
1  Ransome’s two preceding ‘critical studies’, his Stevenson manuscript, its wrapping paper, and the book that took its place in Martin Secker’s series.

Photo: Tsendpurev Tsegmid. Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

2  The outside of the wrapping paper with string and sealing-wax

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

3  Front cover of Ransome’s earliest manuscript, ‘The Desert Island’, 1892

Reproduced by courtesy of The Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry, Kendal, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

4  First page-opening of ‘The Desert Island’

Reproduced by courtesy of The Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry, Kendal, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

5  The inside of the wrapping paper showing the bootmaker’s label

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

6  A page of the Stevenson manuscript showing Ransome’s hand at its most legible (fol. 131)

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

7  Front cover of The Tramp, April 1910

Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library [L900.c.172]

8  The young Bohemian Ransome sketched on a piece of grocer’s paper in Paris, 1908; artist unidentified

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds.

9  ‘Studio Ideal’ portrait of Ransome taken in Moscow between 1915 and 1917

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

10 Ransome at work in Russian pine forest, 1913

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

11 The daughter Ransome adored: Tabitha

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

12 Arthur and Ivy Ransome with Daniel Macmillan outside the law-courts in London, a Press photograph from April 1913

Photo: Getty Images

13 Arthur and Evgenia Ransome with Taqui, Titty, Roger and Brigit Altounyan in Syria

Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, and by permission of The Arthur Ransome Literary Estate

14 Robert Louis Stevenson and his family photographed on the verandah steps of Vailima early in 1892 by John Davis of Apia

© National Portrait Gallery, London

15 Robert Louis Stevenson in sleeping-bag, illustration by Walter Crane used as frontispiece to vol. I of the Pentland edition of Stevenson’s Works, ed. Edmund Gosse (1906)

Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library [Lit.6.90.753–772]

16 R. L. Stevenson writing in bed, by Harry Furniss (pen and ink sketch)

© National Portrait Gallery, London