented, in exquisite detail, was not the “modest facility” Hoover had urged but a university more enormous and futuristic than any ever hinted at by Trask in almost two decades of conversation on the subject. J. Edgar Hoover, certain the Senate would never fund a project of such magnitude and cost, pigeonholed the leather-bound volumes without allowing anyone at the Bureau to see them, except Clyde Tolson.

Orin Trask was not all that perturbed by the rejection. Knowing the airplane would fly was for him as important as going somewhere in it. He busied himself with myriad other projects. Amory too had much to occupy his time. It was Patricia alone who was determined the university be built and, using her wile and wealth, set forth to create a power base from which to lobby Congress.

In spite of having turned down the university plans, J. Edgar Hoover was impressed by Trask’s vision, was particularly taken by a teaching concept termed “cadreism,” in which certain experimental courses would be taught to small, handpicked units of trainees, groups as small as four or five men who would later serve together in the field. Edgar invited Orin to try out the concept at the present FBI Academy, which boasted a student population of slightly more than thirty. Trask declined, went on declining for years. Patricia finally interceded. Orin agreed, on the condition that he could select the students he wanted in his own way. Edgar agreed to that.

Orin Trask began conducting one seminar a week in Elements of Crime Detection in the fall of 1963. It proved to be a startling, effective and popular course. And a most difficult one to get into. Trask selected only four trainees a term. Admittance became a badge of honor among the aspiring agents.

The success of the experiment prompted expansion. Trask persuaded Barrett Amory to create a seminar of his own, which he did in 1966. Psychological Profiling and Comprehensive History of Crime were the two subjects Amory’s four trainees were taught.

Trask had cautioned Amory that the seminars must never become clubs or fraternities, must avoid elitism and always remain part of the overall academy, must never become competitive with one another. This was easier said than done. The tiny groups, by the very selection process which created them, were elite. Pride in their own seminar and instructor prompted student competition between the groups. Oddly enough, it was Amory’s students who were the most aggressively competitive.

On the other hand, the brothers-in-law, rather than compete, grew closer. Trask, having proved his point with the seminars, was wearying of them. Longed to get away and throw himself into several long-abandoned research interests. He urged Amory to join him on one of the projects. Amory was not interested. Even so, Trask spent more and more time around the old family estate where Amory and Patricia resided. Patricia’s tenacity had been partially responsible for Congress approving construction of a magnificent new FBI Academy at Quantico, but Orin showed no interest in this. While at the estate he was usually cloistered with Amory discussing some future plan or another. On occasion Trask addressed Amory’s seminars. The reverse never occurred. No one, including Amory, ever set foot in Trask’s seminar any more. This was starting to bother J. Edgar Hoover. Trask’s students were becoming too cliquish, too competitive with Amory’s students, who already were far too aggressive for the Director’s liking.

J. Edgar Hoover decided to put an end to the seminar experiment, but before he could, Orin G. Trask died of a heart attack on December 20, 1969. He was sixty-seven years old. Patricia was sixty-eight. Barrett Amory was seventy-three. J. Edgar Hoover was seventy-five. Construction of a new academy had been under way for six months.

Patricia’s grief was limitless. The present, like the future, eluded her. She slipped backward. Took to wearing the trappings of her bygone British past. The gowns, the parasols. Took to standing at the window and watching her garden and seeing things of yesterday that only she could see. Hearing things. Took to whispering to sweet Edmond, Earl of Ardmore. To blowing kisses to Orin.

She didn’t abandon Barrett Amory. She tarried in the present long enough each day to tend to his needs. This done, she returned to the garden. To Edmond. To Trask.

Billy Yates, waiting now in the side room at Three Oaks, glanced across the grand foyer and into the main salon and saw her there, standing at the arched window in front of the garden … saw her in profile, her chin jutted upward, peering out through the glass. He knew all about her. Anyone who had studied with Barrett Amory did, but he knew even more. She didn’t like him. Didn’t like him being so bright, so independent … so Jewish.

Billy Yates being Jewish but not looking Semitic provided him certain advantages, or so he thought. Often, not being recognized was like possessing a secret password, allowed him to cross behind enemy lines and watch his adversaries around their campfire … hear what they had to say … what they were planning. Most of the time he didn’t bother one way or the other. The whole religious issue had become tedious to him. Even so, he wasn’t taking chances. As Mom said, do everything twice as good as anyone else and maybe you’ll come out almost equal.

Yates, while attending the FBI Academy during 1968, was almost as equal a person as there was. And then some. Academically no one else made the marks he did. Athletically, he had only one rival in the whole institution, Vance Daughter, who ranked second to him scholastically. Daughter was a member of Trask’s private seminar, the members of which had a keen dislike for anyone in Amory’s seminar. Yates was the star in the tiara of Amory’s seminar, a group whose feelings toward the Traskians brought new dimensions to the word loathing.

The two seminars, in the time Yates was at the academy, had both evolved into ultra-exclusive cliques, ones in which the subjects being taught were often secondary to the philosophy of the instructor. Trask’s penchant for uniformity and precision resulted in his selecting young men who were brainy, aristocratic and disciplined. His students’ belief and trust in him neared adoration if not fanaticism. Trask didn’t discourage such fervor and obedience. Nor did he discourage clannish isolation. The Traskians ate together at the same table in the academy dining room, studied together, weekended together … kept together whenever else possible.

If Trask’s seminar students appeared religious in their approach, then those of Barrett Amory were definitely irreligious. Amory believed in individuality, picked as his yearly four candidates brainy loners and iconoclasts. Amory, unlike Trask, kept pretty much to the two subjects his seminar was supposed to explore … didn’t overly fraternize with his students, except for Billy Yates.

Still, whatever else, when Yates was at the academy the three Traskian seminar students were gentlemen and polite. Southern gentlemen. Regardless of their feelings, they at least treated Yates with outer politeness. Billy did not always return the favor. He good-naturedly taunted them with his Judaic origin. No one at the academy mentioned the word Jew out loud except Billy Yates. Yates was distinctly unreligious, quite ignorant of his people’s history and ritual, but on the Jewish New Year, Daughter and each of the other Traskians had received a commemorative card from Yates in Hebrew, a language Billy didn’t understand a word of. In the gymnasium, with boxing gloves on, Yates and Daughter had at one another in a war that needed no language to comprehend.

Yates, with Barrett Amory, was forever the acolyte. He respected everything about Barrett. Because of Barrett he even grew tolerant of Patricia, though she did not reciprocate. Barrett took to Yates. Was proud of him. They spent hours alone talking, very often to the displeasure of Patricia.

… It had been two years now since pupil and teacher had seen one another as seventy-five-year-old Barrett entered the side room.

“You look hale, young Yates, hale indeed.” The old man never shook hands, only slapped people on the shoulder. He slapped Yates. “Where they have you these days?”

“Prairie Port, Missouri.”

“Ed Grafton country.”

“He’s not there any more.”

“Grafton not at Prairie Port?”

“He was replaced over the Mormon State robbery investigation, or at least that’s how I see it.”

“… Yes, seem to remember hearing something about that,” Amory recalled. “Probably better he’s gone. He did his time. We all do our time. See the Lady Pat?”

“When I came in.”

“She doesn’t like you, you know.”

“I know.”

“Come along and eat. Whatever you have to say, you’ll say over supper and wine. Come, come.”

As they were crossing the marble foyer, Amory asked, “How’s that religion of yours doing?”

“What a weird question!”

“You have weird habits. Joining the FBI was one of them. Still doesn’t give you leave to use that religion like a cultural cap pistol when it suits you. Have us reaching for the sky one moment. Next moment you forget Jehovah ever was and ask us why our hands are up. Unbecoming trait for a fellow with your stuff. Hear you got married.”


“Against sending announcements, are you?”

“I apologize.”

“I would have liked an announcement. It was the least you could do.”

The beams and wood paneling of the dining hall had come from a medieval Flemish church. The leaded windows faced out on a private lake. A banquet table ran parallel to the windows and was set with three places, two of which were taken by Yates and Amory.

“Doubtful Lady Pat will join us.” Amory indicated the empty chair to his right and the setting before it. “Heard about her troubles, have you?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. She’s happy where she is. Gets to visit a lot of old friends, size up the territory.”

A waiter appeared, placed a bowl of asparagus soup in front of Yates, then another in front of Amory.

“What’s on your mind, young Yates?”

“First, tell me about you.”

“Nothing to tell,” Amory said. “They disbanded the seminars the year after you left the academy, which was fine with me. Had enough work to do over at Johns Hopkins. Needed to get to the book I’m on too. Still keep an office at the academy and help out on curriculum problems from time to time.”

“What’s the book you’re writing?”

“Some sort of history.”

“Nothing more specific?”

“The Punic Wars. I’ve returned to the Punic Wars. Always wanted to. Probably discover Lady Pat poking about one of the battlefields. Now to you, Billy Yates. You’ve come for a reason.”

Billy moved aside the soup. “Have you been following the Mormon State investigation?”

“Matters like that don’t interest me now.”

“But you’re aware of it.”

“More aware than unaware. Can’t avoid the ruddy thing.”

“Does Mormon State remind you of any other FBI investigation?”

“Not that I recall. Of course, the memory isn’t what it once was.”

“It was a case you described in this very room.”

“I did?”

“One evening when I was at the academy,” Yates began, “you had four of us to dinner here. Four of us from your seminar. It was just before Christmas. The Christmas tree was up, over there. We sat at this table, and your wife was with us. So were two instructors from the academy and a friend of yours from Europe. After dinner we stayed at the table and several simultaneous discussions began. I was listening to one discussion at my end of the table but overheard parts of yours. You were at the other end of the table talking about a San Francisco bank robbery that had been perpetrated in a spectacular fashion. There was confusion over how the robbers had both perpetrated the crime and made their escape. They had made their getaway by boat through tunnels nobody knew existed. Do you remember that?”

Amory concentrated. “No.”

Yates said, “The aspect being emphasized by you was the spectacular method of perpetration. How spectacular it had been. Immediately after the theft there was confusion about how much money had been stolen. No one could come up with a correct count. The press exploited hell out of this. Varying figures were leaked or rumored until it was finally learned that a record amount of money was taken. Once this happened the media began calling the perpetrator the cream of the crime world.”

“… Sounds like Brink’s to me,” Amory said. “Brink’s in Boston back in the fifties. Masked bandits walked into a money room and held up the cashiers and vanished with millions—”

“Brink’s was an armed robbery, a group of men marching in and taking money at gunpoint,” Yates said. “San Francisco was a theft. A vault was burned through over a weekend. The perpetrators entered and escaped the premises through tunnels. Their timing in all of this had been superb.”

Amory tried to recall, couldn’t … shook his head to indicate as much.

“Perhaps I might assist you, Mister Yates?” Back arched and gown aswirl, Patricia Amory came forth from the doorway behind Billy. Barrett Amory got up and pulled out a chair. She enthroned herself. Jutted her chin in Yates’s direction. “I clearly recall the evening to which you refer. And the discussion. It occurred right where I’m presently seated. Many investigations were spoken of. Tell me more of the one you overheard?”

A servant appeared with a bowl of soup. She waved him off.

“A great deal of suspense was created by the media and continued to be created over the San Francisco matter,” Yates said to her. “First there was suspense because the amount of money stolen couldn’t be fixed and later because each rumor of what was actually gone hinted that a new record for missing cash was about to be established. The greatest suspense was involved in tracking down the unknown perpetrators. Reward money kept escalating, and that turned the public’s search for clues into something of a national treasure hunt. There was a holiday, a carnival spirit. Public sympathy seemed to be with the criminals. People were openly rooting for the criminals to evade detection and arrest. The FBI was becoming the ogre, a villain for just trying to do its job. After a time the criminals were apprehended. The evidence against them appeared overwhelming. A conviction was certain, but the media and public went on treating them like national heroes. The Bureau was receiving hate mail for having arrested them. Just before going to trial a second group of suspects was apprehended. As they confessed, it became clear that they, not the first group, had perpetrated the theft. The media and public wasted no time in forgetting the first group and embracing the second group … making bigger celebrities out of them than their predecessors.

“The trial for the second group got under way, and suddenly a piece of information is discovered. It’s learned that the second gang had killed a bank guard during the course of the robbery. A guard nobody knew was there. A guard who had gotten his work schedule wrong and turned up for work without anyone knowing it just before the robbery. He was killed but his body wasn’t found until the trial began. But I never heard why that was, why no one knew he was missing until then.”

“What else, Mister Yates,” Patricia began, “did you overhear?”

“That was about it. I got back into the conversation at my end of the table. I was aware the San Francisco robbery was still being talked about at the other end but I didn’t hear the specifics.

“What’s been driving me crazy is that I can’t zero in on the robbery,” Yates said. “Part of it seemed as familiar as my own name. But I can’t locate it … in San Francisco or anywhere. I went to the library and the newspaper morgues, and there was nothing on it there, and nowhere else that I could find. So I came here.”

Patricia stood facing the dark lake beyond the leaded glass. “You are quite correct, Mister Yates, nothing like it happened … as a whole. Only in parts. There never was such a robbery in San Francisco or elsewhere. But there was a robbery in Boston and one in New York and others in Illinois and Wisconsin from which incidents were taken. What you overheard Barrett explain that evening was a teaching device developed by my late cousin Orin Trask. I shouldn’t say device. It was more an exercise meant to illustrate the pitfalls of practical investigation to aspiring law-enforcement agents. My cousin simply took pieces of actual crimes which the FBI had either failed to solve or in solving was humiliated, and reassembled them into an overall scenario. Into a make-believe perfect crime. His phrase for it was, in fact, model crime. Orin theorized that if a student could solve a model crime, it would be far easier for him subsequently to solve the real thing.”

She was on her feet looking down at Billy. “So good to have seen you, Mister Yates. Do come by again when you have a problem of magnitude.”

Glancing toward the leaded windows that framed her past, she swept from the room.

“That answer your question?” asked Amory.

“I suppose so.”

“Suppose? I don’t understand you, Yates. You ask a question. You receive a comprehensive explanation. You end up supposing and glum.”

“It’s hard to accept the idea that a classroom exercise, a teaching aid pasted together from bits and pieces of real crimes, somehow happened three years later.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You heard the woman. Accept it.”

“That crime was copied,” Yates said quietly. “Mormon State is that crime.”

“A coincidence, Yates, and you better accept it. Perpetrations aren’t shaped out of silly putty. Opportunity dictates theft, you know that. A boy of five knows that. You don’t scamper out and perpetrate because a maiden aunt leaves you a set of old blueprints. Blueprints, plans, action come second. Opportunity comes first. Opportunity dictates plans and action.”

Amory watched Billy staring down at the table. “Unconvinced, are you, young Yates? You’ll go to your grave unconvinced you’ve died someday. Lady Pat could have it wrong, ever think of that? Who’s to say her gray matter’s functioning any better than mine? She and me, we’re nearly a century and a half old between us. Never believe anyone over a hundred.”

An entree of thinly sliced roast beef, mashed potatoes and peas was placed before each man. Amory dug in. Yates played with his fork.

“Did Orin Trask record any of these model crimes?”

“Leave it be, Yates, leave it be.”

“Did he?”

“He did. Wrote down everything. Left it all to the new FBI Academy, whenever the dratted thing gets finished. Orin donated a library so his works and others could be permanently available.”

“Is it available?”

“You mean are copies of the model crimes available?”


“I suppose they are.”


“My office.”


“My office at the academy. Orin left a lot of his papers in my office. Never got around to packing it up till recently. I saw the model crimes among the material.”

“And it’s still there, in your office?”

“In packing crates.”

“When can we go to your office?”

Amory took a sip of wine, threw his napkin on the table. “Now. If we don’t you’ll be stuffing potatoes in your ears trying to get rid of them fast. Can’t abide the wanton wasting of food.”

The drive through the United States Marine Corps base at Quantico, Virginia, ended at the solitary building which housed the entire FBI Academy, a red-brick, two-story-high former barracks. Amory led Yates along the first-floor corridor and into his small cluttered office. Two packing cases were stacked on the floor.

“It’s the bottom one,” Amory said. “Top one’s my extra baggage. There’s a hammer on that shelf.”

Yates strained lifting the heavy top crate onto the floor. Stenciled on the wood slats of the crate below was the name “Trask.” Billy pried off its cover. The crate was empty.

“… Could be I got them mixed up, young Yates. Try the other crate.”

Billy thought he detected a faint note of alarm in the old man’s voice. He pried off the second cover. A crunch of tightly packed books and manuscripts was revealed below. Yates started sorting through. The material was Amory’s. Not a page of Trask’s work could be found.

“Could be they got put down in the basement.” Amory didn’t sound convinced. “The academy keeps the bulk of Orin’s stuff downstairs.”

Eight wire-fronted storage bins stood in the basement room beyond the small gymnasium. Amory walked up to the bin marked with Trask’s name. A padlock hung open from a ring in the wire door. Like the crate, the bin was empty.

Amory’s expression darkened.

A noise echoed. Amory beckoned they leave in silence. He stayed with his thoughts until outside and walking down a barracks-lined street.

“… You could be right, young Yates. Right about Mormon State. Have you ever heard the name ‘Gents’? I mean a group calling itself the Gents?”

Yates recalled reading a transcript in which Otto Pinkny had told Strom: “I’m a friend of gents.” He said now, “No, I never heard of it as an organization.”

“What about the Silent Men, that name ring a bell?”


They were at the corner now, and Amory glanced about. Across the street, beyond unshaded windows, marines were preparing for sleep. “This is between you and myself, young Yates, is that clear? This is a matter of your well-being and nothing else. And anyway, what I’m about to tell you might not be so.”

Amory moved to a stone bench under a tree and sat down. Yates sat beside him.

“I’m not trying to vindicate or damn Orin Trask. He was who he was,” Amory said. “The single relevant fact to remember, for our purpose, is that people like Orin are given to great passions and obsessions in their life and work. With Orin his life was his work. Whatever work happened to interest him at the time. He was changeable about that but not in the least less passionate or less obsessive. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that these passions, these obsessions, often went beyond reasonable limits … that for a period of time Orin, in his pursuits, was possibly delusional. Knowing this, I often ignored what he was saying. I thoroughly ignored, for example, his talk about the Silent Men.

“Orin had one overriding interest in life few people were aware of: the psychology of secrecy. He would quote you whole segments from Freud’s Totem and Taboo and from anyone else who’d written on the subject. The books didn’t always have to be by scientists. He knew Aleister Crowley as well as he did Margaret Mead. I agreed with Trask that secrecy is individuality, the only means by which to protect our individual self when our privacy is challenged … that privacy, the greenhouse of individuality, is forever challenged and in peril.

“Orin began with that premise thirty years ago, and on and off followed it logically forward. For him secrecy in groups was conspiracy, and he studied such groups as they had never been studied before—from the Knights Templar to the Rosicrucians to the Freemasons and Tong and Black Hand and KKK and Mau Mau, no one knew secret societies better than Orin. And secret rites and rituals. He had even detailed an honorary and secret group within the Boy Scouts, for God’s sake. Something called the Order of the Arrow, first and second class. It didn’t have to be bad to be secret … take AA. But it usually was bad.”

Amory paused and shook his head. “I still won’t let myself get into it, will I? Keep skirting the matter. All right, here goes. There’s a well-known story about Orin having been discredited for consorting with notorious ex-Nazis immediately after the war … that among other things he was using them as research sources in the preliminary planning of the new FBI Academy. This was true but to a lesser degree than supposed. The Nazis were high-ranking members of Heinrich Himmler’s infamous Aryan Studies Department, the concocters and defenders of Germanic superiority. Most of his time with these SS men was spent researching the use of secret societies and pagan Teutonic rituals by the Nazis. One of the Germans was SS Colonel Helmut Markel, an anthropologist. Markel, at this time, was far more expert in secret societies than Orin. It was Markel who told Orin that the Gents and Silent Men had been revived. Markel claimed to have gone to see them in America during World War II, to have tried to recruit them to the German cause. Orin smuggled Markel into this country in 1950. Rumor later had it that this was done to help plan the academy. It wasn’t. It was to try to track down the Gents and Silent Men. They never did. Not then.

“According to Orin, the Gents, or League of Gents, was a small, clandestine pre-Civil War group of high-born southern and eastern aristocrats, a far more refined and dangerous group than the Ku Klux Klan. Their motives were economic, to maintain their vast holdings in the South without substantial change. Their modus operandi was to achieve their ends through political and financial pressure, and when this failed, to have an in-house unit foment radical and violent change. The in-house unit they created for this was the Silent Men. Orin had always suspected Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated by the Silent Men … Orin thought the Gents had disbanded in 1870. Hearing Helmut Markel claim they had reappeared in the late 1930s and that he had made contact with them was what prompted Orin to smuggle the Nazi into America. When no trace of the Gents could be found, Markel went back to Germany and Orin returned to other subjects, not the least of which was finishing his master plan for the academy.

“The death of President Kennedy reawakened Orin’s interest in the assassination aspects of secret societies. By then Orin was an expert in the subject. He had no doubt it was a conspiracy. His first thought was of the Silent Men. But it didn’t prove out. At least that was the impression I got from him.

“Six months before he died, Orin had decided to abandon all his activities and write a book on the psychology of secrecy. He was still teaching his one seminar a week at the academy so he used his four students as researchers, had them scurrying about getting odds and ends for him. This, if you ask me, was the final straw for Edgar Hoover, who made known his intention to fire Orin before he could resign.

“Orin, I should point out, was in one of his manic states as the writing and final research began. More delusional than usual, which is probably why I thought so little of it when he told me with great enthusiasm that he’d discovered the Gents and Silent Men. He claimed they had come to him, which made it seem all the less credible. From then on I received occasional bulletins on his dealings with them. He claimed the Silent Men were the only wing of the Gents that had survived and that whereas they took credit for shooting Abraham Lincoln, they disavowed involvement with Jack Kennedy. I ask you, Yates, what would you think of anybody who told you that?”

Amory rose and began walking. “One night Orin came to the house more elated than I’d seen him in years. And more hyperactive. If I hadn’t known better I would have suspected he was on some type of amphetamine. He was at once secretive and effusive, like a cub reporter who had come up with his first scoop and was trying not to breathe a word until the story was printed. He told me the Silent Men had infiltrated the very highest echelons of government, including the FBI. He said he had known this for some time but had just that night realized what it was they were up to. And he left it at that. I asked, ‘All right, Orin, what is it?’ He was beside himself with joy but wouldn’t answer, not that question.” Amory shook his head. “When he told me the Silent Men were the only hope for America, I concluded he was indeed dippy and let it drop …

“Now I am worried about you, Billy Yates. I don’t know what the relationship between Orin’s rantings and Mormon State is, but I suspect it just might exist. You see, Orin did let it slip why the Silent Men approached him in the first place. They wanted his research on model crimes. Those two volumes. Two sets of them existed according to Orin. The original and a copy. He said when the Silent Men asked, he couldn’t find either set. Later I got the impression he had found one of them. Whether he gave them to anybody, I couldn’t say. After his death I came across a set on an upper bookshelf in my office. Orin was forever leaving things in my office.

“More can be drawn from this, of course. Other implications. But I don’t wish to get into that. I wish to be the old man I am and comfort myself in forgetfulness. Perhaps what I’ve said is my inveterate paranoia catching up with Orin’s talent for the absurd extreme. Let us hope there is a more rational explanation than mine for why Orin’s work is missing from my office and the storage bin. After all, missing books and papers do not a conspiracy make. In any case, young Yates, I’ve done my duty to you. I feel there was something special between the two of us. On the off chance my suspicions are real, go carefully. Particularly you and your strutting religious ways. Gents stands not only for ‘gentlemen’ but also for ‘gentiles.’”

“Silent Men?” Brew repeated into the telephone receiver.

“That’s right,” Yates’s voice answered. “Barrett Amory thinks we could be right about someone meddling with Romor 91, only he’s going us one better, he thinks it could be an all-out conspiracy and that—”

“Conspiracy to achieve what?”

“He doesn’t know, but he implied the Silent Men are behind it.”

“Silent Men? What are you talking about?”

“The guys who maybe stole the model crimes.”

“Cut the clowning, Billy.”

“I’m not clowning. This thing is weird enough by itself. If we want to believe Barrett Amory, it gets a helluva lot weirder. One thing is pretty clear, most everything that’s happened with Mormon State so far seems to have been outlined years ago in a classroom exercise called a model crime. From here on is where it gets sticky. Amory thinks the Silent Men stole specifications for the model crimes a while back and that they put one of them into effect at Mormon State. He doesn’t know why, or what’s to be gained by it, but he warned me to watch out. If his information is correct the Men have infiltrated the Bureau and—”

“Who the hell are the Silent Men?”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that.”


“Remember Abraham Lincoln?”


“They’re the ones who knocked him over.”

“Billy, for Christ’s sake.”

“I’m telling you what Amory told me. There was a pre-Civil War group named the League of Gents. A secret society. They formed an action wing, assassinations et cetera, called the Silent Men. The whole shebang disbanded. About the time of World War II a Nazi claimed the Silent Men had reappeared, or at least he had temporary contact with a group calling itself that. Remember Orin Trask?”

“He came to the academy after I left,” Brew said.

“But you know who he was?”


“It was Trask who was on the trail of the Silent Men. He told Amory he found them. Now you know as much as I do. You check out those reports from Illinois yet?”

“I’ve got to wait till morning. Till everyone’s over at the grand jury. They’re running with the grand jury in the morning.”

“I thought that was next week!”

“They’re going now. Washington’s insisting.”


“… Billy, Barrett Amory really tell you all that stuff about the Silent Men?”



Jez crossed a brick-paved, gas-lit avenue of boutiques and small restaurants and turned into Hosking Street in the bohemian, riverfront section of Prairie Port known as Steamboat Cove. The row of former stables to the left had been converted into fashionable townhouses. Across from them were several old industrial buildings. Twelve twenty-one was the number on a four-story brick warehouse that had been remodeled into offices. Jez picked open the lock with his penknife, took the steps to the third-floor landing, again picked a lock.

Three large rooms faced out onto the street. Jez kept the lights off as he wandered through the empty premises. He played his penlight beam on the wood floor. Fresh scratchings indicated the previous tenant had vacated only recently.

Near the window in the last room the beam picked up the faded outline of what could have been a stain. Perhaps even a blood stain. One that had been washed and later sanded, but never varnished over.

Jez stepped to the window, looked out across the street … saw directly into the studio bedroom of a townhouse, could not help noticing the red-headed woman standing at an easel, painting.

He crossed the street and pushed the buzzer. A squawk box asked who was buzzing. He told her.

The door finally opened. Elaine Picket looked terrific. She made no attempt to close the front of her denim shirt. “FBI? Did you say FBI?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He displayed his credentials.

“Oh, put those silly things away.”

He did, somewhat at a loss.

She contemplated him, turned in such a way as to let her shirt open wider on the small, firm breasts beneath. “What can I do for you, FBI?”

“I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“Only if we fuck first.” There was no doubt she meant it. “You do fuck, don’t you?”

“… When the occasion arises.”

She stood aside.

He slowly entered.