
Wookie growled, a low rumble of a growl that seemed to come from his stomach rather than his throat, but he did not stir or open an eye.

Thirty seconds later, Kieron’s car turned into the drive. Wookie growled again.

‘Silly dog.’ Cat had her feet up on the sofa, and had almost finished reading Flaubert’s Parrot, the book group choice, to be discussed later that week.

‘If you’d been five minutes later I could have given you my full attention, only now you’ll have to wait because I’m on the penultimate page.’

He came over and kissed her forehead. ‘I’m saying nothing. Drink?’ She nodded, turning the page.

Wookie went on grumbling. Kieron brought two glasses of wine, put them on the low table, and sat down next to Cat. The terrier got up and moved away to the far side of the sofa, still grumbling.

‘When are you going to get used to me and stop growling, Wooks?’

Cat read on for another minute, and then closed the novel.

‘Just ignore him.’

‘I’ve lived here for four months and he still treats me like a burglar.’

‘Wouldn’t make much impression on one.’

‘If I snap my fingers in front of him he bares his teeth.’

‘Then don’t. Hello, you. Went the day well?’

Kieron sighed. ‘Too much admin, an overlong meeting with the Commissioner, and a madwoman. No, correct that – an obsessed woman. I feel very sorry for her actually – her daughter disappeared a few years ago, presumed kidnapped, she’s sure she knows who did it, so are we, he’s in prison for two murders as it is – he confessed to them, but he’s adamant he didn’t have anything to do with this one. She wants justice, understandably – she wants closure. Impasse.’

‘Marion Still.’

‘You know about her?’

‘She’s a patient. So was Kimberley. How did she seem?’

‘Fixated. Not overtly emotional.’

‘What did you say – that there’s nothing you can do?’

‘More or less. But I was thinking about it on the way home …’

‘Russon’s responsible, isn’t he?’

‘It seems likely but I don’t know all the details, it was before my time here. I’m going to call up the files and have a look.’

‘I had an email from an old med school friend this morning. Luke Renfrew. I used to quite fancy him.’

‘Not rising to that. Just don’t tell me he’s moving to Lafferton.’

‘Starly actually, and don’t worry, he’s gay.’

‘Leopards change their spots.’

‘Not Luke. His partner’s a very rich Italian who has just bought the hotel. He wants to talk to me about a project … the least I can do is let him give me lunch there. Old times’ sake and all that.’

She shrieked in mock fright as Kieron lunged over at her. It was not evident to Wookie that the lunge was in play.

‘Bloody hell!’

The dog had nipped his arm sharply, leapt off the sofa and fled.

‘I could die of this,’ Kieron said.

‘No you couldn’t, presuming you’ve had a tetanus jab. If it starts to throb or gets swollen, I’ll give you penicillin but let’s put a plaster on it for now.’ Cat swabbed the bite with disinfectant.

‘There’s a Dangerous Dogs Act, you know.’

‘Wookie is not a dangerous dog.’

He stuck his forearm out. ‘He just isn’t used to you living here. I’m going to cook supper.’ Kieron followed her. ‘And for goodness’ sake stop clutching your arm like that.’

‘It’s throbbing.’

‘No it isn’t, it’s just sore.’

He sat down and looked mournfully at the plaster. ‘Anyway, what did this Luke guy who you fancy, say?’

‘He didn’t … just something he wants to pick my brains about.’

‘Joining up with your lot?’

‘I doubt it, and anyway, that wouldn’t be my call, I’m not a partner. Here, top and tail these beans for me.’

‘I don’t think I can move my right arm.’

‘You can move your right arm.’ She dumped pan, beans and knife in front of him. ‘Meanwhile, you said you had some thoughts about Kimberley Still’s murder?’

‘Not very useful ones. I’m going to look through the files when I’ve got time.’

‘Which will be when, exactly?’

He groaned.

‘Surely there’s someone who’s got more time than you.’

Kieron had picked up a handful of beans. He put them down again. ‘Now you mention it …’


‘Simon,’ he said.