My thanks to:

Thomas Ekström, Superintendent with the Police Authority in Västra Götaland, LKP / Trafficking. It was extremely useful to learn what the situation in the market for sex slavery is like in Sweden today and how the police in Göteborg are working to combat human trafficking.

Leif Johansson, head of Children and Young People’s Services, and Kristina Andersson, coordinator, both with the Swedish Migration Board. They helped me to gain an insight into how cases involving asylum-seeking children with no known relatives are handled.

Lena Krönström, a teacher in Sunne who is of Estonian origin. She helped me with appropriate Estonian names for some of my characters.

As usual I have taken considerable liberties with geographical facts. I do not adapt my narrative to suit the existing geography; reality is adapted to fit the story instead. All resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental and not the intention of the author. The sole exception is Sammie, who is my own dog. He continues to remain indifferent to literary fame and takes life as it comes.


Helene Tursten