MY GREATEST THANKS to everyone at W. W. Norton who helped bring this book into the world, especially my editor, Jill Bialosky, for thoughtful insights and invaluable feedback, for asking the most difficult questions at the right times, and for continually pushing the story in the right direction.
I am so grateful to my agent, Molly Friedrich, who guided me through this process with exceptional humor, wisdom, and honesty. Thanks, too, to Lucy Carson, who provided useful perspective when I needed it, and to the rest of the team at the Friedrich agency, for their tireless assistance along the way.
This novel might never have evolved beyond scattered thoughts had I not received guidance from outstanding teachers and peers at Columbia University. My thanks to Binnie Kirshenbaum (and the whole of our thesis workshop), Sam Lipsyte, Rene Steinke, Aaron Hamburger, Jennifer Epstein, and Joanna Hershon for providing especially perceptive comments. To Clare Beams, Helene Wecker, Kara Levy, and Ashley Murray for overall support, friendship, and kinship from the start. And to Ruth Galm, for always getting it, on every level.
I am indebted to Jessica Tuccelli for wonderful advice at a moment’s notice. And to Jane Ratcliffe, one of the finest readers I know and the first teacher who ever made me think that I could do this. I’d also like to recognize my friends in San Diego (and elsewhere for that matter) for offering respite from book talk; my colleagues at Francis Parker, for emphasizing the importance of continually learning and growing; and my students, especially my Craft kids, who inspired me more than they realize.
I can’t adequately express appreciation to my mother, an expert proofreader, for a lifetime of cheer, care, and compassion. To my dad, who dreamed this before I did. To Tevin, for unqualified friendship and for understanding the big picture. To Bill, because I always want to impress you, and to Sue and Jen, because you’re always so encouraging. To Emily, Molly, Abby, Jake, and Dash, because you’re all beautiful and amazing and you remind me what matters most. And to Jeremiah, because I am the lucky one—for your genuine love, support, patience, and faith in me.
This book would never have been conceived without my sister Caren, who sketched all of the pictures and whose brain helped inspire Lucy’s. I am intrigued, entertained, and awed by you every single day.