Adams, Sherman Resignation of

Adamson Act 1916

Agnew, Spiro Resignation of

Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933

Alliance for Progress


Purpose of

Allied Control Council Governed by

America First Committee Aim of

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

American Liberty League


Objective of

Supporters of

American Neutrality Patrol Purpose of

American Population 1930

Americans with Disabilities Act 1990

Anti-War Movement


Student Protest 1960s

Area Redevelopment Act of 1961

Atlantic Charter

Purpose of

Atomic Bomb

First detonated



Manhattan Project

Atomic Energy Act of 1954

Result of

Atomic Energy Commission


Purpose of

Auto Immune Deficiency

Syndrome (AIDS)


Initial Victims

Bakker, Jim

Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenancy Act 1937


Banking Act 1933

Banking Act of 1935

Purpose of

Baseball Player’s Strike 1994

Results of

Bay of Pigs Operation

Berlin Crisis 1948

US response

Berlin Wall

Erection of

Fall of

Birth Control

Black Power Movement 1960s

Bonus Army

Leader of

Opposition to

Brady Bill 1993

Provisions of

Bretton Woods Conference

Buchanan, Patrick

Opposing Bush for Republican Nomination 1982

Budget and Accounting Act

Affect on Federal Budget

Budget Reconciliation Act

of 1981

of 1993


Bull Moose Party

Platform 1912

Provisions of

Bush, George

Administration’s response to Soviet Union

Appointed “Drug Czar”

Arms control initiative 1991

Famous quotes of

Support in 1988 election

Supreme Court Appointees

Themes of 1988 Presidential Election

Cable Television Consumer

Protection and Competition Act 1992

Results of

Camp David Accords 1978

provisions of

Capone, Al

Carter, Jimmy

Amnesty to Draft Dodgers

Criticism of Administration

Foreign Policy

Opposition to Democratic Nomination 1980

Ceausescu, Nicolae

Challenger Disaster

Child Labor Act

Opposition to

Significance of

China’s declaration of Martial Law

Civil Rights Act

Of 1957

purpose of

Of 1964

purpose of

Of 1991

results of

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Eligibility in

Work of

Clayton Antitrust Act

Affect of

Purpose of

Clear Air Act 1990

Objective of

Provisions of

Clinton, William Jefferson

Campaign themes 1992

Controversies of administration

Criticism of; for China’s Most Favored Nation status

“Gag Rule” lifted

Health Care Reform

Movement of Troops into Persian Gulf 1994

Popular Vote won 1992

Supreme Court appointees

Whitewater Scandal

Commission of Base Realignment and Closure 1989

Commodity Credit Corporation


Purpose of


In China

leader of

In Czechoslovakia

In Poland

break away from

Loss of monopoly in Soviet Union

Conciliation Treaties


Purpose of

Congressional economic legislation 1964

Congressional Elections

Changes of 1980

Republican Campaign themes

Significance of 1994

Congressional response to Reuben James


Nineteenth Amendment

Sixteenth Amendment

Twenty-first Amendment

Twenty-second Amendment

Coolidge, Calvin Memorable quotes

Corporate Culture

Critique of

Significance of

Council on National Defense

Chairpersons of

Purpose of

Counter-culture & the New Left

“Court Packing” proposal Creation of

Crack Cocaine

Crime Bill 1994



Vaclav Havel

life of

Dawes Plan

Purpose of

Dean, John

Deb, Eugene Platform 1912

Declaration of United Nations

Deficit Reduction Act

Democratic Party

Nomination in 1956

Nomination in 1984

Opposition to Carter in 1980

Platform in 1912

Platform in 1932

Platform in 1936

Roosevelt re-elected 1940

Split in 1948


Department of Housing and Urban Affairs

Disbanding of Soviet Union

Replacement of

Dominican Republic Occurrence 1916

“Domino Theory”

Draft Abolished

Dukakis, Governor Michael

Vice Presidential Running Mate Lloyd Bentsen

Eagleton, Senator Thomas

Resignation as vice-presidential Nominee 1972

Economic Opportunity Act 1964

Purpose of

Economic Recovery Act 1981

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Eisenhower Doctrine

Legislative Program

1958 Agreement with Krushchev

Secretary of State

Supreme Court Nominee 1953

Elementary and Secondary

Education Act of 1965

Embargo on Japan 1940

Emergency Banking Relief Act

Emergency Fleet Corporation 1917

Purpose of

Employment Act of 1964

Purpose of

Equal Rights Amendment consequences of

Espionage and Sedition Acts

Supreme Court involvement with

Exxon Valdez

Fair Deal Program

Purpose of

Fair Employment Practice


Origins of

Purpose of

Fair Labor Standards Act

Terms for

Family Leave Act 1993

FDA response to effects of dietary fat 1994

Federal Farm Loan Act

Purpose of

Federal Highway Act


Impact of

Federal Home Loan Bank Act 1932

Federal Reserve

Attempt to stimulate economy 1991

Federal Reserve Act passed

Federal Reserve Notes, creation of

Response to fears of inflation 1994

Supervision of

Federal Trade Commission Act Purpose of

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Purpose of

Federal Emergency Relief Act

Administration of

Purpose of

Fermi, Enrico

Flag Burning

Ford, Gerald

Anti-Inflation Campaign

Opposition to Republican

Nomination 1976

Fordney McCumber Tariff


Products affected

Foreign Policy

Air strikes on Libya

American troops in Lebanon consequence of

Cuba 1960

German invasion of USSR

Intervention in Mexico 1916

Invasion of Panama 1989

Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

commitment to Persian Gulf

Japanese control of Indochina

Manchurian Crisis

Marines in Haiti 1915

Wilson’s justification

Marines in Liberia 1990

Opposition to Sandinista regime

Outbreak of World War I

Recognition of USSR


Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Strategic missiles elimination of

The People’s Republic of China

Troops sent to Haiti 1994

US response to Chinese shelling of uemoy and Matsu

USSR in the postwar era

Fourteen Points

Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act of 1934

Purpose of

Freedom of Information Act

Purpose of

“Freedom Riders”

Free Speech Movement

On college campuses

Fuel Administration

Garner-Wagner Bill

Hoover Veto

Purpose of

Garvey, Marcus

Ideology of

Gay Rights Movement

Geneva Accords

Result of

Role of US

General Maximum Price

Regulation Act


Purpose of

German reunification

GI Bill

Purpose of

Good Neighbor Policy

Purpose of

Gore-McLemore Resolution

Results of

Great Depression

Causes of

Economics Effects of

Reasons for Crash of 1929

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere

Grenada 1983

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Purpose of


Overthrow of President Guzman

Harding, Warren G.

Secretary of State

Teapot Dome scandal

Hart, Senator Gary

Elimination from 1988

presidential race

Hawley-Smoot Tariff


Problems with

Home ownership growth 1945-60

Federal Housing Administration

Home Owners Loan Corporation

Hoover, Herbert

Economic Philosophy


Support in 1932

Housing Act of

Provisions of

Hungary breaking from Communist bloc

Hydrogen Bomb Detonated

Illegitimate births 1980s

Immigration Act of 1965

Effect of

Immigration Controversy 1917

Congress’ response to

Important Consumer groups 1950s

Indian Reorganization Act

Purpose of


Use of assembly line

Iran-Contra Scandal

Iranian control of Embassy 1979

Consequence of failed rescue attempt


Invasion of Kuwait 1990

justification of

Israeli - PLO accord 1994

Japanese Relocation Camps

Elimination of

Supreme Court decision on


“Jazz Age”

Characteristics of

Johnson Act of 1934

Purpose of

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Problems with

Purpose of

Kennedy, John F.

Assassination of



Margin of victory (popular vote) 1960

National Guards sent to Mississippi

Reaction of Soviet build-up in


consequences of


Ordeals with Congress

Kennedy, Robert Assassination of

Kent State Riots

Kerner Commission On racial riots in

Kerr-McGillicuddy Act

Impact of

Kevorkian, Dr. Jack

Khrushchev, Nikita

1958 Agreement with Eisenhower

Tour of US

King Jr., Martin Luther Assassinated by

Korean War




Ku Klux Klan decline 1925

Labor Movement Division of AFL and CIO

Labor Unions Drop in membership 1980s




Significance of

Landrum-Griffen Labor-Management Act

Purpose of

Lansing Ishii Agreement 1917

League of Nations

Opposition to

US Senate and

Wilson’s influence

Levitt, William Housing Development

Lifted Economic Sanctions against Nicaragua 1990

Lithuanian declaration of independence

London Economic Conference

Failure of


Los Angeles earthquake 1994

Los Angeles Riots 1991

Losses of

Precipitation of

Loyalty Review Board

Creation of

Purpose of

Lunar Landing

Malta Conference 1989

March on Washington

Marshall Plan objective of

Mayaguez Crisis of 1975

McCarren Internal Security Act

Purpose of

Truman opinion of

McCarthy, Eugene

1968 presidential campaign issues

Significance of New Hampshire primary

McCarthy, Senator Joseph

McGovern, George

1972 presidential support

Medicare Act of 1965

Purpose of

Median Age for Americans 1980

Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act 1988

Controversy of

“Me Generation”

Members of United Nations Security Council

Mondale, Walter

Black American support in 1989 candidacy

Support in 1984 election

Montevideo Conference 1933

“Moral Majority”

Motor Carrier Act 1935

“Motor-Voter” Bill 1993

Music Industry

Reaction to‘indecency’ attacks

Nation went off gold standard

National American Women Suffrage Association

National Commission of Excellence

“A Nation at Risk”

response to

National Defense Act

Purpose of

National Economy

“Black Monday”

Bonus Army

Boston Police Strike

Budget and Accounting Act

Business Trends in 1920

Cause of 1982 recession

Coal Workers Strike 1919

resolution of

Consumer interest and demand 1920s

Corporate Merger Phenomenon

Decline of business loans 1920s

Economic Slump of early 1970s

Effect of Communist Revolution on

Effect of Consumer Products

Effects of postwar inflation

Effects of Race Riots 1919

causes of


Effect of Urbanization

Federal Budget Deficit 1976

Federal Budget Deficit 1983

Financial Market scandal 1980s

Lambert, Drexel Burnham

Inflation rate in 1986

Minimum Wage 1955

Minimum Wage 1989

New York City verge of bankruptcy

Oil Prices

affect of lowered prices on Banks

Productivity from 1945-1955

Reaction to threat of recession 1987

Reasons for Boom of 1920s

Recession of 1920

factors of

Rise in Farming Expenses

Rural Poverty in 1966

Savings and Loan problems

Seattle General Strike

Supply Side Economics

Trade Deficits explanation of

Unaffected sectors during late 1980s slowdown

Unemployment Rate 1993

Unionization of Mexican-American farm workers

Violent labor confrontations 1920s

National Endowment for the Arts controversy 1989

National Industrial Recovery Act of 1934

Purpose of

National Organization for Women (NOW)


National Origin Act

Purpose of

National Security Act of 1947

Purpose of

National Service Act 1993

National Union for Social Justice leader

National Youth Administration

Nationalist Chinese government in Taiwan

Neutrality Acts

1935, establishment of


1937, purpose of


“New Federalism”

“New Freedom”

Nixon, Richard M.


Economic Initiatives of 1971

Impeachment of Nixon

Kissinger Meetings

“New Federalism”

1958 Latin American Tour

Nominees to Supreme Court

Pardon of

Resignation of

Running mate 1968

Successor to


John Dean

Welfare reform

Nobel Prize Toni Morrison

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Prominent critics

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)


Offer to former Warsaw Pact Members 1994

Purpose of

North Korean invasion of South Korea

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Nye, Senator Gerald


Affect on US

Operation Rescue

Operation Rolling Thunder

Oklahoma City Bombing Suspects of

Organization Act 1949

Organized Crime Growth of

Panama Canal

Panama Canal Treaty


Provisions of

Paris Peace Conference

Parks, Rosa

Peace Corps



Pentagon Papers

Perkins, Frances

Persian Gulf War

Alliances with Middle Eastern countries


Allied ground assault

duration of




Code name of

Commander of US forces

Congressional authorization

Instigation of

Permanent cease-fire established

Post-War Goals

SCUD Missile attacks

primary targets

purpose of

Terms of cease fire

Weapons commonly utilized

Political tendency of the “Sunbelt” 1980s

Popular Culture


American Graffiti

cinematic criticism of depression

Lee, Spike

movie attendance

sound introduced

Stone, Oliver

The Crack in the Picture Window

message of

The Jazz Singer

Vietnam War oriented

Born on the Fourth of July


Consumer Products Television


Death of a Salesman

“Lost Generation”

The “Beat” Writers

The Feminine Mystique

The Politics of Rich and Poor

Music & Radio

affect of

“Jazz Age”

Characteristics of

Jazz & Blues

Music Industry

Reaction to‘indecency’ attacks

Swing & Big Band Music


The “Me Generation”


Model T

Presidential Elections

Election 1952

results of

significance of

Election of 1960

pivotal moments of

Election of 1964

Election of 1968

results of

Election of 1980

results of

Nominations 1912

Nominations 1916

Nominations 1920

Nominations 1924

results of

Nominations 1988

Perot, H. Ross

significance of

Progressive Party

Smith, Alfred

Socialist Party, popularity of

World War I, effect on

Presidential Succession Act 1947

Progressive Party platform 1924


Establishment of

Protestant Unity 1920s

Public Works Administration

Objective of

Operation of

Race Relations in Arkansas 1957

Reagan, Ronald

Anti-Union Measures

Assassination attempt on

Criticism to appointed officials

Farm Policy


Inauguration and hostage release

Supreme Court appointments

Supreme Court Nominee 1986

Terminology of Soviet Union

Vice Presidential Nominee 1980

Reconstruction Finance Cooperation

Purpose of


Catholic Church controversies

Church Population 1960

Return to churches for “Baby Boomers”

Republican Party

Nomination of 1912

Nomination of 1936

Nomination of 1949

Opposition to Ford in 1976

Platform in 1920

Platform in 1924

Reserve Act

of 1935

of 1942

Resettlement Administration (RA)

Revenue Acts

Act of 1918

Act of 1926

features of

Purpose of

Roe. Wade

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

“Court Packing” proposal

Death of

Democratic Nomination 1932

Democratic re-election in 1940

First One Hundred Days

Gubernatorial Positions

Inaugural Slogan


Legislation of 1933

New Deal Coalition composition of

The First New Deal

criticism of

effectiveness of

The Second New Deal

Reluctance to anti-lynching legislation

Support in 1936 election

Unofficial advisers

Roosevelt, Theodore

Speeches of

public response

vice-presidents of

Rosenburg Case

Rural Electrification Administration (R.E.A.)

Purpose of

Sacco & Vanzetti

SALT Treaty of 1972


Consequences of

Sandinistas and Contras cease-fire

Sandino, General Augusto

Scopes Trial Focus of

Second Agricultural Adjustment Act 1938

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Purpose of

Selective Services Act

Selective Service and Training Act Objective of

Sexual Revolution

Affect on women’s clothing 1920

Share Our Wealth Society 1934

Smith Act of 1940

Purpose of

Use of

Smith, Alfred

Significance of

Smith-Connolly Act

Purpose of

Smith-Hughes Act 1917

Smith. Millwright Importance of

Social Security Act

Provisions of

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

Members of

Soviet Annexation of Poland, Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria

Soviet testing of atomic weapons

Space Exploration

Challenger Disaster



START Treaty 1990

Accomplishments of


Results of

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI;

Star Wars)

Fate of

Stevenson, Alan

Support in 1956

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Submarine Crisis21

Suburban Growth

Suez Canal Crisis

Date of

Significance of

Suffrage Amendment

Defeated by

Summit Conference 1955

Members of

Purpose of

Sun Belt Growth in Population

Supply Side Economics

Supreme Court

Ada Lois Sipuel v. Board of Regents

Brandeis, Louis

Brown. Board of Education

First Women appointed to

Korematsu v. United States

Roe v. Wade

Smith v. Millwright decision

Sweatt v. Painter

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

Sussex Pledge

Taft-Hartley Act

Affect on Unions

Tailhook Scandal 1991

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

Tax Reform Act 1986

Provisions of

Tennessee Valley Authority (T.V.A.)

Purpose of


Trade Embargo Lifted on Vietnam 1994

Truman, Harry S.

Civil Rights measures enacted

Gubernatorial experience

1946 Railway Strike

Price Control elimination

exemptions to

Truth-in Securities Act

Tydings-McDuffie Act 1934

U-2 Incident

Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act 1913

Accomplishments of


Members 1941

United Mine Workers

Lewis, John L.

Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR)

Characteristics of Gorbachev’s regime

Election freedom

Leaders of

Military Coup 1991

United Mine Workers Leader of

United Nations Established

Urban Areas most populated

US - Cuban immigration agreement 1994

US-Japanese summit conference 1941

US - North Korea agreement 1994

US Occupation of Iceland

US Railroad Administration Action of

US States



US Virgin Islands

Acquired from


Versailles Treaty

Veteran’s endowment 1924

Vietnam War

American presence

Congressional investigations 1966

Continued Bombing 1972

Exodus from Vietnam

My Lai

Peace Treaty

conditions of

The Fall of Saigon

The Tet Offensive


Voting Age Lowered to 18

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Waco Crisis 1993

Wagner Act

Enactment of

Purpose of

Wagner-Steagall Act

Enactment of

Purpose of

Wallace, Governor George

Appeal in 1968 presidential election

Assassination attempt

War Industries Board

War Labor Board

W.W.I affect on

War Powers Act of 1973

War Production Board

War Resources Board Establishment


Washington Conference Treaties of


Watts Riots 1965


Wheeler-Rayburn Act 1935

White Citizens Council

“White Flight”

Wilson, Woodrow

Bryan-Chamosso treaty

Dollar diplomacy, opposition to

Fourteen Points

message of

Gubernatorial Positions

Legislative Promise 1913

features of

“New Freedom”

1918 Congressional Elections

Paris Peace Conference

Popular vote 1916

Secretary of State



Roles after W.W.II

Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.)

Operation of

Work Week 1950s

World Trade Center Bombing Convictions of

World War One

Affect on Prohibition

American declaration of War

on Germany

Armistice of

Causes of

Submarine Crisis 1915

Commanders of


Effect on Minorities

Military Engagements

Public Mood

Role of Blacks

Selective Services Act

Versailles Treaty

German defiance to

provisions of

Versailles Conference

affect of Bolshevik Revolution on

World War Two

Allied Invasion of Italy

Fall of Rome

Allied Invasion of North Africa

General Erwin Rommel’s surrender

Allied liberation of Paris

Attack on Hiroshima

Casualties of

Attack on Nagasaki

Battle of the Bulge

origin of

date of

Battle of the Coral Sea

significance of

Battle of Midway

importance of

Battle of the Philippine Sea

result in Japan

Battle of Okinawa

significance of

Casablanca Conference

significance of


significance of

Declaration of Cairo


purpose of

German Invasion of Soviet Union

German surrender

“Iron Curtain” Speech Place

Italian invasion of Ethiopia

Japanese Surrender

Liberation of Manila

Kamikaze attacks

date of first use

Moscow Conference

Pearl Harbor

alternate attack site


Kassarine Pass outcome

Roosevelt’s response


Potsdam Conference


Soviet entrance against Japan

Teheran Conference


The Enola Gay

Yalta Conference

Soviet Agreement to

Wright, Jim

resignation 1989