Abyssinian cats, 152
Acupressure, 171
Acupuncture, 13–14, 20, 33, 118, 139, 142, 163–76, 185, 186, 193, 225, 306, 316, 318, 336
author’s training in, 164–65
conditions appropriate for, 170
description of treatment, 168–69
effectiveness of, 137–38
methods, 170–71
Acupuncture points, 165, 166, 169–70
Afghans, 152
Alcohol, 284
Allergies, 108, 190, 226, 230, 263–64
acupuncture for, 170
care and prevention, 286–88
Aloe, 83, 114, 227, 252, 263, 287
Alternative medicine, 32, 137–40, 183. See also specific examples
Amanita, 284
Anesthesia, 184, 208, 211, 225, 243
Anorexia/appetite loss, 283, 318, 337–38. See also Assist-feeding
Antibiotics, 82
Antifreeze, 284
Apis mellifica, 271
Apple cider vinegar, 264
Aquapuncture, 170–71
Arnica, 97, 216, 264, 265, 272
Arnica montana, 271
Artemisinin, 250
Arthritis, 97, 108, 118–19, 168, 203, 272
acupuncture for, 118, 165, 170, 171–72, 173, 175, 193
herbal remedies for, 264
Asclepias tuberosa, 272
Aspartame (NutraSweet), 96
Assist-feeding, 115–17, 283, 355
Avocado, 82
Baby animals, 345–60
Baby food, 84, 130, 230, 291, 355
Bacillus coagulans, 82, 270, 291
Bandage paralysis, 304
Barberry, 266
Belladona, 271
Beluga whales, 293
Bengal cats, 219
Beta-glucans, 250–51
Bilberry, 267
Biological response modifiers, 251
Bland diet recipe, 100–101
Bloat, 274
Bone cancer, 22, 246. See also Osteosarcomas
Bone meal, 91
Boneset, 266
Borage, 83
Borborygmus, 204
Bordetella vaccine, 261
Borzoi Afghans, 157
Boxers, 152
BPA (bisphenol A), 78, 245, 246
Brachycephalic (“smushfaced”) breeds, 152, 153–54, 157, 209
Breathing difficulty, 275–76, 316–17
Bromelain, 287
BUN (blood urea nitrogen) level, 184–85
Bupleurum, 266
Burmese cats, 157
Burns, 271
Caine, Michael, 294
Cancer, 241–53, 288–89. See also Carcinogens; Chemotherapy
acupuncture for, 170
diet and, 244–46
diet for dogs with, 92–93
environmental factors and, 244
genetics and, 152
Royal Treatment tips, 244
vaccines and, 246–49
Canned foods, 72, 73, 78, 80, 81, 111, 230, 244, 321–22
Cantharis, 271
Carbohydrates, 102, 107, 111, 112, 124, 353
Carcinogens, 70, 73, 78, 244–45, 246
Carprofen, 272
being hit by, 277
overheating of pets in, 158, 278
Casein, 96
Catinfo.org, 227
Cat litter, 233–38, 249. See also Litter boxes
Cats, 216–32, 294. See also Cat litter; Kittens; Litter boxes
acupuncture for, 167, 168, 173, 225
anorexic, 283
big, 217–23
cancer in, 246–48
collars for, 357
diet/nutrition for, 16, 82, 88, 132, 226–27, 229, 230, 231
ear cleaning for, 58
in the exam room, 192–95
exercise and, 124, 129, 228, 315
facts about, 224
herbal preparation dosing recommendations, 267
households with multiple, 223, 226, 228
inappropriate urination in, 14–15, 226, 230–31, 238
keeping away from furniture, 229
kidney disease in, 112–15, 226
on a leash, 228
making food less easily available to, 132–33, 315
medication administration, 225, 230
nocturnal play in, 232
number of genes in, 148
as obligate carnivores, 16, 88, 113, 132
pumpkin dosage recommended, 83
purring by, 224
routine medical problems in, 226
rule about, 215
stress and, 194, 226, 228, 229
underweight, 229–30
urinary blockage in, 275
vaccination of, 246–48, 260–61
water, attitude toward, 219–20
weight loss in, 103, 128, 129, 132–33
Celery seed, 264
Chameleons, 310–11
Chemotherapy, 77, 170, 225, 245, 246, 251, 252
Chew toys, 353
Chicago Peregrine Release Program, 45
Chicken (meat), 109–10
Chinese medicine, 138–39, 164, 202, 204. See also Acupuncture
Choking, 279–80
Cholodin, 269
Cinnamon, 265
Climate, 157
Coat, desirable characteristics of, 197
Coconut oil, 83, 93, 95, 97, 270, 287, 317
Cold laser therapy (low-level laser light therapy), 310–11
Collins, Dr. (zoo vet), 220, 221, 222
Comfrey, 272
Conscious proprioception, 315
Cooked foods (pre-prepared), 77
Coonhounds, 158
Corgan, Billy, 156
Corn, 21, 70, 72, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 96, 98–99, 107, 109, 286
Corns (foot), 197
Cortisone, 263
Coyotes, 308
Cranberry, 266
Cupcake recipe, 360
Dachshunds, 152
Deafness, 357
Death. See Euthanasia
Deerhounds, 157
Defecation, 87, 92, 103, 130, 133, 321, 354. See also Constipation; Diarrhea; Fecal incontinence
Dehydrated dog food, 77
Dental health, 76, 85, 103, 207–11
chews and bones, 210
crooked or broken teeth, 209–10
halitosis, 210
herbal options for, 264–65
professional teeth cleaning, 208, 211
Diarrhea, 83–84, 101, 102, 103, 265
Diet and nutrition, 74–105, 112–20. See also Pet foods; Recipes
based on animals’ biological needs, 15–16
for bears, 11–12
benefits of hunger, 125–27
cancer and, 244–46
for cats, 16, 82, 226–27, 229, 230, 231
cost-cutting tips, 81–82
for dogs (see under Dogs)
functional, 87–105
kidney health and, 73, 93–94, 112–15
for monkeys, 46–52
problems caused by substandard, 2–3
Royal Treatment guidelines, 79–86
tips for optimal feeding, 103
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 28
Discus Compositum, 270
Distemper vaccine, 248, 259, 260
D-Mannose, 270
DNA testing, 159
Dog Gone Pain (product), 269
Dogs. See also Puppies
acupuncture for, 167, 169, 174–76
aggressive, 191–92
basic personality types, 190–91
collars for, 357
diet for cancer patients, 92–93
diet for seizure patients, 96–97
diet/nutrition for, 15–16, 50, 51, 69, 82, 88, 89–97, 103–4
double walk for, 320
ear cleaning for, 58
herbal preparation dosing recommendations, 267
number of genes in, 148
obesity in, 127
pumpkin dosage recommended, 83
as scavengers, 15–16, 69, 82, 103, 127
scent hounds, 158–59
seven basic needs of, 349
sight hounds, 157–58
training and raising, 348–56
weight loss in, 103, 128, 129, 130–31
working, 153
Doxepin, 316
“Drop it” command, 351–52
Drosera, 271
Dry food/kibble, 21, 71–72, 78–79, 85, 103–4, 105, 231, 244
Dry needle acupuncture, 170
Ducks, 292–97
Ears, 57–58, 60, 150, 289, 319, 356–58. See also Hearing
Earth constitution, 189
Echindas, 183
Edison, Thomas, 23
membrane of, 97–98
Egyptian cats, 219
Ehrlichia, 355
Electric shock, 280–81
Electroacupuncture, 171
Elephants, 18, 167, 168, 171–72, 311, 339–41, 345–47
Elizabethan collars (E-collars), 61, 195
Emergency care, 273–91
evaluating need for ER visit, 274–85
first aid kit, 289–91
Essiac tea, 250
attendance at, 341–42
description of procedure, 342–43
healing from grief, 343–44
location of, 341
mementos of pet, 343
questions to consider, 336–39
rule of thumb for, 335
Exercise, 124, 129, 228, 314–15
Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC), 146
Eyebright, 267
Eyes, 60, 198–200, 202, 224, 267, 281, 319–20. See also Blindness
Face massage, 150
Fecal incontinence, 25, 320–22, 338
Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), 14–15
Fennel, 265
Ferrets, 149
Feverfew, 264
Fevers, 283
Fibrosarcoma, 248
Fire at one’s house, and pets, 1–2, 3–4
Fire constitution, 189
Fish, 243
Fish meal, 109
Five Element Theory, 188–90
Flamingos, 117–18
Flatulence/belching, 265
Flea and tick medication, 249, 270, 354–55
Fluoride, 246
Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food (Martin), 70
Foot massage, 314–15
Foundation.ahvma.org, 272
Four Paws, Five Directions (Schwartz), 189
Foxtails, 271
Fruits, 90–91
Gait, 198
Gastric reflux, 270
Gastrointestinal problems, 265, 291
Geller, Tamar
dog training rules, 348–51, 352
introduction, xix–xx
Genetics, 144–60
breeds, health, and, 149–54
human interference with, 147
Geriatric pets
herbal remedies for, 265–66
rejuvenating, 313–23
supplements for, 97–98
German shepherds, 23–31, 152, 158, 316
Gingko, 97
Gold bead implants, 171
Golden retrievers, 316
Graphites, 271
Grass, eating of, 73
Gravel root, 266
Great Danes, 153
Green beans, 130
Greyhounds, 138–39, 149, 157, 158, 197
Guar gum, 227
Gulland, Frances, 365
Gymnema, 265
Hawthorneberry, 264
Head bobbing, 206
Hearing, 318–19. See also Ears
Heart (cardiac) disease, 170, 264
Heartworm medication, 249, 354
Heatstroke, 278–79
“Heel” (command), 351
Heimlich maneuver, 280
Hemp, 83
Hepatic lipidosis, 128
Herbal remedies, 263–67, 269–70, 287, 294
Hernia, checking for, 356
Homeopathy, 225, 271–72, 352–53
Home-prepared foods, 78, 90–92, 245–46
Honey, 270
Horses, 13
Hot spots, 271
Hummingbirds, 120
Hungerford, Laura, 254
Hydrangea, 266
Hypothyroidism, 91
Immune system, 26–28, 256, 266
Incontinence, 25, 81, 170, 320–22, 338
Infection, 266
Inflammation, 33, 70, 97, 109, 166
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 25, 26, 115, 165, 226
Insecticides, rodenticides, 284
Insect stings, 271
Iris atrophy, 319
Iron, 114
Isabelle (dog), 252
Kava kava, 264
Kibble. See Dry food/kibble
Kidney/bladder tonic, 266
Kidney disease, 112–15, 165, 170, 171, 175, 226
Kidney support diet, 93–94
adopting, 155
lethargic, 278
Knuckling, 206
Koalas, 120
Krill oil, 83
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 334
Labradoodles, 159
Labradors, 152, 153, 158, 173, 316
Laryngeal paralysis, 153, 316–17
Leg massage, 151
Lenticular sclerosis, 319
Leonardo da Vinci, 16
Leopards, 218
Leptospirosis vaccine, 257–58
Lincoln Park Zoo Animal Hospital, 44–49, 53–56, 217–19, 345
Lions, 18
Litter boxes, 14–15, 228–29, 230–31, 238. See also Cat litter
Liver detox and support diet, 94–96
Loved Dog, The (Geller), 348
Lyme blossom, 264
Magnesium, 97
Malamutes, 157
Marijuana, 284
Marine Mammal Center, 365
Martin, Ann, 70
Medication, 262–72. See also Herbal remedies; Homeopathy
administration of, 60, 61, 225, 230
avoiding overuse of, 249
food vehicles for giving, 84
home-care remedies and tips, 270–71
problems caused by, 336
species difference in reaction to, 293–94
Medicinal clay, powdered, 291
Meehan, Dr. (zoo vet), 55, 346
Meerkats, 311
Melatonin, 232
Metal constitution, 189–90
Methemoglobinemia, 108
Mexican hairless dogs, 157
Milk thistle, 33, 95, 139, 250, 265, 266, 267
Millet, 101
Minor bupleurum, 270
Mistletoe, 285
Mixed breeds, 159
Mouth, examination of, 202
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 25, 30–31
MSG (monosodium glutamate), 96, 109
Murphy’s Oil Soap, 270–71, 287
Mushrooms, 92, 250, 266, 267, 284
Myristica sebifera, 271
animals eat grass to settle upset stomach, 73
bacteria is higher in raw than dry food, 105
cats don’t like water, 219
cats pee out of litter box out of anger, 238
cooked bones are safe for dogs, 291
dogs see in black and white, 156
a dry, hot nose indicates a sick dog, 140
dry food reduces tartar, 85
human touch leads to maternal rejection, 9
a limping dog wants attention, 206
shelter pets are unhealthy, 160
you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, 323
Nail bleeding, 271
Naming pets, 358–59
Neoplasia, 266–67
Nose, 60, 224, 317–18. See also Smell, sense of
Nutrigenomics, 148
Nux vomica, 271
Oat bran fiber, 83–84
Obesity, 123–29, 157, 201, 226, 229, 322. See also Weight loss
Odors, 201–2
Omega-3 fatty acids, 33, 83, 93, 95, 97, 102, 108, 114, 250, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267
Oregano, 266
Oregon grape, 266
Osteomyelitis, 25
Osteosarcomas, 246, 249, 251–52
Owls, 37–43
Pain, 22, 59–60, 166, 168, 336–37
Pain medication, 262–63
Palmquist, Richard, 271
Panacur, 28
Pasteurella sinus infection, 268–69
PAWS Chicago, 155
Pekinese, 149
Pennywort, 264
Pentobarbital, 109
Peregrines, 45
Peterbald cats, 157
Pet foods, 67–73. See also Canned foods; Cooked foods; Dry food/kibble; Home-prepared foods; Raw foods; Wet foods
AAFCO certification of, 68–69
from China, avoiding, 79, 81, 105
“diet,” 101
label information, 69–70, 106–11
manufacturers’ feeding recommendations, 124
most beneficial pre-prepared, 72
organic, 81
prescription, 102
Royal Treatment options, 74–79
summary of tips on, 80–81
Phosphate binders, 93–94
Physical exam, 183, 196–206. See also Vet visits
at a glance, 197–200
hand scan in, 200–204
Pierson, Lisa A., 227
Plantain, 264
Plastic bowls, avoiding, 230, 246, 317
Poaching, 296
Poinsettias, 285
Poison dart frogs, 120
Pollan, Michael, 67
Poodles, 149
Potassium, 93
Potassium bromide (KBr), 32, 33, 96
sweet, 108
Probiotics, 81, 82, 92, 93, 101, 114, 251, 270
Protein, 70, 71–72, 73, 81, 184–85
conversion formula for determining levels of, 79–80
crude, 108
kidney disease and, 94, 112–14
recommended minimum levels, 79, 102
vegetable sources of, 108
Psyllium, 83–84, 93, 104, 227, 265, 322
Pumpkin, 81, 83, 101, 104, 227, 265, 291
adopting, 156
diet/nutrition for, 91–92, 353
lethargic, 278
things that will make life easier with, 352–56
Quercitin, 287
Rabieschallengefund.org, 259
Raspberry, 114
Raw foods, 68, 80, 81, 111, 321–22
bacteria/contaminants in, 75–76, 105
benefits of, 73
cancer treatment and, 245–46
common questions about, 75–77
contraindications for, 76–77, 81
for puppies, 353
recipe for canines, 89–90
Recipes, 89–97
bland diet, 100–101
canine raw food, 89–90
frozen cupcakes, 360
liver detox, 94–95
Red clover, 263
Rehab, 301–9
Rehmannia, 114
Reishi mushroom, 250
Rhus toxicodendron, 272
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 355
Royal Seal of Approval list, 80
Royal Treatment
approach, 31–32
cancer tips, 244
diet guidelines, 79–86
food options, 74–79
quick dog training lesson, 351–52
for seizures, 98–99
supplements to help fight cancer, 250–51
warning system, 16
for young German shepherd, 28
Royaltreatmentveterinarycenter.com, 80, 245
Rusty gate syndrome, 272
Ruta graveolens, 272
Saint Bernards, 157
Salt, 118–19
Salukis, 157
Schaffer, Nan, 141–43
Schultz, Ronald, 259
Schwartz, Cheryl, 189
Sea lions, 364–65
Seizures, 98–99, 108, 170, 171
diet for dogs with, 96–97
emergency care for, 281–82
vaccine-related, 32–33, 257–58
Selenium, 92
Serenity (herbal product), 269
Sharks, 10
Shedd Aquarium, 243
Shiitake mushroom, 266
Shock/trauma, 271
Shortened stride, 206
Silicea, 271
Silverback gorillas, 54–55
Silver sulfadiazine, 271
Skin growths, 288–89
Skullcap, 264
Skunk odor remover, 270
Slipped physis, 23
Snakes, 10
Snow leopards, 218
Sodium bromide (NaBr), 96
Spectacled bears, 11–12, 241–43
Spongia tosta, 272
Spotted owls, 37–43
Squinting, 319–20
Stillman Nature Center, 293, 301
Stone root, 266
Storks, 119
Stress, 178–79, 194, 219, 226, 228, 229
Subcutaneous fluids, 115
Sugar gliders, 149
Sun exposure, 249
Sunscreen, 249
Supplements. See also Herbal remedies
adding to foods, 91
avoiding overuse of, 101
for cancer patients, 250–51
for geriatric pets, 97–98
for kidney health, 114
recommended, 82–84
Surgery, 316–17
appropriate use of, 22–23
author’s disagreement with training methods, 61–63
overreliance on, 21–22
Symphytum, 272
Tail, 150–51, 218, 219, 228, 315
Tanatulas, 312
Tarantulas, 294
Temperature, taking rectally, 184, 321
30 Days to a Well-Mannered Dog (Geller), 348
Thoreau, Henry David, 301
Thundershirts, 61
Thurber, James, 231
Thyroid function, 27, 91, 105, 107, 131, 226, 316
Ticks, 289
Tigers, 88, 217, 218–19, 220–23
Toads, 284
Tongue, examination of, 202
Touch, importance of, 166–67, 224
Tramadol, 336
Transfer factor, 250
Turkish van cats, 219
Turmeric, 33, 139, 250, 264, 266
Underwater treadmill, 175, 176, 203, 219–20, 228, 252, 303, 304, 305–6, 307, 314
Urinary blockage, 275
Urinary incontinence, 25, 81, 322, 338. See also Cats, inappropriate urination in
Urinary tract infections, 230, 270
Vaccinations, 22, 32–33, 254–61
common adverse reactions to, 261
delayed protection from, 258
detox and, 352–53
Dodds protocol for, 259–61
minimizing use of, 246–49, 352
weighing the risks of, 256–57
Vaccine titers, 248, 259, 260, 261
Vegetarianism/veganism, 87–89
Vet visits, 177–95. See also Physical exam
exam room etiquette, 179–80
financial considerations, 188
individuality of pet and, 188–92
keeping patients and clients relaxed, 185–86
questions discussed with owners during, 179
random, for dogs, 179
standard of care in, 181
stress involved in, 178–79
tests and procedures in, 181–83
what clients want from, 177
Vision. See Eyes
Vitamin B12, 148
Vitamin C, 49, 92, 97, 250, 266
Vitamin supplements, 91
inducing, 285
Water (bathing, etc.), 219–20
Water (drinking), 84, 157, 229, 231, 316
Water constitution, 190
Water testing, 246
Weight loss, 103, 128, 129, 130–31, 132–33. See also Obesity
Weimaraners, 173
Whales, 293
Wheat, 21, 70, 72, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 98, 107, 109, 286
White coat factor, 178
White-knuckling, 59
Wild health (defined), xv
Wild yam, 265
Wolff, Dr. (zoo vet), 48–49
Wolf games, 351
Wolves, xvi, 119
Wood constitution, 190
Woodland Park Zoo, 43
Worms, intestinal, 354
X-rays (radiographs), 180, 184
Zebras, 13–14, 17, 18, 20, 311
Zeel, 272
Zoos, 15, 17, 117–20. See also Lincoln Park Zoo Animal Hospital