Adair, John
Adams, Henry
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, USS
Adams, William
Admiralty, British
Aeolus, HMS
Africa, HMS
Agnew, Robert
Alabama, CSS
Alexander I, Czar of Russia
American Revolution
Argus, USS
Ariel, USS
Armistead, George
Armistead, Lewis
Armistead, Louisa
Armstrong, John
defense of Washington and
resignation of
Arnold, Benedict
Astor, John Jacob
Austerlitz, Battle of
Austin, Loring
Bainbridge, William
Java defeated by
Baker, Anthony St. John
Ball, Charles
Baltimore, British expedition against
aftermath of
bombardment of Fort McHenry in
British withdrawal from
decision for
defenses in
Ross’s death in
Baltimore Federal Gazette
Barataria Bay, La.
Barbary pirates
Barclay, Robert Heriot
Barney, Joseph
Barron, James
Bartlett, Josiah
Bathurst, Earl of
Bayard, James A.
Beanes, William
Beasley, Daniel
Beaver Dams, Battle of the
Beluche, Renato
Belvidera, HMS
Benton, Jesse
Benton, Thomas Hart
Berkeley, George Cranfield
Berlin Decree (1806)
Berton, Pierre
Bigelow, Timothy
Black Bird (Potawatomi chief)
Black Rock, Battle of
“Bladensburg Races,”
Blennerhassett, Harman
Blennerhassett, Margaret
blockade, British
Blount, Willie
Boerstler, C. G.
Bolívar, Simón
Bonne Citoyenne, HMS
Boston Gazette
Boyd, John P.
Bradley, Stephen
Breckinridge, John
Brisbane, Thomas
Brock, Isaac
Broke, Philip
Brooke, Arthur
Brown, Jacob
at Chippawa
at Lundy’s Lane
Brown, Noah
Buccaneer, The (film)
Buchanan, James
Burgoyne, John “Gentleman Johnny,”
Burn, James
Burnt Corn, Battle of
Burr, Aaron
Hamilton’s duel with
Jackson and
in plot to seize New Orleans
as vice-president
Wilkinson and
Cabot, George
Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe
Caledonia, HMS
Caledonian Mercury
Calhoun, John C.
Caller, James
Calvert, Rosalie Stier
Campbell, John B.
Canada, 1812 invasion of
Cuyahoga lost in
eastern thrust of
Fort Detroit fighting in
Niagara thrust in
plan for
Queenston Heights Battle in
surrender of Fort Mackinac in
western thrust of
see also Niagara frontier campaign
Carden, John Surnam
Carolina, USS
Carroll, Henry
Carroll, William
Cass, Lewis
Castlereagh, Lord
Caughnawaga Indians
Champlain, Lake, Battle of, see Lake
Champlain, Battle of
Chandler, John
Châteauguay, Battle of
Chauncey, Isaac
Cherokee Indians
Cherub, HMS
Chesapeake, USS
Leopard’s encounter with
Shannon compared with
Shannon’s defeat of
Chesapeake Bay
Chickasaw Indians
Chippawa, Battle of
Chippawa, HMS
Chippewa Indians
Choctaw Indians
Chub, HMS
Claiborne, Ferdinand L.
Claiborne, William
Clark, George Rogers
Clay, Green
Clay, Henry
Cleopatra, HMS
Clinton, George
Cochrane, Alexander Forester Inglis
in Baltimore expedition
in New Orleans
in Washington expedition
Cochrane, Thomas
Cockburn, George
in Baltimore expedition
in Washington expedition
Cocke, John
Codrington, Edward
Coffee, John
Columbia, USS
Committee of Vigilance and Safety
Confiance, HMS
Congress, U.S.
Embargo Act of 1807 passed by
Henry affair and
military preparedness and
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 passed by
Northwest Ordinance passed by
repeal of embargo acts by
war debate in
see also House of Representatives U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congress, USS
Congress of Vienna (1815)
Conjocta Creek
Connecticut Courant
Connecticut Mirror
Constellation, USS
Constitution, U.S.
Constitution, USS
dimensions and armament of
Guerrière defeated by
Java defeated by
“Old Ironsides” sobriquet of
Shannon’s chase of
Constitutional Convention
Craig, James
Crawford, William H.
Creek Indians
Red Sticks confederation of
schism among
Creek War
Fort Mims massacre in
Horseshoe Bend Battle in
Talladega Battle in
Tallushatchee fight in
Crillon, Count de
Croghan, George
Crysler, John
Crysler’s Farm, Battle of
Dablon, Claude
Dacres, James Richard
Dale, Robert
Dale, Sam
Dallas, Alexander J.
Dane, Nathan
Daquin, Louis
Daviess, Joseph Hamilton
Davis, John
Dearborn, Fort
Dearborn, Henry
Decatur, Stephen
Macedonia captured by
De Cew, John
“Defense of Fort McHenry, The” (Key)
Delaware Indians
de Salaberry, Charles
Detroit, Fort
Detroit, HMS (new ship)
Detroit, HMS (original ship)
Diana, HMS
Dickson, Mrs., William
Dobbins, Daniel
“Don’t Give Up the Ship” battle cry
Dousman, Michael
Downie, George
Drummond, Gordon
Ducharme, Dominique
Duke of Gloucester, HMS
Dwight, Theodore
Eagle, USS (brig)
Eagle, USS (sloop)
East Florida
Eighty-fifth Foot, British
Eighty-ninth Foot, British
elections, U.S.:
of 1792
of 1796
of 1800
of 1801
of 1803
of 1804
of 1808
of 1810
of 1812
of 1816
of 1820
of 1824
of 1828
of 1832
of 1836
of 1840
of 1852
Eleventh Regiment, U.S.
Elliott, Jesse Duncan
Perry controversy and
Embargo Act (1807)
Enterprise, USS
Eppes, John W.
Erebus, HMS
Erie, Fort
Erie, Lake
Erie, Lake, Battle of, see Lake Erie
Battle of
Espiegle, HMS
Essex, USS
Essex Junior, USS
Eustis, William
Ewell, James
Fallen Timbers, Battle of
Farragut, David
Favorite, HMS
Federalist Party
demise of
1816 election and
Henry affair and
Federal Republican
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain
Fifth Maryland Volunteer Regiment U.S.
Finch, HMS
Findley, James
First Infantry, U.S.
Fisher, Peter
Fitzgibbon, James
Spain and
Floyd, John
Folch, Vincente
Fort, John A.
Fort Dearborn
Fort Detroit
Fort Erie
Fort George
Fort Jackson, Treaty of, (1814)
Fort McHenry
British bombardment of
Fort Meigs, siege of
Fort Mims
Fort Niagara
Fort Oswego
Fort St. Leon
Fort St. Philip
Fort Stephenson
Fort Strother
Fort Washington
Fort Wayne, Treaty of (1809)
Forty-first Foot Regiment, British
Forty-third Light Infantry, British
Forty-fourth Regiment, Irish
Forty-ninth Regiment, British
Foster, Augustus J.
Fourth Infantry, U.S.
Fourteenth Regiment, U.S.
Embargo Act of 1807 and
Louisiana Purchase and
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 and
French and Indian War
French Revolution
Friedland, Battle of
Gales, Joseph
Gallatin, Albert
Gambier, Lord
Gaston, William
General Greene, USS
General Hunter, HMS
George, Fort
George III, King of England
Gerry, Elbridge
Gerry, Elbridge, Jr.
Ghent, Treaty of (1815)
British delegation to
British procrastination and
British ratification of
Canada as issue in
impressment issue and
Indian Rights and
Orders in Council repeal and
reaction to
Russian mediation offer and
signing of
U.S. delegation to
Wellington and
Gibbs, Samuel
Gleig, George Robert
Glengarry Light Infantry, British
Gordon, Charles
Gordon, James A.
Goulburn, Henry
Grant, Bruce
Great Britain
Chesapeake affair and
defeat of Napoleon and
Embargo Act of 1807 and
Floridas and
impressment practice of
Indian unrest and
Jay’s Treaty and
in Napoleonic Wars
naval blockade enforced by
naval strength of
Northwest Territories and
preparedness of
seizure practice of
Treaty of Ghent ratified by
U.S. declaration of war against
U.S. grievances against
Greene, Pitt Barnaby
Greenville, Treaty of (1795)
Gregg, Alexander
Growler, USS
Grundy, Felix
Guerrière, HMS
Constitution’s defeat of
Hamilton, Alexander
Burr’s duel with
Hamilton, Paul
Hampton, Wade
Hanks, Porter
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, William Henry
Armstrong’s orders to
background of
1812 invasion of Canada and
at the Thames
at Tippecanoe
Treaty of Fort Wayne and
Hartford Convention
conscription issue in
constitutional proposals of
delegates to
demise of Federalists and
report of
secrecy of
Hay, George
Hayne, Robert Y.
Heald, Nathan
Heald, Rebekah
Henley, Robert
Henry, John
Hill, William
Hillyar, James
Hindman, Jacob
Hislop, Thomas
History of the Hartford Convention (Dwight)
History of the United States During the
Administrations of Jefferson and
Madison (Adams)
Hood, Lord
Hornet, USS
Horseshoe Bend (Tohopeka), Battle of
House of Delegates, Virginia
House of Representatives, U.S.
Foreign Relations Committee of
war debate in
Ways and Means Committee of
Houston, Sam
Hughes, Christopher
Hull, Abraham F.
Hull, Isaac
Guerrière captured by
Hull, Joseph
Hull, William
Humphreys, Salusbury P.
Hunter, Mary
Huron Indians
Ghent peace talks and
in Niagara campaign
at Tippecanoe
Treaty of Fort Wayne and
western expansion and
see also specific tribes
Ingersoll, Charles J.
Intrepid, USS
Iphigenia, HMS
Irvine, Robert
Izard, George
Jackson, Andrew
Benton’s conflict with
Burr’s plot and
in Creek War
at Horseshoe Bend
in Natchez foray
at New Orleans
nickname of
Pensacola captured by
political career of
at Talladega
Wilkinson and
Jackson, Fort, Treaty of, (1814)
Jackson, Rachel
Java, HMS
Constitution’s defeat of
Jay’s Treaty (1794)
Jefferson, Thomas
on Chesapeake affair
Embargo Act of 1807 and
Louisiana Purchase and
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 and
Jena, Battle of
Jesup, Thomas S.
Johnson, James
Johnson, Richard Mentor
Jomini, Antoine Henri
Jones, John Paul
Jones, William
Junaluska (Cherokee chief)
Keane, John
Ketchum, Daniel
Key, Francis Scott
Kickapoo Indians
King, Rufus
Lacoste, Pierre
Lady Prevost, HMS
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lafitte, Jean
Lafitte, Pierre
Lake Champlain, Battle of
aftermath of
assessment of
British fleet in
British plan for
British surrender in
casualties in
U.S. deployment in
U.S. fleet in
Lake Erie
Lake Erie, Battle of
British surrender in
casualties in
onset of
Perry-Elliott controversy and
Perry’s report on
Lake Ontario
Lambert, Henry
Lambert, John
Lawrence, James
background of
death of
Peacock defeated by
Shannon’s defeat of
Lawrence, USS
Leech, Samuel
Leipzig, Battle of
Leopard, HMS
Lexington Reporter
Library of Congress
Lincoln, Abraham
Linnet, HMS
Lion, HMS
Little Belt, HMS
Little Belt, HMS (Lake Erie sloop)
Little Turtle (Miami chief)
Little Warrior (Creek warrior)
Liverpool, Lord
Lockyer, Nicholas
London Morning Chronicle
London Statesman
London Times
Louisiana, USS
Louisiana (state)
Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Territory
Lowell, John
Lundy’s Lane, Battle of
McArthur, Duncan
McClellan, George B.
McClure, George
Macdonell, George
Macdonough, Thomas
Macedonian, HMS
McHenry, Fort
British bombardment of
McHenry, James
McKee, Mrs. Alex
Mackinac Island
Macomb, Alexander
McQueen, Peter
Madison, Dolley
Madison, James
and British raid on Washington
cabinet changes by
Henry affair and
war debate and
Madison, USS
Madison administration
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
manifest destiny
Marine Corps, U.S.
Marion, Francis
Marquette, Jacques
Mars, Stephen
Marshall, John
Martin, Daniel
Meigs, Fort, siege of
Meigs, Return Jonathan
Melampus, HMS
Miami Indians
Milan Decree (1807)
Miller, James
Mims, Fort
Mohawk Indians
Monroe, James
Monroe Doctrine
Montagu, HMS
Montgomery, Lemuel P.
Montgomery, Richard
Morgan, David
Morris, Charles
Morrison, Joseph W.
Muco Indians
Mullens, Thomas
Murray, Anthony
Murray, John
Nantucket Island
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Berlin and Milan Decrees of
downfall of
Louisiana Purchase and
Napoleonic wars
allied victory in
Nashville Whig
national debt
National Intelligencer
Naval Chronicle
Naval War of 1812, The (Roosevelt)
Navy Department, U.S.
Nelson, Horatio
Newark, Ont., burning of
New England
British blockade and
Constitution-Guerrière battle and
Henry affair and
regional discontent in
see also Hartford Convention New Hampshire
New Orleans, Battle of
assessment of
British advance in
British assault in
British attack plan in
British retreat in
casualties in
first phase of
importance of
lack of secrecy and
Lafitte and
routes to
U.S. defenses in
U.S. deployment in
New York
New York Evening Post
New York Gazette
Niagara, Fort
Niagara, USS
Niagara campaign of 1814
Chippawa fight in
Fort Erie besieged in
Lundy’s Lane Battle in
supplies sold to Canada by
Tucker’s raid in
Niagara frontier
Battle of Crysler’s farm in
Battle of Lake Erie in, see Lake
Erie, Battle of
Battle of the Thames in
Beaver Dams Battle in
fall of Fort Niagara in
Fort George in
guerrilla warfare in
Indians in
manpower shortage in
Newark burned in
St. Lawrence campaign in
Secord’s legendary walk in
shipbuilding race in
siege of Fort Miegs in
York raid in
Nicholas, Robert C.
Nicholas, Wilson Cary
Nicholson, Joseph H.
Niles, Hezekiah
Niles’ Weekly Register
Ninth Infantry, U.S.
Ninety–third Highlanders, British
Noble, Patrick
Nolte (merchant)
Non-Intercourse Act (1809)
North Carolina
Northumberland, HMS
Northwest Ordinance (1787)
Northwest Territory
Tippecanoe Battle and
Nourse, Joseph
nullification debate
O’Brian, Patrick
Ohio, USS
100th Foot Regiment, British
103rd Foot Regiment, British
Oneida, USS
Ontario, Lake
Orders in Council
repeal of
Oswego, Fort
Otis, Harrison Gray
Ottawa Indians
Overton, John
Owen, Abraham
Pakenham, Edward
Paris, Treaty of (1783)
Parliament, British
Patent Office, U.S.
Patterson, Daniel T.
Peacock, HMS
Peake, William
Pearson, Thomas
Pérez, Cayetano
Perkins, Bradford
Perry, Oliver Hazard
death of
Elliott controversy and
fleet of
at Lake Erie
Lawrence’s death reaction of
Presque Isle bar crossed by
Philadelphia, USS
Phoebe, HMS
Piankeshaw Indians
Pickering, Timothy
Pickersgill, Caroline
Pickersgill, Mary Young
Pierce, Franklin
Pike, Zebulon
Pinckney, Charles
Plattsburgh, Battle of, see Lake Champlain, Battle of
Pontiac (Ottawa chief)
Porcupine, USS
Port Dover
Porter, David
Porter, Moses
Porter, Peter B.
Potawatomi Indians
Pothier, Toussaint
Power, Manley
Preble, USS
President, USS
Prevost, George
at Lake Champlain
Pring, Daniel
Proctor, Henry
Prophet (Tenskwatawa)
Purdy, Robert
Pushmataha (Choctaw chief)
Quebec, Battle of
Queen Charlotte, HMS
Queenston Heights, Battle of
Randolph, John
Read, George C.
Red Eagle (Creek chief), see Weatherford, William
Red Sticks confederation
Remini, Robert
Rennie, Robert
Republican Party
Retaliation, USS
Revenge, USS
Rhode Island
Riall, Phineas
right of deposit
Ripley, Eleazar W.
River Raisin, fight at
Roberts, Charles
Robertson, Henry
Robinson, Frederick
Rodgers, John
Rogers, John
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Elizabeth
Ross, George
Ross, Robert
in Baltimore expedition
death of
in Washington expedition
Royal Navy
Royal Newfoundland Regiment
Royal Scots Regiment, British
Russell, Jonathan
St. Leon, Fort
St. Philip, Fort
Salem (Mass.) Gazette
Saratoga, Battle of
Saratoga, USS
Sargent, Daniel
Sawyer, Herbert
Scorpion, USS
Scott, Hercules
Scott, Winfield
fate of
at Fort George
at Lundy’s Lane
in Niagara campaign
Sea Horse, HMS
Second Artillery Regiment, U.S.
Second Dragoons, U.S.
Secord, James
Secord, Laura
Senate, U.S.
Foreign Relations Committee of
Treaty of Ghent ratified by
war debate in
Serapis, HMS
Seventh Fusiliers, British
Seven Years’ War
Shabonee (Potawatomi chief)
Shannon, HMS
Chesapeake compared with
Chesapeake defeated by
Constitution chased by
Shawnee Indians
Sheaffe, Roger Hale
Shelby, Isaac
Shenandoah, CSS
Sherman, Roger Minot
Short, William
Sinclair, Patrick
Sir Isaac Brock, HMS
Skinner, John S.
Smith, Harry
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Sidney
Smyth, Alexander
Somers, USS
Sophia, HMS
South Carolina
Floridas and
Wilkinson as spy for
Spencer, Ambrose
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (Key)
State Department, U.S.
Stephenson, Fort
Stokoe, Thomas
Stoney Creek, Battle of
Strahan, John
Street, Mrs. Samuel
Stricker, John
Strother, Fort
Stuart, Gilbert
Sumter, Thomas
Talladega, Battle of
Tallushatchee, fight at
Taylor, Waller
Taylor, Zachary
Tecumseh (Shawnee chief)
death of
at Fort Meigs
at the Thames
at Tippecanoe
U.S. invasion of Canada and
Tenskwatawa (Prophet)
Thames River, Battle of
Third Regiment, U.S.
Thirteen Infantry Regiment, U.S.
Thirty-ninth Regiment, U.S.
Thornton, William (colonel)
Thornton, William (doctor)
Ticonderoga, USS
Tigress, USS
Times (London)
Tippecanoe, Battle of
Todd, John
Tohopeka, see Horseshoe Bend Battle of
Tompkins, Daniel
Tonnant, HMS
Trafalgar, Battle of
Treasury Department, U.S.
Trippe, USS
Troup, George M.
Tucker, Glenn
Tucker, John
Twentieth Foot, British
Twenty-first Infantry, U.S.
Twenty-fifth Foot, British
Twenty-fifth Infantry, U.S.
Tyler, John
United States, in 1812
United States, USS
Macedonian defeated by
United States Gazette
United States Navy
Van Buren, Martin
Van Horne, Thomas
Van Rensselaer, Solomon
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Villeré, Gabriel
Villeré, Jacques
Vincent, John
Wallace, Robert
Ward, Samuel
War Department, U.S.
Ware, William
war hawks
War of 1812
assessment of
lack of preparation for
sense of nationhood and
U.S. declaration of war in
Warren, John B.
Washington, Fort
Washington, George
Washington, British expedition against
Bladensburg fight in
British advance in
British reaction to
Fort Washington captured in
Gallatin’s house burned in
government buildings burned in
President’s House burned in
ramifications of
U.S. defenses in
Washington administration
Wasp, USS
Waterloo, Battle of
Wayne, Fort, Treaty of (1809)
Wayne, “Mad” Anthony
Weatherford, William (Red Eagle)
Webster, Daniel
Webster, Noah
Weems, Philip
Wellington, Arthur, Duke of
Ghent negotiations and
North America command declined by
Wells, William
West, Richard E.
West Florida
Jackson in
Wilkinson in
Whig Party
Wilkinson, James
Burr’s plot and
at Crysler’s Farm
fate of
Jackson and
in St. Lawrence campaign
as spy for Spain
in West Florida expedition
Willson, Deborah
Wilson, John
Winchester, James
Winder, Levin
Winder, William H.
Winnebago Indians
Wolfe, James
Wood, Eleazer
Wool, John E.
Wounded Knee, Battle of
Wyandot Indians
Yarnall, James
Yeo, James
York, raid on
You, Dominique