May the story captivate us, the science awaken
us, and the truth transform us.
What you are about to read is a personal journey of discovery and awakening. You will partake in my adventures—and witness my transformations—as I explore the world of energy healing as a scientist, clinician, and human being.
This book presents reports—gathered for the first time in one place—of a wealth of novel experiments, conducted by my colleagues and me, that point inexorably to a new vision of healing. You will travel with me as I discover that Western science and society have been viewing the world through the illusion of materialism rather than seeing what might be called “the emerging reality of energy-ism” (accurate, even if a little clunky). That is, we’ve been seeing the world only in its material form and ignoring the essential reality: that energy, not matter, underlies all and plays a major role in health and healing.
With my writing partner, William Simon, I have attempted to create an integrative and bridging book that connects stories with science, explorations with experiments, and feelings with facts. Our challenge has been to strike a balance between presenting the larger story and conveying the science that inspires it.
Some readers will be more interested in the exciting adventures and what the new findings mean for health and life; others will be more interested in the details of the basic experiments themselves. Personal preferences aside, we hope that all readers will celebrate the larger vision as expressed by Dr. James Levin in the quote above. The story told in these pages captivated me, the science awakened me, and the truth has indeed transformed me. My wish is that the same will happen for you.
This book focuses on more than a decade of experiments conducted in my laboratory at the University of Arizona that were supported primarily by a Biofield Center grant and individual research grants from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as by gifts from the Canyon Ranch Institute. The views you are about to read reflect those of the author, not the funding sources.
You are about to enter a world of possibility, where energy becomes the vibrant bridge that connects mind with matter, the spiritual with the physical. As you will discover, fields of energy are not only fundamental and far-reaching, they are also great fun.