Easy gardening
Summer to autumn
Full sun
Moderate watering
Feed monthly in the growing season with a general-purpose liquid feed
For this display (on the left), I chose a lovely pale terracotta pot to provide a subtle stage for the gentle green, cream and light brown tones of the plants. The Mexican feather grass in particular puts on a magnificent display from early summer to autumn. A deciduous grass, it has soft, wispy leaves and airy plumes of flowers that turn a soft golden brown as summer progresses. Although ideal for a sunny garden, this grass can also be grown successfully in a large container. I love it for the sounds and movement it creates as the flowerheads drift in the breeze – it’s also wonderful to run your fingers through the flowers.
Being deciduous, the Mexican feather grass does die back each year in autumn before new growth appears again the following spring. For this reason, I think the real star of the show here is evergreen ‘Kirkii’ hebe, with its glossy, spear-shaped leaves and long, white flowers in summer, because it provides interest all year round. Interestingly, it is considered a natural hybrid between two hebe species and was discovered in New Zealand by Thomas Kirk – hence the name. Hebes do not require a lot of care and attention once established, so this is a great container display if you are short on time. Further colour is supplied by the chocolate cosmos. This perennial appeals to all the senses: the deep crimson flowers have a velvety texture and smell deliciously of a box of chocolates.