Fill It In – February 7th
Ten Things To Do On A Snow Day – High School Style
1. After your mother wakes you up from a dead sleep to tell you school is cancelled, sleep in.
2. Brave blizzard conditions as you trek across town to help your best friend hide her boy band posters before the wrong person (a.k.a. Colette) steals them.
3. Binge-watch romantic vampire movies.
4. Burn through the iTunes gift cards you got for Christmas.
5. Start panicking because high school is almost over and you can’t imagine being apart from your best friend when she goes to a high-class university next year on a partial scholarship.
6. Continue freaking out because you still haven’t picked a college. To be honest, you haven’t even submitted one application.
7. Microwave mac and cheese for a chemical-filled lunch.
8. Follow that up by devouring an entire bag of Oreos for dessert. Fact: Oreos are vegan because the creamy center contains absolutely no trace of dairy products. So, they’re healthy, right?
9. After carb-loading, take a nap.
10. Pull out your empty list of awesome achievements and strategize.