Academic achievement, and ecological well-being
Action for Healthy Kids
Agriculture: industrial; and water consumption
Alaimo, K.
Alaska Community Database Community Information Summaries
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971)
Alaskan oil
Alavian, V.
Allen, E.
American Public Health Association
American Society of Landscape Architects
“America's Most Endangered Mountains,”
Anderson, R.
Annan, K.
Arciniega, R.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR); drilling, prospect of
Arctic Village
Bachemin, A.
Bacon, F.
Baker, Jo
Balow, Z.
Barnaby, W.
Barrouquere, B.
Barry, D.
Bass, A.
Bass, R.
Belt, D.
Benayas, J.M.R.
“Benefits of SEL” (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)
Bennett, L.
Berkeley Unified School District
Berntell, A.
Berry Center
Berry, W.
Beshear, S.
Beyond Whining
Biello, D.
Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water (Fishman)
Blanton, T.; Canary Project, founding of; Kentuckians for the Commonwealth; lessons learned about effective leadership
Block, B.
Blue Gold: World Water Wars (documentary)
Bohrer, B.
Borlaug, N.
Borrell, B.
Boutros, B.
Boyle, G. (Rev.)
Brockovich, E.
Broenstein, S.
Brooks Range
Buckley, P.
Burkes, B.
Bush, G. H. W.
Byers, M.
California Endowment
California State Adopt-A-Species Program
Canada, G.
Capra, F.
Caribou people
Cariou Rising (Bass)
Carter, J.
Casselman, B.
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Center for Ecoliteracy; on curriculum priorities; kinds of food provided by; and learning circles; and Oakland Unified School District; and professional development gatherings; Rethinking School Lunch planning framework; right to well-being; rituals
Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
Chadwick, D. H.
Changing a Food System, One Seed at a Time
“Cheap.” deconstructing the meaning of
Chesapeake Bay dead zone
Chez Panisse Foundation
Climate disruption
Coal-burning power plants
Coal companies, demands on
Coal line, riding
Coal miner's daughter, lessons from
Coal, role of
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
Collective blind spot
Colonia communities
Colonias Development Council
Connections, web of, and collective blind spot
Coulson, M.
Cowen, R.
Crutzen, P.
Cultivating Ecoliterate Learning Communities
De Schutter, O.
Dead zones
DeChristopher, T.
Deep listening, cultivating
Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig explosion
Dewan, S.
Diaz, R. J.
Diet-related health problems, epidemic of
Do, D.
Dominguez-Eshelman, C.
Dorrance, C.
Dr. Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Center for Weight and Health
Duhigg, C.
Duke Energy
Earle, S.
“Earth's Nine Lives,”
Ecoliterate, defined
Ecoliterate learning communities, See also Learning circles; collaborative lesson design; cultivating; learning circles; personal reflections; structured conversations; teaching rounds
Ecoliterate people; and interconnected web of life; systems existing on levels of scale
Ecological challenges, fostering learning to prepare young people for
Ecological Footprint
Ecological Intelligence: The Hidden Impacts of What We Buy (Goleman)
Economics, creating systemic change in
Economist, The
Ecosphere, and the local community
Ecosystem restoration work
Eilperin, J.
Elliott, J.
Emilia, R.
Emotional intelligence, critical aspects of
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (Goleman)
Empathy: for all forms of life, developing; in children
Engaged ecoliteracy; blinders shielding us from implications of our actions; and collaborative lesson design; five practices of
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): blocked mining permits; Dayhoit declared Superfund site
Environmental tipping point, hole in ozone layer as
Environmental Working Group
Epstein, P. R.
Estero de San Antonio, California
Everyday actions, as threat to health/well-being of Earth
External costs
Exxon Valdez oil tanker accident
Factory farms
Fairbanks, A. M.
Falk, M.
Fertilizer use
Finkelstein, E. A.
Fishman, C.
Food IQ, testing
Food justice
Food system, changing
Fossil fuels: burning of; and Coastal Plain (Section 1002)
“Four Worlds” model
Fox, E.
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner)
Freshwater cycles
From Anger to Action in Oil Country; Beyond Whining; Heart of the Caribou, The; lesson design; personal reflection; structured conversation; teaching rounds
From Restoration to Resilience
Garcia, C.
Garcia, M.
Garcia, P.
Gardner, H.
Giesr, C.
Gilbert, E.
Gilbert, S.
Goddell, J.
Gold, R.
Goleman, D.
Google Earth
Grady, D. Jr.
Grandin, T.
Green Rhodes (Rhodes College)
Grimond, J.
Guarino, M.
Gulf of Mexico dead zone
Gulf of Mexico: oil spill accident; offshore oil and gas platforms
Gwich'in; and Arctic Village; attempt to protect their lives from oil development; natural environment, and connections; and the prospect of drilling; steering committee; way of life
Halla, K.
Halpern, B.
Handhoe, R.
Hansen, J.
Harlem Children's Zone
Hass, R.
Hauter, W.
Hazard, Kentucky
Hazelwood, J.
Health, creating systemic change in
Henderson, G.
Hernandez, X.
Hidden costs
Highfield, R.
Highlands Nature Center
Hinde, E. R.
Huffington Post
Hungerbuhler, E.
“Impact of Enhancing Students' Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions, The” (Child Development)
Industrial agriculture
Intelligence connection
Intelligences, forms of
Interaction of human systems with natural systems
Interrelationship between human actions and natural systems
Invisible, making visible
James, S.; on educating in “a good way,”; on the future and education; as spokesperson for Gwich'in
Jesperson, K.
Johannsen, K.
Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Johnson, K.
Jones, D.
Kaiser Permanente
Kaufman, P. R.
Keim, B.
Kennedy, J. F.
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Ki-moon, B.
King, N. Jr.
Kranhold, K.
La Semilla Food Center; advisory committee; climate, changing; connections, helping customers discover; diabetes rate (New Mexico); farm manager; from farms to factory farms; obesity and diet-related disease (New Mexico); and seeding of food; W. K. Kellogg Foundation grant; youth farm
LaFrance, S.
Land use
Lange, K. E.
Larson, N.
Laskow, S.
Last Mountain Discussion Guide, The
Last Mountain, The (film)
Learning circles: agreement on leadership; clear agendas, creating; and collaborative lesson design; deep listening, cultivating; enjoying; group norms; nourishment, providing; and personal reflections; physical space, designing; rituals, making use of; simple food, preparing together; singing/dancing/listening to music; and structured conversations; and teaching rounds; wisdom, seeking from inside; wisdom, seeking from outside
Learning, fostering to prepare young people for ecological challenges
LeBarre, J.
Lessons from a Coal Miner's Daughter
Life-support systems; spinning out of control
Lohan, T.
Long, S.
Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) tests
Louisiana Recovery School District.
Lynch, L.
Mack, S.
Mahiri, J.
Marin County Watershed Program
Martin, D.
Martin, P.
Maslow, A.
Mateo, O.
Matthews, A.
Matthiessen, P.
May, B.
McDonald's, cooking oil containing dimethylpolysiloxane
McIntyre, D. A.
McQuaid, J.
Mihaly, R.
Milliken & Company
Milliken, R.
Mining operations, and altered landscapes
Minton, W. “Bopper,”
Molden, D.
Monoculture farming, and loss of biodiversity
Montenegro, M.
Monterroso, M.
Mountaintop mining; basic steps of; opposition to
Murkowski, L.
Murphy, J. M.
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
National Energy Foundation
National Petroleum Reserve
Natural environment, and connections
Nature Conservancy; Bad Branch State Nature Preserve
Navigating Peace Initiative
Neff, R.
Nelson, S.
Neumann, S.
New ecological sensibility, need for
New Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools
New Mexico: Collaboration to End Hunger; as food-insecure state
New Orleans, rebuilding of
New York-New Jersey dead zone
New York Times, The
Nitrogen cycle
Norris, G.
Nourishing Communities with Food; Changing a Food System, One Seed at a Time; Forging the Food Justice Path; lesson design; personal reflection; structured conversation; teaching rounds
Oakland feasibility study
Oakland Unified School District; collaboration with Center for Ecoliteracy; creating systemic change in; curriculum connection; empathy, roots of; farmers' markets; food leaders in; racial achievement gap; salad bars; school food reform; school lunch; study recommendations; systemic inequities; working kitchens
Obama, B.
Ocean acidification
Ocean, student love of
Oil: consumption; spills; as world's most important source of energy
O'Rourke, D.
Orr, D. W.
Owen, J.
Ozone layer, hole in
Palmer, M. A.
Palmetto Environmental Action Coalition (SC)
Park Day School (Oakland CA)
Pearce, F.
Pedroza, O.
Pemberto, M.
People's Grocery
Peters, J.
Physical space, designing
Postel, S. L.
PRBO Conservation Science
Precautionary principle
Priscolli, J. D.
Professional development sample agendas
Professional development strategies; cultivating ecoliterate learning communities; reflection and practice
Prud'homme, A.
Public Media Center (San Francisco, CA)
Quane, K.
Quant, T.
Reese, E.
Reflection: and practice
Resilience, See also Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed (STRAW); building; dead zones; industrial agriculture; moving from restoration to; watershed connection
Rethink: Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools: adopted recommendations of; circles/presentations; condition of schools pre-Katrina; coverage attracted by; Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig explosion; “enforced year abroad,”; first news conference; focus on solutions; goal of; Gulf of Mexico's offshore oil and gas platforms; hand-washing stations; Hurricane Katrina; Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) tests; from objects to relationships; oil-free schools, push toward; and prevention of another oil spill; recommendations for improving school bathrooms; recommendations of; reform effort, success of; report on students' perceptions of post-Katrina public schools; respect/support gained by; restoration of city schools; school system dependence on oil (exercise); school system reputation; sporks, banning of
Rethinkers; defined
Rethinking School Lunch planning framework (Center for Ecoliteracy)
Revkin, A.
Revolution Foods
Riehle, C.
Ripple Effect, The: The Fate of Freshwater in the Twenty-first Century (Prud'homme)
Roberts, M.
Robertson, C.
Rockström, J.
Rogers, L.
Rosenberg, R.
Safe Drinking Water Act
Salvador, R.
Sam, E.
Schein, E. H.
School communities, and breakthrough to ecological sensibility; in nurturing of ecological sensibility
School food reform
School lunch
Serageldin, I.
Shared Water: Moving Beyond Boundaries; lesson design; personal reflection; From Restoration to Resilience; structured conversation; teaching rounds; Water Wars and Peace
Sharing Water, Sharing Benefits: Working Towards Effective Transboundary Water Resources Management (UNESCO training manual)
Sharrat, A.
Shell Oil Company
Shogren, E.
Smith, H.
Smith, T., See also Oakland Unified School District; on systemic inequities
Sobsey, M. D.
Social and emotional learning (SEL); programs
Social Intelligence: The Revolutionary New Science of Human Relationships (Goleman)
Socially and emotionally engaged ecoliteracy; actions, far-reaching implications of; practices of; sustainability, as a community practice
SODIS method
Solar water disinfection
Songs for Teaching website
Southern Energy Network
SouthWings (nonprofit)
Sporks, banning of
Standing Strong on a Coal Mountain; lesson design; Lessons from a Coal Miner's Daughter; personal reflection; structured conversation; Taking a Power Trip; teaching rounds
State Education and Environment Roundtable (SEER)
Steele, A.
Stevens, T.
Stone, M. K.
Story, M.
Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed (STRAW), See also Resilience; cultivating community; freshwater species; primary goal; restoration, new directions in; shrimp problem, adoption of
Sturgill, S.
Sturgis, S.
Sustainability, embracing as a community practice
System thinking perspective, adopting
Taking a Power Trip; “America's Most Endangered Mountains,”; bearing witness; bird's-eye view of destruction/degradation; coal companies, demands on; coal line, riding; connections; Last Mountain, The (film); meaningful action; mining operations, and altered landscapes; toxic water and groundwater supplies; “What's My Connection to Mountaintop Removal?”
Tarquino, P.
Taylor, S.
Thorpe, K. E.
Top ten oil producers
Trust for America's Health
UN News Service
Unintended consequences, anticipating
United Nations; Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
United States, oil consumption
Unstable times, and breakthrough in new forms of thinking/acting
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
U.S. Energy Information Administration
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish & Wildlife service
U.S. Geological Survey
Vallas, P.
Van Rheenen, D.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Virtual dive
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Wallace, P.
Walter, S.
Water wars; aeration, cleaning water through; biggest use of water; California; and climate change; conflicts between nations over water from 1946 to 1999; crystallization, cleaning water through; desalination of ocean water; ecological intelligence; electricity production, and water; emotional intelligence; evaporation, cleaning water through; evapotranspiration; “Four Worlds” model; golden age of water; growth in water use; industrial uses of water; instances of cooperation; irrigation; lack of access to clean/safe drinking water; Lagtash-Umma water war; metaphor for spiritual transformation; Middle East; ocean water, and water shortages; predictions of; public water use; recycling of; resilience of water; scarcity of water, causes of; Sharing Water, Sharing Benefits: Working Towards Effective Transboundary Water Resources Management (UNESCO training manual); social intelligence; solar water disinfection; space between war and peace; spiritual intelligence; transformation, moments of
Waters, A.
Watkins, K.
Weber, G.
“What's My Connection to Mountaintop Removal?”
White space, creating
Wholey, J.
Wiggins-Reinhard, R.
Wilson, M.
Wines, M.
Wolf, A.
Wolf, A. T.
Wolf, D. G.
Wolf, L.
Wolf, N.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Wright-Albertini, J.
Wyant, V.
Yan, S.
Youth Food Policy Council