There was movement in the eyes, beneath the lids. Back and forth, most likely indicating a reaction to pain.

The activity ceased, prompting Rachel to glance at Williams, who remained still, waiting.

More movement.

They met each other’s eyes with the same look of excitement. A level-two reaction.

Rachel leaned in and continued. Repeating the same words slowly and calmly. “Can you hear me?”

Activity beneath the eyelids increased, driving her to speak again, to reach down to place her hand upon the exposed forearm.

Then again. “Can you hear me?”

Someone was there.

Beyond his vision. Beyond the wall of flames that had now receded back into bright white—a powerful glare—painful and inescapable.

The bombardment of sounds began to fade, dimming enough for him to hear the words again.

“Can … you … hear … me.”

This time they were unmistakable.