Fill It In – February 18th

Ten Ways to Survive Detention


1. Introduce yourself to a group of fellow seniors who call themselves “The Regulars”. People you didn’t even know existed outside of detention.

2. Count the different hair colors and find one head matching each shade on the rainbow spectrum.

3. Sleep – only if you won’t mind that your purse is missing when you wake up.

4. Make a mental list of words rhyming with detention: tension, suspension, comprehension, intervention.

5. Do the wave every time Mr. Banks, this week’s featured detention monitor, leaves the room.

6. Answer the question “So, what did you do to get in here?” at least fifty times.

7. Reenact the incident that got you in here with Dominic Altomeri, an “Almost Regular” but not quite a card-carrying member of the detention denizens.

8. Try to earn an early release by holding your breath until you grow faint.

9. Read fifty text messages from Jana apologizing for not cursing as well so we could participate in detention together.

10. Flirt with Dominic. Even though he puked on me. I still want a ride in his car.