Writing has always made me happy. When I decided to seriously try to write a book, I never expected to meet so many readers and writers who would be willing to offer advice or read my work. Thanks to everyone who supported me.
Specifically, I need to thank an amazing writer and friend, Theresa Hernandez, for sticking with this story from beginning to end and every iteration in between. Your feedback and encouragement kept me going through the many ups and downs of the writing process. Sadie & Jana wouldn’t exist without you.
Thanks to my friend Audrey for reading and loving everything I write. Everyone needs an Audrey in their life. And thanks to the other many writers, readers, critique partners, friends, and relatives who also contributed to my story. Special thanks to Karole, Sally, Natalia, Carrie, and Dawn for reading and critiquing. Also thanks to my Philly critique group for helping me with my final round of revisions. Thanks to Pat Calvert, my teacher. I needed honest feedback and you gave it to me with gusto. I still hear you in my head reminding me to loosen up my dialogue.
I also want to thank Mom and Dad for turning off the television and encouraging us to read. To my sisters Amy and Maria and my brothers, Gerard and Nick, thanks for letting me bounce ideas off you and for always being willing to talk about books. And thanks to my sister-in-laws Eileen and Genevieve, for offering their expert advice and unwavering support.
Thanks to my husband Dean for not laughing too hard when I told him I was giving up my business career to be a writer. Also, for making the adjustments we needed to make to help my dream come true. A shout out goes to my kids, Dean, Matthew, and Kristen for always insisting I’m the best writer in the world.
I’d also like to send my appreciation to the Hernandez kids, Mattea, Noah, and Grayson, for supplying the teen feedback this book needed and helping me come up with a cool title.
Thanks to my Sixteen to Read debut author friends. Sharing this experience with you has been wonderfully uplifting. I’m eternally grateful for your support and encouragement.
Thanks to everyone at Georgia McBride Media Group for their input and advice. You made my book better with each suggestion and correction. And finally, thanks to Georgia McBride for emailing me at midnight to tell me she wanted me to publish my book. Yes, I was awake, and it was one of the most fun emails I’ve ever gotten. Thanks for supporting so many yet-to-be published writers.