501(c)(3) organization:
application for status
business activities conducted in foreign country
charitable aid provided by
foreign account tax compliance (FATCA)
income tax treaties
international grantmaking
lobbying, restrictions
private foundations, grants from
private operating foundations
qualification as
staffing of foreign office
supporting organizations
tax benefits for U.S. or foreign donors
tax considerations
tax-exempt status of U.S., obtaining and maintaining
Agent, permanent establishment and
Agros International
American friends of organization
Amity Foundation
Angola, foreign legal entity
Anti-boycott rules
compliance with U.S. laws
tax rules, U.S.
Anti-bribery rules and laws
compliance programs, importance of
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) (see Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA))
foreign country, laws in
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Transparency International
UK Bribery Act of 2010
United Nations Organization of American States (OAS)
Anti-Terrorism Financing Guidelines
Anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
best practices
Central Asia
Certificate Regarding Terrorist Financing
Charity Commission of England and Wales
civil penalties
countries, specific examples
Executive Order 13224
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
freezing of assets
good charitable practice, fundamental principles of
grantee, knowing
guidance for developing policies and procedures
humanitarian aid in sanctioned countries
inadvertent support of terrorism
international support of terrorism
legal considerations
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
policies and procedures, development of
Principles of International Charity
private foundations
programmable verification
risk-based approach to developing policies and procedures
Specially Designated Names (SDN) list
tax-exempt status, loss of
toolkit, online
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
U.S. laws, compliance with
U.S. Treasury Department (see U.S. Treasury Department)
Arab League boycott of Israel
Ashesi University
Assets, reporting of. See Financial assets, reporting of
Attorney, finding in foreign country
Attribution, right of
anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS)
raising funds, tax benefits
Awuah, Patrick
designated banks, mandatory use of in cross-border funding
Beneficial treatment under treaties, claiming
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Board of directors:
members, choice of
role of, public charities
Bolivia, restrictions on political activities
Borders, sending goods across
importing goods, foreign country restrictions on
outflow of goods, foreign country restrictions on
Bowen, Jenny
Boycotts. See Anti-boycott rules
foreign branch, employees working for
foreign individuals employed by foreign branch
separate legal entity versus
anti-bribery rules (see Anti-bribery rules and laws)
of foreign officials, avoidance of
Business activities conducted in foreign country
CAF. See Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
CAI. See Central Asia Institute (CAI)
Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
income tax treaty
raising funds, tax benefits
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
Canadian Revenue Authority (CRA)
Case studies:
Agros International
Ashesi University
Families with Children from China, Inc.
Half the Sky Foundation
Pangea Giving
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
World Vision
CCAA. See China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA)
CCWA. See China Center for Child Welfare and Adoption (CCWA)
Central Asia, anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
Central Asia Institute (CAI)
Centralized management, nonprofit corporations
Centralized versus decentralized services, headquarters offices (case studies)
Certificate Regarding Terrorist Financing
Charitable contributions, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
Charitable Incorporated Organization
Charitable trust, foreign legal entity
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
Charity Commission of England and Wales
Charity, definitions of
adoptions from
affiliating with Chinese organization
legal forms available to foreign organizations
legal landscape, changing
Ministry of Civil Affairs
nonprofit law, features of
orphans, program for (see Half the Sky Foundation (HTS))
representative office
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA)
China Center for Child Welfare and Adoption (CCWA)
China Population Welfare Foundation (CPWF)
China Social Workers Association
Chinese Renminbi (RMB)
Chun Hui Bo Ai Child Welfare Foundation
Civil penalties, anti-terrorism compliance
Collaboration, model of in foreign legal entity formation
Clinton, Bill (William J. Clinton Foundation)
Commerce Department. See U.S. Department of Commerce
Company Limited by Guarantee
Compensation, locally hired staff
Compliance with U.S. laws
anti-boycott rules
anti-bribery law, U.S.
anti-terrorism requirements
export controls
U.S. residents working overseas
Conflicts of interest, raising funds
Control, model of in foreign legal entity formation:
contractual arrangements, control through
directors, control through appointment of
licensing of name, logo, and other intellectual property
membership, control through
private foundations
Conversion of foreign branch into legal entity
Cooperation with existing organizations
Coptic Orphans
Copyrights, protection
outside United States
Corporation tax
Corruption, avoiding
Council of
Council on Foundations, U.S. International Grantmaking Project
Counsel, finding
CPWF. See China Population Welfare Foundation (CPWF)
CRA. See Canadian Revenue Authority (CRA)
Cross-border funding, restrictions on
advance approval requirements
designated banks, mandatory use of
foreign funds, restrictions on use of
inflow of funds
outflow of funds, foreign country restrictions on
registration requirements
reporting requirements
Cross-border grants:
board of directors, role of
private foundations
and tax-exempt status of U.S.
Cross-border payments, withholding taxes
Cross-border philanthropy, tax benefits. See Raising funds, tax benefits
Cultural safari, volunteers traveling
Culture shock
Currency controls
Data privacy laws
across borders
European Union (EU)
United States
DDTC. See Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)
Deductions. See specific topic
Directive 95/46/EC (European Parliament)
Directly operating foreign programs
case study (SightLife)
value added taxes (VAT)
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)
Directors, control through appointment of. See also Board of directors
Disbursements, private foundations:
withholding tax
Disqualified persons, international grantmaking
Donor-advised funds:
international grantmaking
public charities
Double taxation, U.S. residents working overseas
Dual employment arrangements
Dual-use items, export controls
EAR. See Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
Earned revenue, foreign legal entity
EC. See European Commission (EC)
ECJ. See European Court of Justice (ECJ)
EEA. See European Economic Area (EEA)
EFS. See European Foundation Statute (EFS)
foreign legal entity, forming and operating through
foreign organizations, extreme restrictions
Employment contracts
Employment laws
Employment, taxes related to
England, anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
Enterprise tax
Equivalency determination, private foundations
Estate tax treaties
Ethiopia, World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
EU. See European Union (EU)
EU Data Protection Directive
European Commission (EC)
European Court of Justice (ECJ)
European Economic Area (EEA)
European Foundation Statute (EFS)
European Parliament, Directive 95/46/EC
European Union (EU):
data privacy laws
outflow of goods, restrictions on
raising funds, separate legal entity requirement
U.S.-European Union Safe Harbor Program
Exchange ranges, artificially low
Executive Order
grants to international organizations designated by
Expenditure responsibility:
grantees, reports from
pregrant inquiry
private foundations, international grantmaking
written agreement
Expenditure test, lobbying
Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
Export controls
dual-use items
goods and technologies
military equipment
technical data
Families with Children from China, Inc. (FCC)
Charitable Initiatives Committee
FARA. See Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)
FATCA. See Foreign account tax compliance (FATCA)
FATF. See Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
FBAR. See Foreign bank account reporting (FBAR)
FCC. See Families with Children from China, Inc. (FCC)
FCPA. See Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
FCRA. See Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
headquarters offices
raising funds
Fellowship grants, withholding tax
FICA taxes
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Financial assets, reporting of
foreign account tax compliance (FATCA)
foreign bank account reporting (FBAR)
First Amendment
First to file, intellectual property protection
First to invent, intellectual property protection
Fiscal sponsorship, foreign program
Ford Foundation
Foreign account tax compliance (FATCA)
individual reporting
withholding requirements
Foreign activities and tax-exempt status of U.S.
Foreign activities, U.S. tax reporting of
foreign legal entities
related foreign entities
Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)
Foreign bank account reporting (FBAR)
financial interest, existence of
how to file
signature authority
time for filing
who is required to file
Foreign branch, employees working for
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
affirmative defense
agents, payments made by
charitable contributions
foreign country's law, payments permitted under
prohibited payments
routine government actions, exceptions for payments to facilitate
travel expenses of government officials
who is subject to
Foreign country, business activities conducted in
claiming of exemption
consequences, foreign
subsidiary (for-profit), formation of
unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)
withholding tax
Foreign direct services, market and political impact of
Foreign government and government units, grants from private foundations
Foreign housing exclusion or deduction
Foreign individuals, employment of:
by foreign branch
by foreign legal entity
by U.S. entity
Foreign intermediary, funding through
case study (Families with Children from China, Inc.)
orphans, assistance to (example)
Foreign labor laws
Foreign legal and practical considerations. See Legal and practical considerations
Foreign legal entity, employees working for
Foreign legal entity, forming and operating through
case studies
charitable trust
collaboration, model of
control, model of
conversion of foreign branch into legal entity
definition of legal entity
difficulty in forming
earned revenue
establishing foreign legal entity
factors to consider in choosing form
501(c)(3) organization, qualification as
for-profit subsidiaries
funds, soliciting from U.S. donors
headquarters offices (case studies)
reasons to form
regular operations, taxation on earned income
reporting requirements
separation of U.S. and foreign activities, importance of
shared employees
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
soliciting funds from U.S. donors
tax-exempt status
triggers, U.S. tax
two or more separate legal entities, maintaining
type of legal entity to create
unincorporated association
unincorporated or voluntary (informal) association
World Vision
Foreign office, establishing
registered office
registration of
representative office
separate legal entity versus
tax-exempt status
Foreign program, direct grants to
case study (Pangea Giving)
Foreign program, operating. See also Directly operating foreign programs
Agros International (case study)
alternative models for operating
bribery of foreign officials, avoidance of
business activities conducted in foreign country
cooperation with existing organizations
fiscal sponsorship
foreign legal entity, creation of
foreign office, establishing
founders, examples of
improper benefits, avoidance of
intellectual property
lobbying, avoidance of
partnership, use of term
permitted activities, understanding
private benefit doctrine
private inurement
raising funds, restrictions on
reporting requirements, foreign
reporting requirements, U.S.
representative office
restrictive policies, countries with
sources, search for organizations
staffing of foreign office
taxation by foreign country
tax-exempt status of foreign office
unrelated business activity, monitoring of
World Association for Children and Parents (case study)
Foreign taxes, applicability
Foreign tax-exempt organizations, exemptions from withholding tax
Foreign volunteers
Form 926
Form 990
Form 990-EZ
Form 990-PF
Form 1042-S
Form 1116
Form 2555
Form 2555-EZ
Form 3520
Form 3520-A
Form 5713
Form 5741
Form 6166
Form 8233
Form 8621
Form 8865
Form BIS 621-P
Form BIS 6051P
Form I-9
Form W-8EXP
For-profit subsidiaries
FOTO. See Friends of the Orphans (FOTO)
Foundations, China
Freezing of assets, anti-terrorism compliance
Friends of the Orphans (FOTO)
Friends of Organization. See American Friends of Organization
Funding, headquarters offices
Fundraising. See Raising funds
Funds, soliciting from U.S. donors
Ghana, Ashesi University. See Ashesi University
Global fundraising network, developing
export controls
sending across borders
Government and government units, grants from private foundations
ability to carry out purposes of grant
expenditure responsibility
terrorist purposes, determining that funds will not be diverted for
vetting of
Grantmaking, international. See International grantmaking
Grants, reporting requirements
Grassroots lobbying
Green cards
Guarantee, company limited by
Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
addressing of need
Blue Sky Program
China, experience
early days of
evolution of in China
fundraising network, developing
Hong Kong
legal status in China
local autonomy
representative office
service mark, example
specific country experiences
United Kingdom
Headquarters offices:
case studies
centralized versus decentralized services
fees, charging of
funding of
written service agreements
HMRC. See HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
Hong Kong, Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
Housing, foreign housing exclusion or deduction
HTS. See Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
Humanitarian aid in sanctioned countries
IFRS. See International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Illegal immigrants
Import duties/tariffs
Importing goods, foreign country restrictions on
Improper benefits, avoidance of
Inadvertent support of terrorism
Income taxation by foreign country, operation of foreign program
bilateral income tax treaty
corporation tax
enterprise tax
income tax treaty, existence of
income tax treaty, nonexistent
permanent establishment
Income tax treaties:
beneficial treatment under, claiming
benefits of
501(c)(3) organization
no reciprocity under
and permanent establishment
raising funds, exceptions to separate legal entity requirement
reciprocal tax exempt status
and staffing of foreign office and operations
U.S.-Indonesia Income Tax Treaty
U.S. Model Treaty
U.S. residents working overseas, claiming exemption
Independent contractors
withholding tax
anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
Individuals, gifts to
Indonesia, U.S.-Indonesia Income Tax Treaty
Institute for General Benefit (Netherlands)
Insubstantial part test, lobbying
Insurance matters
Integrity, right of
Intellectual property. See also Intellectual property, protection of
foreign office, establishing
licensing, control through
Intellectual property, protection of
attribution, right of
basic steps
first to file
first to invent
foreign countries, rights in
identification of property
integrity, right of
Madrid Protocol
moral rights
rights to property, ensuring
service mark, example
terms of use, posting of
trade secrets
types of intellectual property
undisclosed information
United States
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
written agreements
written license agreements
Interest, withholding tax
Intermediary organizations
Internal controls
International activities, spectrum of
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International grantmaking:
donor-advised funds
501(c)(3) organization
foreign intermediary, funding through (see also Foreign intermediary, funding through for detailed treatment)
foreign programs, direct grants to (see also Foreign program, direct grants to for detailed treatment)
intermediary organizations
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
orphans, assistance to (example)
private foundations (see also Private foundations, international grantmaking for detailed treatment)
public charities (see also Public charities, international grantmaking for detailed treatment)
U.S.-based intermediary, funding through
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
Intra-European philanthropy
Investment income, prohibitions
Arab League boycott of
income tax treaty
ITAR. See International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
Japan, Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
Kenya, restrictions on political activities
Korea, World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
Kyrgyzstan, anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
Landlock, raising funds
Legal and practical considerations
anti-bribery laws
anti-terrorism restrictions
attorney, finding in foreign country
borders, sending goods across
compliance with U.S. laws
corruption, avoiding
counsel, finding
cross-border funding, restrictions on
currency controls
data privacy laws
employment laws
foreign direct services, market and political impact of
foreign legal and practical concerns
foreign taxes, applicability
governmental reporting requirements
inflow of funds or goods, restrictions on possible
insurance matters
intellectual property, protection of
lobbying, restrictions
multiple currency, managing
political activities, restrictions
privacy, protection
real estate, acquiring
registrations needed
security, international travel and
separate nonprofit organization, creation of
staffing of foreign office
tax benefits for U.S. or foreign donors
taxes (non-income)
tax-exempt status of U.S., obtaining and maintaining
terrorism rules (see also Anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance)
trademarks, protection
travel, international
value added taxes (VAT)
Legal entity, defined
written license agreements
Licensing of name, logo, and other intellectual property:
control through
licensing agreements
service fees
Limited liability for members, nonprofit corporations
Lobbying, restrictions
alternative lobbying tests
definitions of lobbying
direct lobbying
expenditure test
foreign countries
foreign funding of
grants to foreign organizations
grassroots lobbying
insubstantial part test
private foundations
tax benefits, denial of
testamentary gifts
types of activities
Local counsel, finding
outline, request for
Logo, licensing
Madrid Protocol
Market impact of foreign direct services
Medicare taxes
Membership, control through
MENA region, raising funds
Mexico, income tax treaty
Military equipment, export controls
Mission-related revenue test, public charity
Monitoring of grants
Montoya, Monty
Moral rights, intellectual property protection
Mortenson, Greg
Multiple currency, managing
Name, licensing
Netherlands, Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs):
foreign offices
international grantmaking
working directly for to avoid taxation
Non-marketable currencies
Nonmembership nonprofit organization
Nonprofit organizations:
association, company limited by
centralized management
distributions of profits to members prohibited
foreign legal entity, forming and operating through
forms of
guarantee, company limited by
limited liability for members
membership nonprofit company or association
nonmembership nonprofit organization
perpetual existence
unincorporated or voluntary (informal) association
value added taxes (VAT), effect of
Nonresident aliens:
employer, determination of
foreign individuals employed by foreign branch
foreign individuals employed by foreign legal entity
foreign individuals employed by U.S. entity
independent contractors
withholding tax
Nonresident independent contractors, withholding tax
Non-U.S. citizens:
hiring or sending to work in U.S.
withholding tax (see Withholding tax on payments to non-U.S. citizens or residents)
working in U.S., verification of status
OAGDS. See Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS)
OAS. See United Nations Organization of American States (OAS)
OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
OFAC. See Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
Specially Designated Names (SDN) list
Offices, reporting requirements
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Organization of American States (OAS)
Orphans, assistance to
China program for (see Half the Sky Foundation (HTS))
Outflow of goods, foreign country restrictions on
Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS)
Pangea Giving
Partnership, use of term
Pass-throughs for contributions for foreign organizations
Patents, protection
outside United States
Payments to people working in foreign countries
Permanent establishment
Permanent residents
Perpetual existence, nonprofit corporations
Personal services, withholding tax on compensation
The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI)
Philippines, U.S. Philippines tax treaty
Political activities, restrictions
associations or communications, ban on
foreign countries
politically sensitive activities
tax benefits, denial of
threatening to government, activities perceived as
types of activities
Political impact of foreign direct services
Pregrant inquiry, expenditure responsibility
Principles of International Charity
PRIs. See Program-related investments (PRIs)
Privacy. See also Data privacy laws
Private benefit doctrine
Private foundations, control
Private foundations, international grantmaking
anti-terrorism compliance
controlled grantee organization
cross-border grants
definition of private foundation
disbursements, permitted
disqualified persons
equivalency determination
Executive Order, grants to international organizations designated by
expenditure responsibility
501(c)(3) organization, grants to
government and government units, grants to
individuals, gifts to
jeopardizing investments
organizations other than public charities, grants to
permitted grants
private non-operating foundations
private operating foundations
program-related investments (PRIs)
public charity versus
self-dealing rules
special requirements
taxable expenditures
withholding tax on disbursements of grant funds
Private inurement
Private non-operating foundations
Private operating foundations
Program-related investments (PRIs)
Propaganda, foreign funding of
Public benefit organizations, definitions of
Public charities, international grantmaking
American friends of organization
automatic public charity status
basic rules for foreign grantmaking
board of directors, role of
broad public support test
donor-advised funds
foreign intermediary, funding through
general purposes, selection of funds for
grantee, vetting of
mission-related revenue test
monitoring of grants
and pass-throughs for contributions for foreign organizations
private foundation, versus
selection criteria, establishment of
specific foreign project, selection of
supporting organization
written grant agreements
Public support test, public charity
Raising funds
conflicts of interest
existing fundraising organization, working with
fees, avoiding
fundraising-oriented foundations
global fundraising network, developing
MENA region
outside U.S.
own fundraising entity, creation of
permissibility of
public foundations
reasons for
reporting requirements
separate legal entity requirement (see Raising funds, separate legal entity requirement)
and simplicity
structuring relationships among fundraising and operating entities
tax benefits (see also Raising funds, tax benefits for detailed treatment)
Raising funds, separate legal entity requirement
charity, definitions of
conflicts of interest
creation of own entity
European Union (EU)
exceptions to
existing organization, working with
fees, avoiding
intra-European philanthropy, exceptions to requirement
public benefit organizations, definitions of
U.S. treaty provisions, exceptions to requirement
Raising funds, tax benefits
operation of foreign programs, restrictions on use of funds
United Kingdom
Rayner, Sammie
Real estate, acquiring
Reciprocal tax exempt status:
income tax treaties
Reciprocity provision for tax-exempt organization, exemption from withholding tax
Red Cross Society of China
cross-border funding
Related foreign entities, reporting requirements
Rents, withholding tax
Reporting requirements:
cross-border funding
financial assets, reporting of (see Financial assets, reporting of)
financial reporting
foreign activities, U.S. tax reporting of
foreign program, operating
withholding tax, payments subject to
Representative office, China
Researchers, tax treatment
Resident alien status
definition of resident alien
substantial presence test
U.S. foreign-earned income exclusion
Residents, withholding tax. See Withholding tax on payments to non-U.S. citizens or residents
RMB. See Chinese Renminbi (RMB)
withholding tax
political activities and lobbying, restrictions
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
private foundations
withholding tax
SDN list. See Specially Designated Names (SDN) list
Seattle, Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
Section 21 company, South Africa
Section 25 company, India
Security, international travel and
Self-dealing rules, private foundations
Separate legal entity:
branch versus
foreign office versus
Separate legal entity requirement, raising funds. See Raising funds, separate legal entity requirement
Separate local nonprofit organization, formation of to avoid taxation
Separation of U.S. and foreign activities:
importance of
two or more separate legal entities, maintaining
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Service fees
Shared employees, foreign legal entity
Signature authority, foreign bank account reporting (FBAR)
Social Security taxes
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
Soliciting funds. See Raising funds
South Africa:
income taxation by
section 21 company
South China Morning Post
Specially Designated Names (SDN) list
Staffing of foreign office and operations
compensation, locally hired staff
considerations when sending people overseas
culture shock
employment contracts
FICA taxes
foreign branch, employees working for
foreign housing exclusion or deduction
foreign individuals employed by foreign branch
foreign individuals employed by foreign legal entity
foreign individuals employed by U.S. entity
foreign labor laws
foreign legal entity, employees working for
foreign volunteers
independent contractors
local versus U.S. staff
Medicare taxes
nonresident aliens
non-U.S. citizens, hiring or sending to work in U.S.
payments to people working in foreign countries
resident alien status
Social Security taxes
substantial presence test
taxation both in U.S. and foreign country
tax consequences
tax home of worker
tax treaties, applicability
totalization agreements
U.S. foreign-earned income exclusion
U.S. foreign tax credit or deduction
work permits
Students, tax treatment
Subsidiary (for-profit)
Substantial presence test
SVPI. See Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
anti-boycott rules, U.S. tax rules
employment, related to
FICA taxes
501(c)(3) organization
foreign activities, U.S. tax reporting of
by foreign country, operation of foreign program
foreign legal entity
foreign taxes
governmental reporting requirements
import duties/tariffs
income taxes (see Income taxation by foreign country, operation of foreign program; Income tax treaties)
Medicare taxes
nonresident aliens
political activities or lobbying, tax consequences
private foundations, international grantmaking
raising funds and tax benefits (see also Raising funds, tax benefits for detailed treatment)
Social Security taxes
staffing of foreign office and operations
staff, taxation both in U.S. and foreign country
tax-exempt status of U.S., obtaining and maintaining
unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)
U.S. residents working overseas
value added taxes (VAT)
withholding taxes (see Withholding taxes; Withholding tax on payments to non-U.S. citizens or residents)
Tax benefits for U.S. or foreign donors
Tax credits, U.S. foreign tax credit or deduction
Tax-exempt organizations. See also Tax-exempt status
withholding tax
Tax-exempt status:
anti-terrorism compliance, loss of status
application for
claiming and maintaining exemption
cross-border grantmaking
501(c)(3) organization, application for status
foreign activities
foreign legal entity
foreign office
obtaining and maintaining
reciprocal tax exempt status, claiming
reciprocal tax exempt status under income tax treaties
U.S. source income, limited
withholding tax
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Teachers, tax treatment
Technical data, export controls
Technologies, export controls
anti-terrorism compliance (see Anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance)
grantee, determining that funds will not be used for terrorist purposes
inadvertent support of
international support of
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Testamentary gifts
Thinly-traded currencies
Three Cups of Tea (Mortenson)
Tides Foundation
TIN. See Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Totalization agreements
TPI. See The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI)
Trademarks, protection
Trade or business, withholding tax exception for income connected with
Trade secrets, protection
outside United States
Transaction costs
Transparency, anti-terrorism compliance
Transparency International
Travel expenses:
of government officials
withholding tax on reimbursement
Travel, international
Treaties. See also Estate tax treaties; Income tax treaties
withholding tax, eliminating or reducing under
Two or more separate legal entities, maintaining
UBTI. See Unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)
Uganda, anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
UK Bribery Act of 2010
Undisclosed information, intellectual property protection
Unincorporated or voluntary (informal) association
foreign legal entity
United Kingdom:
Half the Sky Foundation (HTS)
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
raising funds, tax benefits
UK Bribery Act of 2010
United Nations Security Council
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Certificate Regarding Terrorist Financing
United Way International
Unrelated business activity, monitoring of
Unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)
USAID. See United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
U.S.-based intermediary, funding through
USCIS. See U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS)
U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS):
Form I-9
visa requirements
U.S. Copyright Office
U.S. Department of Commerce:
anti-boycott rules
Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
export controls
humanitarian aid in sanctioned countries
U.S. Department of Defense:
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
U.S.-European Union Safe Harbor Program
U.S. foreign-earned income exclusion
U.S. foreign tax credit or deduction
financial statements of two legal entities
U.S.-Indonesia Income Tax Treaty
U.S. International Grantmaking Project
U.S. Justice Department:
anti-bribery rules
foreign funding of lobbying and propaganda
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
U.S. residents working overseas
double taxation
tax relief, claiming
treaty, claiming exemption from foreign tax
U.S. source income, limited
U.S. Treasury Department:
anti-boycott rules
anti-terrorism compliance
Anti-Terrorism Financing Guidelines
Principles of International Charity
U.S. residents working overseas
working group of charitable sector organization and advisors
U.S. Visa Waiver Program
Uzbekistan, anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
Value added taxes (VAT)
explanation of
by foreign country, operation of foreign program
nonprofit organizations, effect on
Vigilance, importance of
board members, choice of
internal controls
U.S. Visa Waiver Program
Volunteer Protection Act of 1997
cultural safari, volunteers traveling
extended period, sending volunteers for
foreign volunteers
WACAP. See World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
Wales, anti-terrorism restrictions and compliance
WHO. See World Health Organization (WHO)
WINGS. See Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS)
Withholding taxes:
cross-border payments
disbursements of grant funds, private foundations
on disbursements of grant funds, private foundations
exemption, claiming
foreign account tax compliance (FATCA)
foreign legal entity
non-U.S. citizens or residents, payments to (see Withholding tax on payments to non-U.S. citizens or residents)
Withholding tax on payments to non-U.S. citizens or residents
fellowship grants
flat withholding tax
foreign tax-exempt organizations, exemptions
independent contractors
nonresident alien employees, compensation paid to
nonresident independent contractors, compensation paid to
personal services, compensation for
reciprocity provision for tax-exempt organization, exemption
reporting payments subject to
tax-exempt organizations
trade or business, exception for income connected with
travel expenses, reimbursement
treaty, eliminating or reducing withholding under
types of payments
Work permits
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
World Vision International
Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS)
World Wildlife Fund
Written agreements:
expenditure responsibility
grant agreements
intellectual property, protection of
license agreements
service agreements, headquarters offices
WTO. See World Trade Organization (WTO)