Fill It In – February 27th

Top Ten Ways To Screw Up Your Life


1. Write that your teacher is hot on your test paper.

2. Decide to show said paper to your best friend who is completely clueless.

3. Get voted “Most Likely to Marry” someone in your class when you are not even dating that someone. Or have ever thought about that person in that way.

4. Try to come up with 10 totally impossible achievements to complete by the end of the school year when really you should be applying to colleges and writing your American Government term paper.

5. Agree to wear a leafy, green-sequined costume for the school musical.

6. Join the track team.

7. Notice boys with glasses who have bright blue eyes that sparkle when they smile.

8. Cut your hair into a chin length bob because you don’t feel like washing it every day. It takes years to grow out. I mean, years! Almost there, though.

9. Fantasize about your lab partner when you’re supposed to be taking notes, because he sure isn’t.

10. Fall in love with the wrong person.