This book, like my veterinary practice, is a result of fusion and collaboration. My sister and cowriter Anastasia Royal’s vision, endless talents, late-night humor, and generous contributions made the shaping of my story possible, and kept the creative process on fire.
So many people have taken the sting out of any bite and have added love and laughter to my life. Together with their animals, they have been instrumental to the completion of this book.
I single out the following with gratitude:
My angel investors, Kevin Demaret, Fran Tuite, Judy Keitz, Kurt Dorner, Doreen Parish, and Michelle Cullom, whose spontaneous generosity made my dream reality. All of the clients and patients who fill my days.
Everyone on staff at the Royal Treatment Veterinary Center, especially Veronica Vazquez, Zoe Magierek, Alex Kislaitis, Kate Shears, Tashyia Fields, Janelle Davila, Jessica Ahrens-Noel, Kerry Bolger, Nancy Schulz, Pam Kuhn, and Sara Watson.
Oprah Winfrey for giving me the opportunity to foster the wild health in her beautiful dogs. The producers and employees at Harpo Studios: Bridgette Theriault, Hilary Robe, Caroline Ziv, Tracey Carter, Pam Barnes, Pier Smith, Libby Moore, Angelique McFarland, and Chris Hill. My friends Tamar Geller, Billy Corgan, Larry and Shawn King, Ted and Dr. Natasha Lilly, and Dr. Rick Palmquist for helping to get the word out about my work.
The keepers and staff at Brookfield Zoo, the Shedd Aquarium, and the Lincoln Park Zoo, especially Joel Pond, Penny Reidy, and my first zoo bosses, Dr. Peregrine Wolff and Dr. Tom Meehan. Everyone involved in the Chicago Peregrine Program.
Dr. Jean Dodds, my friend, colleague, and mentor. The veterinarians and staff at Woodstock Veterinary Clinic, especially Dr. Charles Charmichael, Dr. Deb Grude, and Dr. Lloyd Shaw, my friend and veterinary idol.
My incomparable mother, Charlotte Royal, my sister Char Walker and brother Mark Royal for insightful editorial comments. My father, William Royal, my East Coast siblings William Royal, Jr., Madeleine Walker, and Mary Therese Royal de Martinez for their sweet support. My brothers-in-law Bruce Ingram—for his editorial wit and encouragement—Jonathan Walker, Matthew Walker, and Ronald Martinez. My niece Dorothee Royal-Hedinger and Mark Boyer for their many efforts on my behalf. My nephew Hans Royal-Hedinger for his editing skill and humor. My nephew and godson Thomas Walker, and Daniella Conrad, for taking care of my pets. The Gies, Kennedy, and Dogan families, Kimberly Penfold, and Brian Komei Dempster for continuous enthusiasm. The late Ernest Dunbar for his literary wisdom.
Dr. M. Patricia Faber, my chemistry professor, mentor, and dear friend, who encouraged the latent scientist in me; Dr. Joe Dorner, who taught me to see beyond numbers; and Dr. Leslie Kordecki, who taught me to read between the lines.
Pat Shepard, my honorary sister; Jeannie Pollack; and Steve Hames, for generosity and useful ideas. Brian Hanley, Craig Thorstenson, the Winchesters and Chismans (particularly Diane and Dora) for enduring friendship. My power girlfriends: Karen Stevenson for her keen literary eye, Sondra Brigandi, and Dr. Julia Sturm. Lisa McMath and Walter Garschagen, my lifelong friends. Sweet Jake’s dad, Karl Brummel, the late Billie Webster and her family, and Rita Wiggins and Mary Denigan.
The Fasseas family (especially Paula and Alexis), Chris Tardio and Charles Day, Aaron Charfoos, Joan Gunn, and Sir Ken Robinson for being there at the right time with interest and guidance.
My friends at Family Pet Animal Hospital—especially Dr. Jane Lohmar, Dr. Kathi Berman, Dr. Amy Ujiki, Dr. Rae Ann Van Pelt, and Dr. Marla Minuskin; and the dedicated zoo and wildlife vets Dr. Darin Collins, Dr. Frances Gulland, Dr. Nan Schaffer, and Dr. Curtis Eng. Mentors Dr. Steve Marsden and Dr. Mona Boudreaux, and friends Dr. Elaine Holt, Julie Kreiner, and Harriet Coles. Richard Martin, Dr. Elisabeth Girard, Dr. Renee Leveille, Dr. John Hintermeister, Dr. Cindy Charlier, Dr. Susan Fife, Dr. Karen Becker, Dr. Mimi Noonan, Dr. Laura Hungerford, Mike Meehan, Andrea Kane, Caroline Porter, and Kate Cetrulo for their encouragement and support.
My colleagues and friends at the AHVMA, the Veterinary Specialty Center, Hinsdale Pet Cemetery, Chicago Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Service, Animal Emergency and Treatment Center, and Darwin’s Natural Pet Products.
The late and beloved Reverend Thaddeus J. Neckerman, who taught me to sail through life but to never let go of the tiller.
I am indebted to Peter Miller, my literary agent, for his expertise and for telling me, many years ago, that I had a book in me.
I am fortunate to have Emily Bestler as my editor. She intuitively understood the scope and content of my first manuscript and deftly facilitated the writing of this book.
My children, Sean and Sophie, lights of my life, and my husband, Matthew, whom I love for his kindness to animals and people.