Fill It In – Random List

The Top Ten Reasons Why Andy is an Awesome Prom Date.


1. He’s a really good kisser.

2. Just looking into his blue eyes makes me smile.

3. He’s known me forever, so I don’t have to impress him. But, I know he’ll still appreciate how nice I look in my prom dress.

4. He makes me laugh.

5. Besides Mr. Drum (Scott), who faced death on a daily basis for years as an Army Ranger, Andy is the only person brave enough to get into the car when I’m behind the wheel. Although, he says he’s more afraid of driving with me than solo flying an airplane. I’m pretty sure he’s joking.

6. His car is small, so I don’t have to reach very far when I want to kiss him. Which is frequently.

7. He thinks Chase is an excellent boy’s name.

8. He’s super tall, so I can wear those ridiculous heels I bought at the Macy’s One Day Sale and I still probably won’t make it above his shoulder.

9. He asked what color prom dress I picked, and he actually listened to the answer. Then, when I quizzed him an hour later, he remembered what I said.

10. He’s the best man. And he loves me.